Busy Times

Bentley after bathI have had several dogs to wash today and they are awaiting pickups. We also had lots of indoor play with dogs and this is more time intensive then outdoor play and I take less photos as I am actively running, playing and getting them to chase their willies out so to speak. Other than going out to do their business it is simply way too cold for the dogs to be outdoors for any length of time.
So we make sure the dogs get their minds worked and their bodies active and they simply have fun!
I took this photo as this was a bed Anne and Russell gave us and Abigail thinks its exclusively for her. She claimed it by rubbing her body all over and saying MINE! It's a wonderful bed.
Doesn't Bentley look a lot like Abigail except he is a brown sable. His coat like Abigails will go light and dark throughout his life. You notice it more if a long coat is maintained.
The brown sable in Abigail's last litter will be darker than Bentley but he is truly a brindle vs. a sable. He will also go lighter and darker. But tipping once cut is gone forever.
Tomorrow we have a puppy visit, Cha Cha departs. We also have Hugo, Milo and their parents over for a visit. We have a very busy day so who knows when the blogs will be done and then a ton of baths Sunday and a much quieter home.
I do hope it warms up. My flu is gone. My toe is still taped and getting better but still can't go into a boot but I am hopeful soon. I can walk normal now - bonus.
Brewer departs in a few moments and after grooming him I went wow his coat is coming in nice. Amazing what combing out 5 days a week does. His coat is growing like a weed.
Reader Comments (2)
Hi darlah we just crossed the border can't wait too see him
Today was the coldest day ever in Huntsville (-33 C when we woke up) and Cooper knew it...he was very quick to do his business and nothing else. Only indoor play with us also. I love Bentley's coat and markings. Beautiful! Will be thinking of all of you tomorrow! Glad that Miss Abs likes "her" bed :-)