
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Blog Archive
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries from June 1, 2017 - June 30, 2017


TV Time, Muggy and Weeding

Dennis is playing a game on the tv in the tv room and Harper is intent on watching. It's a riot. Elvis loves his tv time but he wasn't in the mood for swimming today. Even Teddy said not today. But Murphy, Kat, Inula and Ella went today. Tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter.

I think it was just too muggy outdoors but they did for a bit help me weed and partially set up another waterpot. I still have a long way to go. Nathan also made some lamb chops and of course he always makes extra to share with the dogs. Have to laugh.

Here is today's gallery.

I had a lot of grooming this morning. Been a bit - oh my gad is this list of what to do ever going to get done? But its another day and maybe tomorrow the waterpot will get done. I will swim and get the weeding done around the daylilies and watch the dogs run away with the weeds in mouth running like banshees as if they are getting away with something and they are.

Till tomorrow!


Let Me In

It was a hot day today with hotter weather coming tomorrow. No swimming today as we had other things to do. Many went home so I had grooming to do but we still managed to play retreive and hide and seek and find the treat. We had a fun day.

See the gallery.

Also, we have a picnic date and I hope all of you can come. Nathan will send mail but mark your calendar for August 19, 2017. Details are on this site in the right hand column. We picked this date so the puppies that will be going home will have had another shot and can come. This will be the last picnic at this location so I do so hope you can come. All you need is your dog, a chair and a food dish to share. 

I received a photo of Sadie sporting her new haircut. She has a groomer in Brampton that does Marlee that Sadie went to. I am posting so you can see that black ticking that Ms. Murphy also has. This is how it would look short. 

Talking about Sadie, I can now reveal that Saffron each night waited downstairs looking for her to come to bed. It was a rather sad state of affairs but Tenshi arrived and Saffron always played with Sadie more. Now Tenshi is Saffron's everything. Tenshi will be here while her parents go on holidays so this is exciting for us as they play amazing together. Tenshi's mom got to see how excited Saffron was. I am glad that we get to see Tenshi often as it seems Saffron really cares about her babies. We will get to see Sadie but not often so Amy and Tenshi will fill her must see the kids feelings.

This is a must process as we could have not kept any from the litter but when the kids hang around they get extra close. It's wonderful watching Tenshi and Saffron. What a great momma Saffron is.

More tomorrow!


This is How This Works

When we take dogs swimming if they are not going home it means I comb out each after swimming. That is usually on me and it was today. We had Cooper, Teddy, Murphy, Marco and Rusty in the pool today. Cooper had a bath and so did Marco. The rest got blow dried and either are not slated for baths or not going home tomorrow. It made no sense to wake up at 7am and do Cooper so I will keep him clean as he departs first thing. So as I had dogs to do my time in the pool was maybe 5 minutes. I hope the weather stays as I need my pool time. :-)

So, how did they do? Everyone that swam today are strong swimmers. Teddy was so excited after the swim that he was jumping around silly. Murphy came back for more. Marco was not crazy the first time so Nathan kept taking him till he relaxed and that he did. He is a good swimmer and enjoyed it. Rusty swam really well. All that swam today ended up truly enjoying it. No one ran away and said no - way!

Here is the gallery.

Tomorrow I have 2 dogs to demat so I am hoping it's not big jobs. I need a day off or some pool time - something. Love to go to the Aurora Farmers Market on saturday but sort of booked then too. Need to weed too.

Everyone is now aware of the rabbits. They must smell them. 

Tomorrow Spice's and Trouble's stitches will be removed by Nathan. Changes....


Swim and Not

Today was a busy day. The rabbits are still surviving. Ella went swimming with Nathan. Nathan brushed her out. Tomorrow we will take Marco, Cooper, Rusty and Murphy. That is, if they want to go. You see when they swim I must comb them out afterward so I can't do it daily. It depends on what I have on my plate. 

Today I had a lot of baths and tidy ups so today wasn't doable. They still had a lot of fun and not all the dogs want to swim. Even if they are swimmers, they have to be in the mood. I wish I was swimming too. Sometimes you are just too busy. Life...

Here is today's gallery.

I have a pile of junk in the back yard that Nathan is nagging me to move so after the blog, guess what I get to do? is it just me who can do this? Don't answer that... I also have weeding. Hmm I have been pointing to that tree that needs trimming but I guess that's me too. I will get to it when I can. 

Sounds like a lot of complaints but the dogs still make me smile. 

Teddy - have to get him swimming. Hmm wonder if he will like it.

We ran. We played. We got exhausted and now to move the junk. Still got a tomato plant to transplant too. I need an energy drink. 


Nesting and Fun

I am having a stress filled day. I was cleaning the middle bed pulling out weeds and saw movement in a pot and lo and behold tiny just born rabbits. So knowing I pulled the vegetation away exposing them, I took some sphagnum moss and some dog hair to cover then I put these plants in front of the pots but %$^& Cinnamon keeps trying to get at it. So although we go outside with the dogs each time it adds an element of stress to keep them away from that area. I may put an xpen up temporarily.

Dogs were fully into helping me weed and then I had to stop. Well there are more garden beds to do but this was the most important one. What an excuse - eh? What is it 8 weeks for this kits (babies). I will relax or maybe mom will move them. We will figure it out.

Here is today's gallery.

When Nathan took his nap I combed everyone out.

Marco, Stormy's brother is here. It is so exciting! He is truly enjoying himself.

Cooper seems to be playing with everyone. Now that Levon is gone he has taken over his spot on the recliner. Funny how that works out. For some reason it is the highly coveted spot. Maybe it's cool (leather) and comfie.

Everyone had ground beef added in to their meal - yum. Yes, Nathan always feeds them well. Right now he is cooking roasted chicken so he has add ins for the morning. Warm weather is coming. Let's see if we get to swim. Love to have the dogs come in. We shall see. Hey, I would like to go in. :-)


Recovery and Fun

As you can see Spice is sporting her onesie and doing rather well. I had momma's guilt at first as she was not so happy. We are hoping Trouble is doing well too. All her sutures are inside except 1. He does a nice job in his closures. Not that you see the tummy all that much and it fades... just admire that he has a lot of experience. 

Next we will do River and Panda. We have not set up a time yet.

Here is today's gallery.

Cooper arrived in a blaze. You will see him in full play in the photos. Even Trigger and Levon gave him nose touches as if they were saying - long time no see. It was touching. The regulars really know each other but those that aren't are meshing really well.

Now that Sadie is gone Tenshi is back playing with her Mom. Tenshi is mighty happy about that. I combed out Saffron and photos hours later looks like I haven't touched her for a year but she was. Little by little I got plants repotted, photos taken, blog done, laundry and of course the puppies. Tomorrow I will do it again. I still have a tomato to repot, onions that are in the ground to transplant in the trug and a water pot to set up. Got 1 water pot done today. 

Luna departed. Charlie arrived. Teddy is a new man these days playing like crazy and excited to be here. 

Ringo and George are helping me garden - well the help is debatable but let's say they love the fresh soil. It's a riot. I took the force air dryer and blew the dirt out. They don't get baths so when they play in mud it can get interesting.

The grandkids are coming over this month to weed the front yard. Yep, will pay as I am not able to get it done and they will have mad money for their trip through Quebec City and the Maritimes. I am hoping they do a good job as it needs it. Then I can concentrate on doing the back here and there. This juggling is something else. It's okay. Who can swim? Then I would be fitting that in too. 

Is Trigger and Levon leaving tomorrow already? Too soon! Luna departs tonight. 


Play and Play

We had a very busy day but here is the gallery. It was so busy I had to print out a list letting me know what was going on when. heh

It rained. We washed floors, we cleaned feet and then finally the sun.

It was good to have Sadie visit as I was able to see how well she has bonded to Patt. Thank you! She was over the moon happy to see her and that is how it is supposed to be. A photo of patt and the girls will be on the Saffron Blog.

Trouble also went home with a onesie. I have yet to take a photo of Spice with hers on but she looks good in it. She seems to be back to normal and wanting to see Roxie pups badly. Each day I take it off and comb her hair. 

Oh and the barbecue is up and being used and my plants and water pots are not up and my front yard needs to be done BADLY. I need someone that wants to make some extra money to weed my front yard. hahaha

I do not think the neighbours would like it if I waited till the pups depart. 


Fun Play and Lounging

This is Radar with Hugo and Milo. Radar is a full sibling to the puppies Roxie has now just a different time frame. Radar lives with patches and they are both having fun though I do not think Dennis got any photos of her playing with Jeannie. Too bad as it was cute. 

Marlee and Sadie are here for just overnight. Sadie was formally known as Thyme. Interesting enough Marlee seems to be focused on Sadie and where she is. It is great to see them both and I have enjoyed watching them. Everyone was over the top happy to see Sadie. Yes, happy to see Marlee too but Sadie was a recent fixture and her momma was delighted! Marlee usually plays up a storm but it's as if she is focused on Sadie being okay. We will see what tonight brings.

Here is today's gallery.

Last night Murphy cuddled with Spice in bed. It was as if she knew she needed extra attention. If Spice left the bed, Murphy followed her. 

Everyone is playing really well. Levon has found he suddenly likes Ella. All the times he has been here and he just thinks she shoots the moon. He even stares at her from across the room. 

Dogs are so funny! If you really watch, it is mighty interesting!


So Far So Good

First day for Spice and Trouble not to complain about healing. It's a no pain med day so far. Spice's eyes to me is gorgeous - a striking black and white. Today we remove the onesies to do a thorough combout. I say we but you know that is me.


Quick Blog

Ruth sent me this cute photo of Katie so I figured it would be nice to share.

Had a really really full day of grooming so this blog will be short.

Here is today's gallery.

Dennis is still building the BBQ. I am not supposed to talk about it. Oh is that hard to do.

The deck is blocked off due to it. But the dogs have plenty of room to run and play and that is what they truly did off and on. 

Spice and Trouble are still in pain. They are great in the morning but by the time night gets around they are in pain again. Hoping tomorrow is a better day. They are going outside. They are doing stairs. So they are better but those of you that remember that Spice bit Nathan when she had pups realize Spice does not do pain well. I feel so guilty but it was time. Trouble has twinges and complains but she is eating and so is Spice. So, they are on the mend. Fun that we get to do this with River and Panda soon. 

I wanted to go to the farmer's market today but it never happened. Going to try tomorrow sometime as it's only 10 minutes away - so an hour outing. 

Trigger really loves the recliner in the tv room and today he blocked Levon from getting up. It was subliminal body language but it worked. Sibling rivalry!

Tomorrow we get to see Sadie (Thyme) and Marlee. I am excited. patches and Radar is also dropping in. Woo Hoo such a fun crew!


Spay, Birthday and Fun

Trouble and Spice went in for a spay. Both are still medicated. But Trouble wants to play and Spice wants to not move. It will take a few days till they feel themselves. 

Nathan enjoyed himself at our friends. I have a mega day tomorrow of grooming. 

We got pizza and that's all one can do when you have the dogs not feeling up to par. I was alone with the dogs till after 2 when Dennis got up. The BBQ is not built yet. I did get some plants planted in short spurts. Each time I took them outside I tried to do something. Nathan got home at 330. He left at 6am.

Dogs have been having a blast especially with the smell of fresh soil. I have much to clean up and oh boy those weeds but that will have to happen closer to the end of the month when pups can go outside. Maybe I can teach the dogs to weed? What fun would that be?

Here are a few photos.

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