Snow Again?

Doesn't look like it here but this was at 7am. By 8am we had a dusting.
Amazing what an hour brings.
The dogs were running. I am grooming in a few minutes but knew blogs would be late so wanted to post something here. Sparky has managed to lose weight (a request from owners due to this long winter) and he has. That is why they go home and sleep and sleep. Oh they do here but I suspect the activity level is greater here. We are crazy don't you know and love movement.
Cooper and Levon are getting along famously. Yes, Cooper is enjoying one of the boy dawgs vs. the gals.
When it was rainy they didn't want to run. It's as if they said cold, snow - wow!
Plus Coops stays cleaner without mud. hahahahaha Cali, I give up on.
Off to groom...

Too tired to add more but clicked some photos of Cooper playing with Cali, Leti and Adele. I will try to get those up tomorrow. Too tired tonight - sorry!
Reader Comments (6)
Cooper and Levon look like they're doing a dance routine! Very cute.
When we woke up to snow up North this morning, I almost cried! So glad to come home and find it didn't last.
Thank you again for watching the boys. Now time to cuddle with them.
Cooper and Levon was a riot together. Usually I catch Trigger doing silly pal things but this time Levon was mucking it up with Cooper. It was fun to watch.
Glad you made it home. Me - I am exhausted. May sit outside with the dogs and wake up.
What a cute shot of the Coop and Levon! Nice to see him play with a guy for a change :-)
Oh he is back playing with the girls and I have the photos to prove it... Jeannie, Leti, Adele, Cali - oh my he has groupies!
Thank you for posting photos of Sparky. He looks great!
Mary: He is great. He is mucking it up so much its hard to keep him clean especially with this rain. Can't believe that in less than a week you will be home. How did that happen? Seems like he just arrived!