Puppy Check List Updated

Sorry it has taken so long. I hate it that vendors change links, drop lines and often give you less quality but I tried to find what I have used that I know that works. Check out the latest here. See the next entry. Two updates today.
Reader Comments (2)
Hi Darlah:
Why not the Lepto as one of the immunizations? Curious.
Lepto has shown to have a high incident of reaction in Havanese. Some have it without reaction, many have a reaction of various degrees. Our Shoshi had a anaphylaxis reaction and we almost lost her. Some get an allergic reaction that could include hives, tremors, facial swelling, or even nausea, raised vaccination lump and vomiting/watery stools sometimes with blood.The leptospirosis portion of the DHLPP (distemper) vaccine for dogs has a reputation for being the most likely portion to cause vaccine reactions. This is largely because of the huge size of the inactivated organism that is included in the vaccine, and a traditional technique in avoiding vaccination reactions is to avoid leptospirosis vaccine. Unless you are in a high lepto area our contract says not to get it.
The benefit vs. risk ratio needs to be taken into account when deciding whether or not to vaccinate against lepto. Lepto is spread through the urine of infected animals, so dogs who spend time outdoors, swim in potentially contaminated water, or drink from water that might have come in contact with wildlife are at greater risk than those who spend most of their time indoors. This is not the case where you live.
We do not vaccinate with lepto and our vet agrees with that position. She has a lot of havanese in her practice. She also is aware of the studies and reports.
The vaccine does not prevent the disease but should lessen the severity. The vaccine is considered good for one year, but protection may last 9 months or less. When given it must be given without other vaccinations much like the rabies.
Vets in the city still push for it as it is a yearly vaccine.
If you have a flea/tick issue in your area you should not spay/neuter when you have given the products 30-60 days each way. We are finding the combination of anesthesia and these meds in the system can cause tremors. These tremors can last for quite sometime after the procedure off and on. This is a recent development that has come to light and it wasn't till I started researching it and talking to my vet that I was aware. It appears many dogs big and small have this issue.
The reality is you should never bombard the body at the same time with too many things.