As you can see Spice is sporting her onesie and doing rather well. I had momma's guilt at first as she was not so happy. We are hoping Trouble is doing well too. All her sutures are inside except 1. He does a nice job in his closures. Not that you see the tummy all that much and it fades... just admire that he has a lot of experience.
Next we will do River and Panda. We have not set up a time yet.
Here is today's gallery.
Cooper arrived in a blaze. You will see him in full play in the photos. Even Trigger and Levon gave him nose touches as if they were saying - long time no see. It was touching. The regulars really know each other but those that aren't are meshing really well.
Now that Sadie is gone Tenshi is back playing with her Mom. Tenshi is mighty happy about that. I combed out Saffron and photos hours later looks like I haven't touched her for a year but she was. Little by little I got plants repotted, photos taken, blog done, laundry and of course the puppies. Tomorrow I will do it again. I still have a tomato to repot, onions that are in the ground to transplant in the trug and a water pot to set up. Got 1 water pot done today.
Luna departed. Charlie arrived. Teddy is a new man these days playing like crazy and excited to be here.
Ringo and George are helping me garden - well the help is debatable but let's say they love the fresh soil. It's a riot. I took the force air dryer and blew the dirt out. They don't get baths so when they play in mud it can get interesting.
The grandkids are coming over this month to weed the front yard. Yep, will pay as I am not able to get it done and they will have mad money for their trip through Quebec City and the Maritimes. I am hoping they do a good job as it needs it. Then I can concentrate on doing the back here and there. This juggling is something else. It's okay. Who can swim? Then I would be fitting that in too.
Is Trigger and Levon leaving tomorrow already? Too soon! Luna departs tonight.