Late Blog

Blog will be late and it is raining so not many photos the guys tell me. Just finished 12 pups and it took me 6 hours of non stop washing and blow drying. I will start with Spice's blog, then Panda's and last Roxie's for photos. I will place up the small size and link the large size as I go. To say I am exhausted is an understatement and tomorrow is going to be a full day so that blog will be late.
Looking forward to watching tv and snuggling with the dawgs.
Well, still working so no tv. Here are just a few photos. Have more but no energy. Just know the dogs had fun other than my hosing them off and drying them from the mud. Only Cali was a complete junkyard dawg.
I call this I survived getting hosed off but twice - come on lady...
Coco managed to only get her immediate feet dirty. I keep scratching my head over that. She just had a big treat and went yum yum - more please!
I thought it only fitting to end with the junkyard dawg. Who would have thought she was washed 2 days ago. Not me... I love ya anyways Cali gal!