More Baths

Okay I did wash Spice but didn't snap a photo. By the time I got to Jeannie I said she is clean - not doing a finishing brushout. Tomorrow Bentley, Risa and Truffie. I comb out the rest other than Logan, Panda and Brewer in the recliner. The 3 mentioned here get the table job. :-)
Roxie looks so much like Logan. She also looks like Lacie in longer coat. :-)
Spice already has an obvious tummy not just a tummy that says I have been eating extra. :-)
Just before I took this photo Jeannie rolled her face all over the floor. If I felt better I would have taken a Mason Pearson to her and finished her and click another that was more attractive but I am still tuckered out, coughing and well it tells you about her personality.
I am done for today. It's not fun playing catch-up. I am considering sitting in class to watch Leti. She missed last weeks class but still not sure I am up to it. I may end up cuddling with a blanket and sleeping in the van. What is the sense of that. :-)
Everyone has been doing a lot of playing indoors. It really is cold outside.
I have decided that Kona is a ladie's man. He has Ty his brother over and they are like opposites. Ty just tries to engage where Kona just flirts. hehehehe
Reader Comments (8)
What is a Mason Pearson?
Nice to see the Roxie and Jeannie. Aside from the size and the markings on the back, i think that Coop has similar ear tips, just lighter in colour on the saddle, Hmm... Spice has a big tummy :-)
Is Spice going to be a mummy again ? Anyone else ?
Love Jeannie's picture.
Yes, from the side angle Laci does look a lot like Roxie. :-) And, she is in a bit of a shorter coat right now . . . just easier on both of us. Will re-grow in spring. But those eye hairs. I recommend Don't cut! They take forever to grow back. Darlah - you know all this but we have to learn on our own sometimes. Just another OOPS!
A Mason Pearson is a brush, they do boar bristle and nylon any combination of bristles too. They are really nice but expensive.
Thanks Sue and Deb!
You can get a cheap boar brush that works decently. :-)
Kathy: I once mentioned that Panda had 1 tie. Roxie never had a tie but you can still be pregnant with outside ties (hoping not). Spice is absolutely pregnant but she has 9 or 10 and that means she is obviously growing and she is also having morning sickness. Roxie and Panda - we shall see. Just my luck all 3 due at the same time. You can give me a handgun cause if that is the case I may shoot myself. Jeannie will be bred sometime in April/May. If Roxie/and or Panda is not pregnant they will be bred the same time as Jeannie and that still means less pups than Spice being in the equation. :-)
Will Spice have a lot of pups again? Will she be okay having lots at each conception, I suppose there are scary moments whether 2 or 10. You are so amazing with the dogs. Thank you for sharin your experiences.
Numbers are mostly predictable due to the dam. Certain lines have lots of pups where some can have 2-3. You must feed the mom as if she has 10 vs. 4. As 10 feeding on her demands you do so. 4 obviously is less pups to keep clean and manage for canine and human alike but health wise 4 or 10 doesn't matter. What you worry about is crowding on a gal that is small like Fiona that also carries the large litters in their lines. That is not the case with Spice. She seems to be amazing with her pups and even continues to be with those in her first litter. She is highly maternal. But she won't be bred next time. I want her to have the summer to swim and act crazy and invite her pups over to swim with her. :-) I have big plans this summer to have a few people at a time to swim throughout the summer. It best be a great summer. As always we always have to be super vigilant as she always has a couple of small ones but we have found feeding her 3 meals before you should be during pregnancy helps her to get size on even the smaller ones. I am the one that manages the small ones and I have had a lot of experience due to Wasabi always having 1 or 2, Fiona consistently having small pups and now Spice. The more experience the more you can manage and every now and then you lose one as it was truly not meant to be despite your best efforts. That kills me even to this day. But Spice had 10 healthy pups last time so I can't see why she won't this time. With Truffie we may have size differences but we shall see. With Panda and Roxie - if pregnant this time or next I expect them to throw like their mom. The beauty of having just 4 is they have a lot of room to grow before they debut without siblings competing for space. Personally, I wish Spice had small litters.