
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from January 1, 2014 - January 31, 2014


Still Not There

It's all I can do to get from upstairs to downstairs and then have to rest to be able to go back up.

I am seeing minor improvements. I am far from there.

Know that the dogs are well. I just am not.

I will also respond to posts when I am up to it. Not up to it now.


No Update

Really still sick so no update - sorry.


Still Sick

When I come downstairs I must do so in stages. So now I am going to demat, lay in recliner and pretend to watch tv. Good news I think Dennis and Nathan are getting better. Me not. I think I am then walk to the bathroom and realize I must crawl back to bed.

Dennis and Nathan are doing a great job but other than boarders which I am doing I am afraid I will be playing catch-up on my guys. We shall see.


Still Sick

Well Nathan is brushing. I am brushing out 2 that need extra work. I have to do it in a recliner in small doses. Dennis feels somewhat better but still feels like he can't cough as his chest hurts too much. Me, I am getting serious headaches. But we are doing what we have to do. Nathan is sleeping now. We tend to rotate and unfortunately we will have to miss class tonight. Besides, you really do not want this in any way shape or form.

Dogs are getting playied with. Its as if they know we are sick and want to cuddle bigtime.

Good old Dennis still takes them out, plays with them despite being sick. I think Nathan is getting better. He did not get as sick as Dennis and I. Yes Lori maybe cause he had his flu shot and we didn't.

If I don't make sense excuse me. Its all I have in me to type.


Down for Count

I am sick round 2 of this flu thing so I am crawling into bed so I can have energy to groom. My updates may be sparse but we are still playing with the dogs, snuggling etc. Just photos will be sparse. My energy has to go to the dogs not the blogs - sorry.


Yikes Brrrrrrrr

I was getting dressed as Shoshi wanted to go out. She looked - she smelt and I gathered felt that brisk air and said NO WAY.

Levon and Trigger departed. Levon was missing hanging out with Scruffy though his pal Brewer didn't come today. Logan and Panda didn't either as the car wouldn't start. Zoe did come but only for a quick bath. She really wanted to play - next time.

Nathan and Dennis is still sick. What that means is I am doing a lot as I don't believe the dogs should have a sedate day. They just do better when they are active, inside or out. This is highly unusual weather. It's not safe for them outside for any length of time. The adults go in and out quickly. Some seem to have more endurance than others much like humans, I suppose. So its a no photo day.

Although Nathan and Dennis can lay around with the dogs they are not up to play though Dennis did try with the pups. So, I play. I groom. I clean and then do it again. :-) Everyone has been groomed except Pepper and Scruffy but they get a grooming just before they go home or it will look like I don't do a thing.

Tomorrow Coco and Doozie arrive. I am excited. But can this cold go away? There is no way Coco will think this cold is doable. :-) Smart gal!

Please - please your dogs CAN get frost-bitten - no lie. Please watch your dogs closely. If they are lifting their paws pick them up and bring them inside. No walks - just out and in. This is simply way too cold.

Stay warm and think it could be worse. Cooper's parents I heard have 50cm of snow along with the cold. So why am I complaining? :-)


Oh My

Here is Cali all messy. She gets a bath on Wednesday for her Total Recall Class. Anything before then would be fruitless. What can I say. I brush her out and 2 seconds later she looks crazy messy like I never take a comb to her. As you can see Brewer from Spice's first litter has that same look. It's why I brush him 5 minutes before he departs.

Look at Brewer - always a happy boy and then look at Cali's face. Usually she is happy but maybe she is reading this blog. hahahaha

Nathan is sick. Dennis is sick and I just pulled up my boot straps so to speak and did a lot so no photos - sorry. We are still having fun. We always manage that despite weather, illness etc.

Leti had her 3rd set of shots and has been sluggish all day. That's not her norm so we are watching her. Sometimes shots do this. Leti is 6lb 3 oz. Cali was 6 lbs when she had her 3rd shot. Interesting. Leti has started growing like a weed. She starts her classes next week.

I made some dehydrated hearts and some of them crystalized. Now that was interesting. The dogs loved them that way but they turned into this crystalized dust.

Trigger has been bugging Leti today to play. Cali pounces on him to say what about me. Levon finds a partner in crime with Brewer. Those two can get the crowd going like none other. It's a riot. They depart tomorrow - sniff and I hear Trigger is going to get his first haircut soon - photos when it happens please!

Holly and Missy find the pups fascinating. It was interesting to watch the interaction. Neither wanted outside for any length of time but neither did the rest. Its too cold and they say -35 tonight - ouch.

Coco and Doozie will be visiting on Wednesday - oh my such fun!

But can it warm up please and can the guys here get well? Nathan is now on the couch hugging ooops hogging the dogs - depending on the perspective. :-)


Video Received

Look at how Sophie insists that her human mom continues to massage her.


What a Day

Let me get the woe is me out of the way so we can get to the fun part. I had 6 dogs to wash and Maxine has the thickest coat I ever did feel - perhaps like Truffie if I didn't thin his out. But silky, silky. She was a 2 plus hour job as I had to dry so many layers. hahahaha So, I didn't take photos and Nathan didn't take photos. Dennis did and couldn't figure out the zoom. But I think he did pretty good despite not getting how to zoom.

Plus Nathan is sick - what I had and Dennis had for 10 days and he doesn't do sick well. Hes been chicken souping it, laying watching tv and drinking tea with honey. So, no stories as Dennis is not real revealing. But hes been playing with them non stop while I washed and washed. All these pix is before grooming and washing in some cases.

The day is not over so I have had time to play first but then I remembered to get this blog in. Thankfully no marathon bathing tomorrow. :-) Leti is off to the vets depending on weather, Nathan and all that.


Very Short Updates for 2 Days

Going to start out with a wonderful video of Pepper with Lori's mom (grandma)

We had a bit of outdoor play today but not much. These photos Nathan took. As we had a puppy visit then friends come over (they brought theirs so we had a lot of socializing and play) what we don't have is kodak moments.

Then tomorrow I have 6 baths to do so its long blogs vs. spend time with the dawgs and the dawgs will always win plus I like my dogs knot free. They may get messy but I like to groom them daily. Do you have to? No but I rather like the conditioning and they play so much that they do need a comb out. Nathan looks and says they look okay to me. I say you just said x looked okay - now that they are done were they? :-)

Missy and Holly come to visit us from time to time. They aren't from our breeding but they are so loved. Missy is such a highly spirited dog (reminds me of a Spice pup) and Holly is a lovee to the max. Their human mom and dad are getting married. We are excited for them! They come in as if they were born here. It's nice!

Goldie and Adele play up a storm always. It's delightful. Cha Cha who already departed was an absolute play monkey. Goldie departs soon tonight.

So forgive me if I don't have the usual photos. We are playing - having a grand time and tomorrow I am washing many. We also get to see Levon and Trigger - hooray!


Busy Times

Bentley after bathI have had several dogs to wash today and they are awaiting pickups. We also had lots of indoor play with dogs and this is more time intensive then outdoor play and I take less photos as I am actively running, playing and getting them to chase their willies out so to speak. Other than going out to do their business it is simply way too cold for the dogs to be outdoors for any length of time.

So we make sure the dogs get their minds worked and their bodies active and they simply have fun!

I took this photo as this was a bed Anne and Russell gave us and Abigail thinks its exclusively for her. She claimed it by rubbing her body all over and saying MINE! It's a wonderful bed.

Doesn't Bentley look a lot like Abigail except he is a brown sable. His coat like Abigails will go light and dark throughout his life. You notice it more if a long coat is maintained.

The brown sable in Abigail's last litter will be darker than Bentley but he is truly a brindle vs. a sable. He will also go lighter and darker. But tipping once cut is gone forever.

Tomorrow we have a puppy visit, Cha Cha departs. We also have Hugo, Milo and their parents over for a visit. We have a very busy day so who knows when the blogs will be done and then a ton of baths Sunday and a much quieter home.

I do hope it warms up. My flu is gone. My toe is still taped and getting better but still can't go into a boot but I am hopeful soon. I can walk normal now - bonus.

Brewer departs in a few moments and after grooming him I went wow his coat is coming in nice. Amazing what combing out 5 days a week does. His coat is growing like a weed.


Cute Video and the Dawgs

Lori sent this to us:

Nonno loves his little Peperina! :)

Nonna is grandpa in Italian in case you don't know. I just love how her parents love the dogs!

It's a tad too cold outside. Usually Cali and Leti are running their fool heads off but today even Risa was picking her paws up. We still have ice under the show and now the deep freeze. :-(

The adults were trying to run.

Ty gave it a good try.

Then he said to Adele let's head inside. We can drag this toy or that to those humans and they will exercise their arms and shh if we don't come back for the toys they will exercise their legs but its our secret - okay?

Still some forgot ot was that cold at least temporarily.

Tiger decided inside was best - brrrr....

Cha Cha was all over Goldie and well Goldie didn't mind. Cha Cha will miss her after she departs.

Brewer still manages to get the dogs to chase him even if inside. Maybe its due to the reality that we encourage it so they can enjoy vs. just chillin!

The kitchen and the hallways was mighty attractive especially as the day went on and the temps dropped.

Bentley departs tomorrow if the planes are flying. I suspect he will be playing as pups do right till he departs. It means a bath just before and pray he stays neat. yeah... right!

We have had a great time today and ooops its 7pm so one or two more outdoors and more play inside. Baths tomorrow and it will soon become quiet.



First Day of 2014

I promise I will go back to all sorts of photos tomorrow. :-) Today I had several baths to do, everyone to groom and I just wanted to snuggle with the dogs. It is very cold outside and its supposed to drop to even colder so pay attention to the dogs please. They tell you if they are cold.

The dogs had pieces of roast beef today as a treat from our roast. They played outside but many times for short bits. We playe a ton inside so much I am ever so tired so forgive me for the shortness.

Happy New Year everyone. May this be a wonderful start for great things!

Cali goes to a Total Recall class this month and Leti starts classes. Exciting fun!

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