Snow Coming Down: Snowballs on Dogs Added

Scruffster and Pepper are playing up a storm. Supposedly we may get up to 9 inches of the white stuff and its the kind that creates snowballs on their coats. This duo is getting a bath to go home at 730pm so they can party hearty tomorrow but with this storm - yeouch. Lori, you sure you don't want them to stay till just before the party? I can see you drying them. :-( Oh well, baths starting at 5pm.
More photos below:
Kona is back to chasing Adele.
He seems to be playing with males and females. He is turning into a total play monkey even more so than last visit and he was playing up a storm then too.
DJ Also likes the gals but he also likes playing with the boys too! He just likes to play!
Truffie didn't play much today. We all have our funk days and this must be his. He's not sick - just wants to sit ad let the snow fall on him. Risa does this at times too.
Scruffy and Pepper are now totally soaked from playing outside. Lori is going to have fun keeping this duo dry. Off to wash in a couple of minutes.
Logan was watching Panda dig up a storm. Is she building a nest or what? tee hee
It's a great day. The weather is warmer but boy the snowballs on the dogs are growing. Can't win!

Snowball photos and the list goes on. Here are just the first 3 I did. Oh my... Nathan finished DJ. We continue.
Not taking anymore photos. I don't have time. There goes my idea of relaxing with the ipad. hahahaha
Reader Comments (11)
Great shot!
Darlah, who is Trigger's daddy? I can't remember if it's Kat or Phantom. I found what I think is more silvering in his coat. Do any of Spice's other pups have the silver?
Trigger is Phantom. Spice has only been bred to Phantom and now Truffie. Spice's line has the silvering gene (Kat is her Daddy) and Phantom has the brown. Some brown will silver out. So he could be getting it from dam or sire or both. :-)
Cool, I rather like it.
Truffie is having the same reaction to more snow that I'm having. lol.
How do you get the snowballs out? Do you wait for it to melt, then brush, comb and dry or do you try and brush/comb them out and then dry? Looks like they were having a great time! Worth it for them I guess.
Sylvia: Issue is they get cold if you simply let them dry so you either spray a brush with grooming spray, put them under a dryer and brush it out or you hose them off and dry. The most painful ones are between their toes. They only get them if its wet snow - almost rain snow. It is why it is important to clean up the pads frequently. You can take show sheen and spray them if their coat is clean before they go out, put a coat on and have less to do or do what I am doing spraying brushing out and if they are complaining too much as they are waiting I am hosing and then dryers are pointed at them in my grooming room which is rather warm at the moment with wifi, of course. They then wait their turn. Tonight is a lot of work and Lori leaving the dogs here was smart cause she needs to concentrate on her party. :-)
Oh by the way sometimes it is good to pad train - rainy wet and snowball days. :-)
Wow, look at those snow balls! When Cooper gets them, we run him on the carpet just to shake some off then he's on the grooming table and we use the dryer. In snow country, it's part of our life! As Darlah said, keeping the pads cleaned and trimmed is important. But in the end, what is important is that the dogs have fun, then we deal with the clean up :-)
More snow just what everyone needs.
Do you rinse these snow balls off to melt them. Makes for a lot of grooming.
It depends on how many they have. I deal with them with grooming spray on a brush and brushing out of not too many or a rinse off and dry. Nathan was helping so tonight he is taking 1 out at a time. It seems to happen mostly when they are running and not what we want when we are heading to bed. One at a time is tedious but better than rinsing or brushing all.
Thank goodness we didn't pick them up. They were nice and clean, dry, and fluffy for Superbowl. They were getting lots of attention and hugs which I'm sure was helped that they looked great. Thanks for that Darlah!
Hope you had a great time. Am sure they love the loving and attention they were getting. They are so in tuned to each other. It's rather nice!