What a Day

Let me get the woe is me out of the way so we can get to the fun part. I had 6 dogs to wash and Maxine has the thickest coat I ever did feel - perhaps like Truffie if I didn't thin his out. But silky, silky. She was a 2 plus hour job as I had to dry so many layers. hahahaha So, I didn't take photos and Nathan didn't take photos. Dennis did and couldn't figure out the zoom. But I think he did pretty good despite not getting how to zoom.
Plus Nathan is sick - what I had and Dennis had for 10 days and he doesn't do sick well. Hes been chicken souping it, laying watching tv and drinking tea with honey. So, no stories as Dennis is not real revealing. But hes been playing with them non stop while I washed and washed. All these pix is before grooming and washing in some cases.
The day is not over so I have had time to play first but then I remembered to get this blog in. Thankfully no marathon bathing tomorrow. :-) Leti is off to the vets depending on weather, Nathan and all that.
Reader Comments (7)
Is the 2nd photo a pix of Lily or another visitor ?
That is Maxine - a TreasurexKat pup. She was here for a bath. She's Kona's sister from a different litter. That was before her bath. Thought Nathan or Dennis took one after but I can't find it. :-( She looked stunning after the bath.
I wondered who Maxine was as well and wrongly guessed Tiger Lily. They both have feminine pretty faces (for lack of a better description.) It is the lighting outside or does Maxine have brownish and taupe tones to her?
PS-Maxine is stunning before her bath. She's a well groomed little girl. Her parent(s) do a wonderful job keeping her coat luscious.
Maxine has a lot of brown in her coat. I think her parents do a great job considering she has such a thick coat. May ask them about thinning it out next time as it will make it easier. I thin Truffs, Fiona and Shoshi's out always. I thin Risas out here and there.
Looks to me like Denis did a great job taking pictures. I always love seeing them! Hope Nathan is feeling better soon.
Nathan is in bed. Dennis is hacking his fool head off in the kitchen. I think he's my son through and through as he keeps going even when feeling like he is on death's door. Nathan should be well in a couple of days as he stays in bed when he is sick. Me, I can't cause of grooming etc. I just best not get it again. I keep saying put your hand OVER your mouth when you cough just like I hear my mom saying to us as kids. Funny how you catch yourself doing that. Glad dogs can't get sick from humans. :-0
I think Dennis did a great job considering he doesn't know how to use the camera. He was using Nathan's old Rebel. Mine he won't touch. One day he will learn. Hardly any photos today but dogs won't play outside (too cold) and I can't run in the hallways like I did this morning without my camera as we have Nathan sleeping. So we are doing it in the tv room to the kitchen. Dogs love it. Back to it, groom a couple of dogs and get Dennis to at least lay down in the TV room with some of the dogs that want to rest. We shall see.