A Truly Fun Day

I had a great practice session with Grace today when Cooper came in. Grace is not one of our dogs but we love her none the less. She has a difficult time containing her enthusiasm so when she can't she gets stressed. She yawns. She does a high pitched noise. She is just a fun, fun, fun who needs to maximize all her time so when I ask her to be quiet and just sit, its simply very hard for her. So, for her to relax the entire time Cooper's family was here was amazing. I kept making this strange sound saying ooooohm and she cocked her head as if to say what kind of a whacked sound is THAT? It threw her off her focus of getting lost in the moment of wanting to go, go, go. I had to use it several times but it worked and I told her how amazing she was when it did. The point is if something is not working, don't get upset. Be creative. Interrupting a behavior is usually effective. Interrupting in a way that gets them focused on you and curious, bonus!
I just love Grace. She simply wants to play her heart out every moment as if its her last.
Risa was doing her own massage or snow angels or cooling off today.
Here are more photos of the dogs and the fun they had.
The fun is still continuing. It will till the moment they are in bed when they will crash and sleep soundly. Back to the fun...
PS: They all had some turkey and some sausage pieces with dinner. Yum!
Reader Comments (6)
Well done Grace...and Darlah! Cooper certainly knows how to make an entrance. I tried my best to curb his "voice" but he was too excited.
Great pictures but I so love the Risa! She seems to be getting younger all the time!
Great photos Darlah. Grace has a sweet face. Love Jeannie and the twig, smiling Levon, and poor little Trig hiding under the three - no doubt because Levon was bugging him. It looks like Cali may have to come home with us as they have so much fun together (heh).
Fat chance re: Cali. hahahaha - No, he wasn't in hiding. :-)
Anne: Yes, she is a free spirit the older she gets. :-) I hope they all have such spirit at her age!
I noticed Adele is starting to look like a young lady now. Quite grownup looking with her hair getting longer and having her hair on the top of her head tied. She looks very pretty.
Darlah, you do such a great job of getting so many amazing pictures!!! I just love looking at them! And I just love all the dogs!