Warmer and Crazy

Well, we have had a great day but a busy one. It's almost time to groom up Logan, Panda and Brewer before they depart. Its my ritual before they depart.
It's a tad warmer today so we had a lot of running play outside. I also made a turkey and the dogs had a snack - yum. We saved some for Cooper, don't you worry sweetie! Gracie came for overnight. Cha Cha is a play monkey. Trigger is playing with Cali and oh my gad Levon grabs him by the tail and tries to whip him around. Levon was surprised when we said, I don't think so. So off he went to do the same to Brewer and Brewer did it back and Levon's face was priceless but not caught on the camera. They do learn from each other and Levon was just trying to use a strategic move to win. You can't win that way as someone is going to call you on it, I am afraid. Yes, I adore Levon. Levon and Brewer are still playing so he didn't take it personal.
They are really having a grand time. Here are a few photos taken today. We have class tonight and I wish we could skip. I am tired today but we won't.
We are having fun and the dogs are thrilled with the turkey. :-)
Reader Comments (6)
Ha ha Levon needs to be told! But it's all water off a duck's back with him. Who is the dog who looks like Levon, but with long ears?
Well it could be Gracie who is here for overnight or Keeper - which photo?
7th and8th down - must be Gracie because Keeper has ablonger coat.
Thank you for all the great shots, Darlah. It's nice to see them when I can't be with them.
5th one down looks like they are dancing!
Tania: That is Brewer and Cha Cha.