Still Sick

When I come downstairs I must do so in stages. So now I am going to demat, lay in recliner and pretend to watch tv. Good news I think Dennis and Nathan are getting better. Me not. I think I am then walk to the bathroom and realize I must crawl back to bed.
Dennis and Nathan are doing a great job but other than boarders which I am doing I am afraid I will be playing catch-up on my guys. We shall see.
Reader Comments (5)
Darlah, please check in with a Dr. You need to look after yourself.
Sorry, do not mean to lecture, but am worried about you.
The dogs will all be fine. Thankfully Nathan & Dennis are up and moving
and feeling a bit stronger.
Darlah, I can't believe you didn't have a flu shot. It is still not too late when you are better from this bout. You seen to get sick so very often, you need all the immunity you can get..
Nagging Mother.....
Thanks to friend, one who is a doctor and made a house visit dennis and i both have meds that i hope will kick in. Got high fever again, cold feet, hands, serious headache but soon tylenol 3s will kickin. After truly well will get a flu shot if my visiting dr thinks it is wise. This cured me of the delusion that i dont need a flu shot. May have had bad colds but nothing like this. At times i am barely functioning. Well nathan has to wash and groom gracie as i cant. Maybe he will now appreciate all i do. Need this fever to go so i can go back to sleep. Cwhat is insult to injury is i got this twice with days break between. Do i have a target on my head?
Whose little precious face is this?
Well, we got our mild weather . . . . couldn't it be mild and sunny?! LOL It's still slippery out there as it will take a while for the ice to melt. I can see Laci looking out the door before heading out taking note of the weather and if she can run like heck. She's knows to be careful on this ice.
Darlah, I hope you are feeling much better very soon. You've been struggling with this for too long now. Glad to hear Nathan and Dennis are on the mend. I don't know who that adorable little face is, but whoever it is, I love them!!