Different Degrees?

Today I washed Logan, Panda and Leti. It was a mistake but my mind says I am well my body goes oh boy. Lynda (how I treasure her) offered to come and help me. Nathan really needs to in case I am unable to. I do love freshly washed dogs. The offer was beyond nice! I am pacing myself. Tomorrow I have Cha Cha and 2 of my own. If I keep at it spaced out I will be done my crew. If I can't, I cant.
After Leti's bath she got to do a bit of training.
I tried getting Logan perfectly groomed but he decided to roll. Instead of fixing him up again I said it is what it is. Panda is a princess and she just stays for hours looking perfect. :-) Panda looks like her mom so much. If you were able to turn her apricot they would be twins.
Leti seems to have a hard time containing herself. I need her energy. Oh a treat - oh my and she turns into an unfocused being - well focused on the treat and not listening to anything else.
The title of this blog is Different Degrees. I think when one says they are sick it means different things to different people. When you sit like a catatonic object watching pups at an 8 week visit then have to go lay down cause truly your desire is there but your body is not up to it, well you are sick and I was better than I was. But 8 week visits with new owners to be means a great deal so I did what I had to. In reality I should have stayed in bed. But to miss yet another thing is hard. This ones on me.
I am better than I was last week. I want to say all better but I am not. I washed and crashed. I have a fever. I am still sick.
So when people that aren't on the list for this crew but are for a future litter are demanding to see this crew whether I am sick or not this week, I can only assume they don't get this 'degree' business.
Nathan will be contacting people when we can entertain but it won't be at the cost of my health.
I know I don't count much in the equation as you don't see what I do. I prefer to stay out of the limelight and do. But I am a critical element for all the dogs. I need to be allowed to get well.
Enough biaching!
Reader Comments (6)
Darlah it is so important not to over extend yourself while your body recovers.
No explanations required. You need to focus on Darlah,
The puppies and the adult dogs can wait for you to get healthy.
Darlah, I read your blog everyday and my heart goes out to you with your illness. You have got to take it easy and pace yourself. I don't know how you do all you do healthy, let alone sick. You are so important or your pups wouldn't be the wonderful ones they are.
Take care and get well.
I'm glad you are putting your health above all else. Yes it would be nice to have dogs brushed and washed. But is looking good more important than ones health? I''m sure the dogs won't know the difference
Barb: I can tell but we can only do what we can. I have a goal of 2 a day. If I do an easy one like Leti/Cali 3. I must not do them in a row as the body doesn't allow but we will get there. I am hoping I am well by the weekend. I also wish Nathan could groom where he was thorough. I suppose he could but it takes patience.
Darlah, anyone who reads the blog of a litter from before it is born until it goes home knows how much you do for the pups and how critical you are. The same for anyone who has one of your pups; you can tell by how well-adjusted, loving, and self-assured they are.
It's hard to be sick because you're not only dealing with the effects of the illness, but the frustration of losing valuable time that you would rather spend doing any number of things. But, you deserve the time it takes - however long that is - to fully recover. Caretaking of others is demanding, and requires that the caretaker take care of themselves first.
I understand, too, the excitement of people wanting to meet puppies. Puppies (and dogs generally) have some sort of special healing power. I don't trust anyone who doesn't crave that kind of contact in their life! Sometimes our own excitement gets the better of us. :)
if a potential puppy person still insists on coming over, they probably won't be a sensitive dog owner so take them off the list!!!