Still Sick

Well Nathan is brushing. I am brushing out 2 that need extra work. I have to do it in a recliner in small doses. Dennis feels somewhat better but still feels like he can't cough as his chest hurts too much. Me, I am getting serious headaches. But we are doing what we have to do. Nathan is sleeping now. We tend to rotate and unfortunately we will have to miss class tonight. Besides, you really do not want this in any way shape or form.
Dogs are getting playied with. Its as if they know we are sick and want to cuddle bigtime.
Good old Dennis still takes them out, plays with them despite being sick. I think Nathan is getting better. He did not get as sick as Dennis and I. Yes Lori maybe cause he had his flu shot and we didn't.
If I don't make sense excuse me. Its all I have in me to type.
Reader Comments (6)
I just love how these little ones know when we're sick and cuddle in bed w/ us. They do know b/c they don't ask for us to play and run around. They just lay beside us and check on us every hour or so. Laci comes up to my face and stares and when she's satisfied she lays back down. It's like she's checking vitals in her own way. :-)
At least it was a milder day and the sunshine is very pleasant! Get well soon.
Love to see their concern. They really do tune in to their human companions.
Intersting enough abigail , roxie and jeannie are over the top concerned. Spice seems so confused almost frantic about me being sick. Jeannie wants to not leave my side. Think they all are concerned just some more over the top wanting me to be fixed. Even kat lays up against me. When sweating its not fun having a blanket. With chills a bonus. Well back to sleep. I am in bed.
This bug seems to really have moved in to your home.
I sure hope that you folks feel better soon. The 'puppy love' helps I am sure.
Wish I lived closer so I could help in some way. Can only hope that you all get better soon.
Anne hope so too. Forcing myself to eat after many days of no food. Little very little as i need energy.