Quiet but Fun

DJ is here having a great time. He just popped in this afternoon. Ty was here playing up a storm earlier.I just love how he runs like he has to fit it all in.
Nathan loves to get them running, jumping and playing. As you can see they were having a great time so much so that they are now resting in the tv room with him. I have to admit I miss our tv time together but with Dennis sleeping at night and in the morning it won't be till they are older that we can watch tv together. But I also love my time with the pups.
I am not sure how much of an update I will do tomorrow. I have a seminar that I am attending online from 11am till 8pm. Its put on by UC Davis on canine reproduction and the speakers I am truly looking forward to hearing. So my bluetooth headphones will be in my ears but I will be doing what I normally do but taking notes. I am told no transcript. I am just not sure how well I can blog and listen but we shall see. If they are short - the blogs that is, you know why.
I already know I can groom and bluetooth with one headphone in an ear. Multi-tasking used to be a norm for me but who knows. I may be out of practice at least for learning and doing my normal stuff.
Oh well back to the dawgs!
I am not sure about you but I am tired of snow, ice and yellow snow. All around the neighborhood I see it. Can we have a meltdown, please. We groomed. We made chicken strips. They had treats. We played. I even got snuggles in. Looking forward to Cha Cha coming tomorrow.
Reader Comments (3)
I'm with you Darlah, so tired of winter and all that it brings. As much as I prefer snow to mud for the dogs, I am ready for a meltdown now and warmer temps. Maybe soon? Enjoy your seminar.
It's coming! Laci's little chipmunk friend was out talking to her yesterday. :-) (That's a sure sign.)
Thanks Debi (and Laci) for the encouragement :-) Keep it coming!