Fun Things To Catch Up on Today Plus More Photos

The mouths have it. This is the Coops and Levon inside having an expressive game of fun. Coops is now home and they did manage to make it home with lots of snow to welcome them. I heard the Coops has already had the pleasure of snow balls on his hair and is now sleeping. They are shovelling.
Levon and Trigger are here for an extra night as Shannon and Bob is without power. Our daughter is without power and although her dad would drive to get all of them she declined. Something about I have blankets and I am worried about the pipes bursting - valid, I guess but we have the room.
Bailey is in New York City visiting family. He had his very first walk in a very busy city. Check it out. I think he was fabulous. Good one, Sylvia. What you do with the boy is wonderful. The next one is going to be lucky to have you.
We got a fabulous card from Jazmyn and Shelby's mom Barb. Don't they look regal.
Most of my photos are storm related and I am still under the weather. So tomorrow - more. I also have a video with Coco and Doozie dancing at their holiday recital but I have to cut just their dance out and upload it to youtube. They are amazing and so is Carol! It is something to look forward to - so I wanted to tease you with it.
More tomorrow!
Okay, I lied - well not really... here's a few more photos - have more but out of steam. Got wet dogs again to dry off.
Reader Comments (8)
I think I will save Cooper and Levon's picture for Halloween next year! Look at the teeth!
I hope that everyone's power returns soon. Good for Bailey . NYC is such a busy city but they love dogs, so we were told when we were there in August.
Did you ever see this much expression on 2 dogs in play? It was a riot! Even in an ice storm they manage to find fun inside. For awhile there I thought I had a racing track inside. When they don't run outside they makeup for it inside.
I was so focused on the teeth that I missed the picture of Shelby and Jazmyn. Totally adorable!
I am glad your power is still on and hoping that it stays on for you. From the news casts we get in Winnipeg, it appears there was lots of damage. Please stay warm and get rid of that cold or whatever. The dogs look like they are still getting fresh air and it sounds like they exercise in the house just as well as outside.
Thanks, Marilyne: We just got a call this morning from one of our puppy people who said they had called a cab as they still are without power. Cab company says they best have 200-300 and this for a usual 15. cab ride. Nathan said he will come get them, take Magic here and drive them to a hotel or they can just stay here. Awful cab drivers taking advantage. We are waiting to see if they can get out of their garage as it was frozen shut. If not Nathan is taking a drive.
Love the photo of Levon and Coops! We *just* got our hydro back. Crazy. Hope we keep it! Merry xmas to all!
Shannon: I was so worried about you and your home. Hooray!!! What a great Christmas present. I was hoping everyone else would have hydro but not. :-(