Hot, Hot, Hot

I was going to wash all the dogs and let them air dry and then they said rain at 10, then 11, then 2 now 4 and none of it arrived and no one got washed. But Nathan and I got into the pool after Piper departed and we took the dogs out very early for a run down the path and play. It is actually too hot for the dogs to hang outside. I weeded in-between swimming and well doesn't appear that much is done even though I filled 3 lawn bags. Weeds are like that.
Kat went swimming. Roxie went swimming and so did Spice and I brushed no one else out except Piper. I made it my day to swim and to recoup. Tomorrow I have Molly to wash and some others. Molly will get a blow dry. They say hot again tomorrow so we may be taking Molly into the pool at the request of her owner as they go boating and she wants to be sure with and without a life jacket Molly can swim.
Maybe I will was a dog, swim, wash a dog, swim much like I did with weeding today.
What do you think that Spice was thinking when she stuck her tongue out at human Daddy? We are going to get Spice swimming most days so she is in perfect shape for a month from now. Plus it will cool her off. It does us!
Reader Comments (9)
Thanks again for keeping Piper for us for the weekend! I hope she was on her best behaviour. Nathan told us she got Truffie playing at one point, she must of had tons of fun because she's done nothing sleep since we got home.
Oh I adore Piper. She is the best! Yes, her and Truffie was full out playing. It was wonderful to watch. Roxie and Piper played too. She also soaked her face in the ice bowl of water. hehehe
We think she's the best too, although we may be biased! Ha, I'm not surprised she stuck her face in the water. It seems to be her speciality lately. If we ever need to know where she is, we just follow the water trail on the floor. So glad to hear she was playing this time, much different from the shy gal she was the first time we brought her for a visit. Would love to see some pics if you got some, if not no worries!
Lainey: I had a slew and then I rushed, picked up the camera to take more photos and thought I had taken them off the camera and hit format. It's not the first time I have done that. I need more sticks, a different system. Or I need a new brain. Maybe both.
It kills me as I captured some really stunning moments. I had Piper and Truffie in the air playing, hair flowing. I was so excited about it and then realized what I did and went oh my gad I formatted the stick. I also captured Belushi in mid air jumping and that too is gone - only left to my memory.
So sorry about that. I keep telling Nathan I need more sticks so I never format till I know I have the photos on the hard drive.
Yes, Piper is loosening up - quite nice!
Ah, no worries about it. You're only human, I've had a few things like that happen to myself! Just glad to know she had so much fun! Chris and I will just have to bring her over again so maybe we can see it in person :)
You have a deal, Lainey!
With all these babies likely coming how will the timing work out for you and the annual picnic?
Gerda: Did you already book to come?
Yes we will be in Ottawa from 17th to 22nd so planning on attending the picnic on Sat. Hope both you and Nathan will be able to attend.