
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in talemaker pup sassy lassy (44)


Catching Up With Talemaker Life

This was a fun weekend with lots of people, dogs etc and we wouldn't have it any other way.

Coach, Sassy and their human dad and mom and shall I say human sibling came over yesterday and hung out - gave Chico some human interaction.

Here you can see Coach nose to nose with Chico along with Kat and Abigail. The dogs had a wonderful time.

It was nice to relax with John and his family and the dawgs before we had company in the evening, cooking, food, and all the fun that comes with a dinner. The dawgs kept sniffing for their share.

It's going to be fun going to class with John and Coach.

Then we had our 2 grand kids come over with our daughter and hubby and Chico just ADORES kids. I guess some of his best moments have been with the kids he lived with for the last 4 months. It shows as we had kids here today as well and he just lights up with the kids. He's a tad shy with the adult humans at first but once you pet him, well he warms up. Kids - no warming up - he's just excited to see them.

Chico starts classes this Thursday and tomorrow I am going to start working on sit, come, and stay to help him get a head start on class. This way, if he is not sure of the environment, knowing the commands even if he is not doing them perfect will help him make the transition to class is fun. Plus he will be in class with Fiona and Coach.

Sebastian's mom comes tomorrow so Sebastian won't get a bath till tomorrow morning so he can look GORGEOUS. We are going to miss him.

Here you can see Linda (who came to visit) lovin' him up.

Remember you can click on the photos to see a larger view.

I thought about washing Sebastian today but figured with the way he loves to play, tomorrow is a better day.

I am going to fluff and dry him then take a photo so you can see him all so handsome and all!

We got to see Coco again and she remembered me - gave me lots of kisses and snuggles and that was really nice. There is nothing like kisses from puppies and I got them from Yvonne's Downsey too.

Here you can see some of Coco's family. Thanks to Yvonne for bringing her here so we could see her again.

Well 4 days till Abigail's show debut. Got to get that grooming bag ready. ROFL. Got to get busy - ooops that's Nathan has to get busy.


Stimulated Minds

When the weather is muddy, wet and mucky, it's important to stimulate your Havanese's mind. There are all sorts of games you can play, from retrieve to hide the treat to hide and seek & much more.

Here's two of Wasabi's pups - our visitors checking out this ball. This is the weasel ball minus the tail. You push a button and it moves all over the place by itself.

The crew was rather brave considering that I don't think the visitors ever saw one. I remember a few jumping back, looking confused but eventually having fun with it.

These two approached it as if they were going to slay it, pouncing, trying to grab and getting frustrated when it went under the couch and they couldn't fit but Fiona could.

They really enjoyed the game. Try to think of fun games to stimulate your dog's minds when the weather is not good.

More later.>>


Sassy & Coach & Snow

Fiona says: Hey, we had Miss Super Sassy and Coach over when the snow just started. We had tons of fun. We have to do it again. Check out the video of this crew and watch Miss Abigail jump in delight.

We also have a rumour that we will be seeing Louis overnight and Katsuro's brother Benny soon. Wow!

I am the only brains around this place. This was the start of the storm that just kept coming and coming and although I am in a small part, I did sit on the snowbanks to survey all and I mixed it up with that Lass Super Sassy but hey just being 4lbs - you get cold - you know. The rest of the dawgs are crazy dawgs as they just didn't care that this white stuff was over my head.

We hope you enjoy our fun.

More later>>


Havanese Let Down (Video is UPDATED)

Our wild and crazy day video is up now (updated - it was cut off at the end)

It's quiet today. Sure mommy and daddy hears the pitter patter of tiny feet running like the dickens but something about visitors that does our heart and bodies good. It's sort of like a holiday like those humans take - fun and then nice to get back to it and then we start dreaming of the next time.

Well, mommy has the video done of our fun event yesterday.

It's updated as the end was cut off with Sebastian and his human crew. We had so many moments that we had to cut so if Sebastian's mom wants an unedited version - my human mommy will burn it for class next week. It's over 15 minutes long and we had so many moments the camera wasn't out. It's always like that. The Chico video was unrecoverable and we are heartsick. That disk is in the trash now. Got to plan another sleepover. We miss the guy already.

We wonder how Remy's classes are going. We hope the Sassy and Coach and livin' it up and not driving their humans crazy. But hey - such is a dawgs life that fills you with tales you can talk about for years to come.

Here is what we said about the video in the description at YouTube.

Sebastian came to visit after class and found all the nooks and crannies we set up to make our house dawg friendly. Enjoy the antics of this crew and how even a well behaved trained dawg can give you paw vs. listening.


Wild & Fun Weekend

Hey, I am Mags. My mommy Yvonne and daddy Alex decided to drag me to visit my mommy, Risa and the rest of the mad house at the Talemaker abode.

Here I am, sitting, waiting and wanting to EAT! It is time, you know!

The visit was fun as one of my daughter's, who flew the nest a couple of weeks ago hangs out there - Fiona.

Below you can see one of my babies hanging out with my house sister, Lola and that fickle Katsuro from the Talemaker crew who tends to think all the gals are his.

Here's part of the crew that was here this weekend with me. This is Gigi, the puppy that has not left the nest yet and thinks my pillow is now hers. Yes, she is the sister to Fiona. She's a pistol just like Fiona. The humans around here just adore watching the two. I am glad I can add to their comic relief. Always anything for those crazy humans that pamper us silly.

This weekend, Katsuro was rather smitten with Lola - who you can see in this photo.

Then Wasabi's young'n Chico, after that human mommy gave him a brush (doesn't he look so fluffy?) - well he just kept mixing it up with Miss Abs.

These two are two days different in age and actually half siblings. (same sire). He was sort of smitten with the Abs much like the Katsuro was with that hot suff Cuban Lola. ROFL!

Gidget is having a roaring grand time this week and is enjoying the crowd and when she has enough, she goes up to bed and finds a comfie pillow. Here you can see her saying - well is it all gone? She's becoming quite the eater - oh no!

She adored seeing the Mags and Lola and Britney. Flora had to stay at a friends as she was in that thing the humans call heat where the male dawgs lose their minds - and Katsuro - well he needs his. Can you imagine how silly of a dawg he would be without it?

Well, I made my way home. I had to dictate this to the Talemaker human to post. A gal needs to do what a gal needs to do and after all this socializing - well I need my beauty sleep. I will hand the reins of this blogging stuff back to the Talemaker crew. Till next time.

Hoping the video comes tomorrow. The human daddy at Talemakers is way sick and the human mommy has to do Oscar stuff - till tomorrow!


Havanese Ball of Fun

This fine early morning, Gidget, Abs and Fiona joining in had the hair flying all around and went on for over an hour. Can anyone ever do aerobics that long without thinking - is this OVER and wow we are still having a ton of fun! I think not. Perhaps we need to learn from the dawgs.

Now I know why Gidget likes to sleep in like our Risa - she needs the energy to deal with the puppy duo. They are relentless in play and then they drop. I should have had a video camera going but I promise - I will when Yvonne's crew is here - it will be a dawgie crazy house indeed!

Our son Dennis is going to watch the crew while we eat out and the verdict is out on if he will ever be the same. We will fill you in. How many dawgies will there be? 13 - 14 or? hahahahahaha

The duo is making a plan on how best to deak Gidget out. Will they succeed or won't they? It's amazing how their minds think and how good they are at finding solutions and making that 'interesting' plan.

More later as the day develops. The point of all this is enjoy those special Havanese moments.

We are thinking of the Sassy and Coach duo and what fun they are formulating. Amazing having Havanese pals - I tell you - for the humans and the dawgies alike!

Click to play Havanese Play Session


Talemaker Havanese Secrets

Hey - okay I am no longer the youngest one. I was for a week but now that FI-OH-NO is. I have been teaching her all sorts of fun things like eating wood from in front of the fireplace (human mom and dad spoil the fun though) to eating all sorts of frozen plants in the back. I simply need more frozen things to chew on. Mommy and Daddy clean up the poo and cover the pee spots every single time so we don't even get to sniff. I tell you - they are joining the OCD group of dog care. ROFL! I better hide now or that mommy will brush and comb me. Seeing we are dealing with icy rain, why bother, mom. I just adore getting sopping wet so you can spin your wheels drying dawgs and cleaning us up.

What To Get the Dog That Has Everything?
Okay, I am NOT a Havanese but hey I can be brushed less and so what if I shed. I am big, friendly and a huge sap. I try to play with the little ones and they don't get it but lately that FIONA and ABIGAIL climb up my body and they try to lick my face. What is THAT about? I like these long-haired type but shhh don't tell those humans. I know - they got them ALL for me. But what is this thang about them getting to sleep on the back of the couch or on top of a chair. Huh...what type of equality is that? It doesn't matter that I am slightly larger and I may hang over. Heck, you should see me travelin' in the car where I sit my rump in the seats and hang my paws on the window rest. Can a Havanese do THAT?

More later as we deal with freezing rain, crazy playing outside (which we did), Just imagine us looking as if we are starved when mommy and daddy have Chinese food.

We are missing the Sass and hoping she's having a grand adventure with Coach. Train, train, train today daddy...Miss Abs..and now let's start with Miss Fiona - the Ever-ready battery. Good luck!

More later...


Stylin' Dawgs - More Added!

Well, this looks like a photo of the 3 stooges of sorts. They were hanging out in the donut together. Yes, it's a mighty large donut.

Daddy got good film of Gidget (our visitor) playing with the crew. Oh my, she can run fast and it's nice to see that play in her. I remember her well as she has visited us many times.

When mom is feeling up to it, she will do a video so you can see what we are up to.

Brain Training
Your dog's mind needs exercise as much as his or her body does. Like humans, animals crave mental stimulation. Easy ways to prevent boredom and keep your pet's mind challenged include taking different walking routes, having a positive playmate, visiting a new park, providing your dog with puzzle balls or toys, playing hide and seek games with bits of kibble, and training your dog to learn new skills or tricks.

Dear old - or is that young thang Fiona is fitting in nicely. She even poses for us now. Take a look at this stance.

More later as the day goes on. Got to get the Sassy Lassy ready for travelin'

Hope it's a dawg filled lovin' day for you!


Havanese Nights

Hey - daddy went out with Sassy tonight to go play with Coach at his house. Daddy didn't get any great photos but here he is after getting home pretending to exercise. What - you don't believe it? They were all exercising. Exercising what? Their best stare- hahahaha

Dear old Abs gets comfie in the best spot - on high.

The crew is upstairs so I have to finish this off. Usually some of them wait for me but tonight it's only the Shoshi. I guess that means that the crew is way tired. Sassy came back and played her heart out with Fiona and Miss Abs. She sort of had no choice as they decided 'tag' she was it. I imagine now she is fast asleep. One wonders if Coach is flaking out too. Watch - I will go upstairs and she is playing with Abs...heh

This is the lone photo that Nathan got of the two playing. I can hardly tell who is who. They surely look like siblings. Can't wait to hear all about the adventures tomorrow unless the Sassy deigns to whisper in my ear tonight and tell me all about it. Wouldn't it be nice if they could? I certainly think so.

Well Westminister is on tonight and tomorrow on OLN they say. I missed tonight so can't wait to hear the news. Hope the Havanese are showing well. Let's hope for the miracle....yes Beth's miracle. :-)


Sibling Get Together

Three of the siblings got together today. We had Remy, Chico and Sassy Lassy plus half sibling Miss Abs all playing together. Fiona played as well at first but it was a tad overwhelming with the craziness of siblings who despite the dipping temperatures and the windy chill, still managed to have a grand time running around. We are hoping we have a video I can put up from it. We shall see. Nathan was the camera man so it all lays on him. hahahahaha

We also had Chico's human siblings and Remy's human siblings here as well as their parents. It was a full house and we realized how much we miss the guys. I have to admit, there is nothing like the play between siblings. There's a bond like none other. The sniff - say - hmm I know you and the fun begins. Even Wasabi got into the mode of playing momma and correcting the fun lovin' crew and she also joined in on the play. They are all tired now. What fun for all.

Thanks for sharing them with us. Next time we also have to get Sebastian and Coach over at the same time and wow it will be fun to watch. Thanks...again!!


Havanese: Reading Dog Language

Sassy says - oh no - here that lady goes again talking about socialization and all I want to do is play, play, play. If you don't recognize me, I am Sassy Lassy - the one that can't seem to get enough of my siblings. This was a fave stance of Sassy Lassy when she was with all her littermates and it didn't matter which one it was or if it was all of them together, she always managed to find that fun play.

Sebastian seems to have this balance thing going on too with larger pups that is a 'good thing' and so does Sassy. The larger dogs don't seem to rile them up.

When we walked a visiting dog that was unsure of the lay of the land, I walked him with Rita's (Sonrisas) Opal and Opal is a bouncy gal without a care in the world. It didn't calm this particular dog down but then I walked him with Mojo who is also a Sonrisas dog and a very calm, assertive dog. This totally calmed this dog down. What does that tell you? Well, a dog that is unsure of himself and has not learned how to read other dogs well enough yet will feed off of another dog's emotion and take direction from the other. They also feed off yours as well. Surrounding them with grounded dogs really helps yours.

As you can see, Sebastian is engaging in a play bow, stance to get the classmate in play and Abigail, who was not sure what to think about the larger classmates now has her tail up, a confident stance and tried to play as well. Often, when you have another dog that was exposed to larger dogs already and therefore has learned to communicate, it helps others that haven't yet had the exposure to the strange larger ones. There is confidence in numbers but it also rubs off. Just be sure it's all positive.

Here you can see a proper 'meet and greet' by Sassy and the classmate. She's confident, tail up and not concerned in the least. That Sebastian is still full of play and bypassed that hello - let's just play - or is that - let's just rock and roll. That also tells the other dog the intent. Both work. Remember, Sebastian lives with two Labs and was raised with two Goldens. He's not at all concerned with larger dogs.

There are excellent books out that help us humans read dog language and if you read one (I have one any of my puppy owners can borrow) it will help you 'get' what other dogs are saying so you can appropriately handle all situations and therefore help your dog do the same. Let me know if you want to borrow it. It will tell you more than you thought you knew and you will be amazed when you also 'get' what other dogs are saying with their body language.

Well, we do not have class next week as it's the new Family Day holiday. So, we have 2 weeks to practice, stay, finish, come and heel. That doesn't mean we wait till a week from now but a little each day and we will all be stars.

Abigail and Fiona are starting to play. Fiona climbs couches and sleeps on the back of them. Such a 'ruff' life!


Alert: Talemaker Crew Loses Mind

Well, we have totally lost it or have we? Until we get a larger bed, we moved in a twin bed to go next to the king sized bed to give us more room. We are lucky as we have a really large bedroom that also has a sectional couch and TV/stereo in it on the opposite wall of the bed so it doesn't look so hot but it surely will give us room as we expand. Next Tuesday we have Gidget (alias Paris) visiting for two weeks. We are still thinking about how we can create an oversized bed. As you can see we also have a bench and 2 sets of stairs. Yep - we are a dawg house!

Who do you think will sleep where tonight? Any takers on a bet?

Fiona is out on the pool cover looking at the guys wondering if she can get Miss Abs to play with her. The crew hears a dog in the distance, they bark - they run and Fiona goes - what was THAT! Miss Abs has already adjusted to such craziness. Fiona is still in the stage that they think we are all crazy and we are.

Miss Abs says to Fiona - so - you want to play? Fiona has learned a lot of tricks. She slides under a bench faster than you can say her name and she does the same when the pups are after her in the house - well slide under the couch - belly sliding all the way. It's all in fun and rather a riot. I have to catch it on the video camera.

We had a practice session. Sitting perfectly straight was an issue and walking behind without getting up - well let's see how we do tomorrow. One more session before class.

Coach is coming over to visit with his human dad for a bit so the pups are looking forward to that and so is Wasabi. We may have Chico on Sunday and Remy is coming on Sunday before his class. How great is that? We also got a photo of Benny from Risa's crew so we will be posting that tomorrow.

More later...ooooh class tomorrow - fun - fun fun! Are we ready...hmmmmm.... I blame human mommy and daddy if we aren't as we had a way busy week. Excuses, excuses...hahahaha


Meshing Havanese Into One Happy Family

Well Miss Fiona is starting to mesh with the lay of the land. Today she was outside climbing on the snowbanks to get busy but then her bum fell into the snow when she went. It was rather hilarious. I guess she thought the snow was stronger or more solid than it was. Me thinks she is going outside more than she ever imagined. tee hee but we are in deep 'potty' training.

The crew today is starting to play with each other. As you can see, the younger set is in a flurry of hair having a roaring grand time.

Be sure to click on any of the photos to see a larger version.

Slowly but surely bonds are starting to be made and comfort is setting in. Interesting enough, it has been Abigail that has made the overtures and has engaged Fiona in play. Now you can see them sleeping together.

Bonding takes time - much easier with siblings as they have that natural bond but with a new family plus new dogs, it works if you give it time. With a multiple dog family, after one connection, the rest will come faster and easier.

We will add more as the day goes on but we have training today, class tomorrow and lots of fun. I may even take a nap - heh!


Top Dawg C-Bass

C-Bass is practicing his show stance on top of WHERE? ROFL. Now relax - ohhhhm get rid of that arch (his mom just told me it's a tuft of hair - and looks like it now that I have my glasses on) and you will blow them all away. Mommy was checking what!!! - you say? Now I understand why the hair is sticking up but don't worry about it - you'll get used to it - you may even grow to like it.

You ask - what are they talking about? Well - use your imagination. A dawg never speaks of such things.

Are you practicing stay? If not, maybe the gals - if they get their act together will blow you away in class on Saturday. Can't have a guy dawg thinking he is king - now can we?

The Fiona comes tomorrow and baer tests are getting done. Reports later. Thnx for the photos of C-Bass - we just love them!
Mark and Maryanne said...
It's a tuft of hair standing up, not an arched back! Honest!!!


The Big & Small: Eating Together

Sometimes things are better with friends - even eating.

We had a full day today. Beth Obrecht came to visit to see her Miss Abs and visit for a bit.

We also did training with pups. Oh all I can say is class will be interesting. We are getting there but C-Bass best be ready for the gals to rule! Heh

Mommy is heard screaming this primal scream that makes dawg barks seem like gentle raindrops as she keeps crashing. She's working on that dog show video and I gather its too large for YouTube. She'll keep trying.

We played a game of retrieve the toy and they all got into that. That human son of my parents - Joe - well he was hanging out here. He loves the dogs so.

Two more days till Miss Fiona gets here. Crazy dawg house at Talemakers - and we can't wait!

All you Wasabi pups - practice, practice, practice. Stardom can be yours - just get that stay down.


Second Class Down

We have the 2nd class down and the little ones did well. As you can see, Sebastian has that adoration thang - where's that treat down cold. He's so cute. You should have seen him playing with a big dawg after class and having a roaring good time at that. Miss Abs wasn't quite sure about the guy - wanted to play but wasn't sure about all that movement. After her next shot, we will be on a mission of making sure she finishes her socialization list and getting exposed to various people, dawgs so she also has that exhuberence to play with guys of all sizes etc Shots come on Monday.

The duo - Miss Abs and Sebastian needs to work on their stays. Sassy Lassy missed class and will have to play catch-up this week. Miss Abs actually seems to have that 'stay' thing going on. We even did off leash. practice, practice, practice guys as we expect perfection next week. hehehehehe

Here you can see Abs practicing heel - amazing considering she bucked like a bronco the first time we put a collar on her. Give me treats anytime daddy and I will do what you want. She's turning into an amazing dog and catches on quickly.

Did you notice that the ladies in this crew are not in the photos? What does that tell you? We got to sit, watch and critique - an easier job by far. Next week I will be taking Sassy around, I am told so that should be fun. More about that later.


Havanese Training Tips

Well, as you can see, Miss Abs really did a job on her abs - ROFL. She snow plows through the snow and ends up with all these snow piles all over her tummy. You can easily remove with tepid water or they will melt their way all over your house. Remember to brush after or you may end up with tangles.

We have a really busy weekend. We are going to have a puppy playmate today, classes and our Mom and Dad's third oldest child is coming in from Japan to get married. Wow! Then we may head to a dog show to see the Havanese on Sunday and applaud all their efforts. We promise photos from that!

Classes need practice daily but we must admit, we missed yesterday. There was too much going on. Mommy didn't sleep much - long story but life throws curves at times and you keep doing the best for all those you love. We do!

Here's some tips on making classes work.
1. Build training into your DAILY life. Take 5 to 10 minutes a day - that's all is needed and you will make a HUGE difference.

2. Keep the training sessions SHORT. Best to do several a day vs. one long one. Puppies get frustrated by long sessions unless you change it up frequently and make it interesting.

3. Use your voice properly. If you say 'sit X' and you say it as if you are bored as ever, don't expect your dog to get excited about it. Your emotion and enthusiasm counts so try even when you do not feel like it. It will become a habit and you will both be better off for it.

4. Use commands once - if you say 'sit x' 'sit x' - your dog will hear it twice and start reacting only to when you do it twice. This is a tough one as I fall into this one myself. Try to say the command once.

5. Go slowly - use each command as a building block. This is not a marathon. To make it an imprint, it must be done over and over.

6. Remember each dog learns at different speeds. It's not a mark of intelligence. Some alphas will give you a very hard time in going into a submissive stance such as 'down' but persistence in a positive way works and you are building a bond and your position as alpha - all important in the scheme of things. Patience is really important.

7. Recognize that distractions can make things difficult and you may want to minimize them at first but as you go along start introducing them such as asking your dog to sit on a walk when traffic is whizzing by. Eventually, you want to get your dog used to all sorts of noises and distractions to get him to be a balanced dog.

8. Use your treats before you feed - not after. Your dog can go without lunch if your class is at noon. You want your dog wanting the treats not being picky as he is full.

9. Always mark behaviours to get your dog to understand when he is getting it right. You can mark with your voice and a clicker.

10. Always be aware that if you give free treats - you are giving away the bank for free. Always and I mean always get your dog to do something for a treat. Don't just give it to him. Make him work for it. This may sound harsh but they actually enjoy working for a goal and therefore you have given him a challenge. Keeping your dog's mind stimulated is a good thang!

Most of all - remember to have fun. If you have fun, your dog will have fun and it will all come together.


Talemaker Sassy & Sebastian's Playdate

Thanks goes to Sebastian's Human Dad for sharing these photos with us. We do appreciate it!


The Trios First Class, Visit to Yvonne's


Havanese First Class, Yvonne's and More

Well, Miss Abs, C-Bass, and the Sassy Lassy had their first class on Saturday. I heard great things about it but I was out in the car with the rest of the motley crew. Miss Abs was a tad nervous when all the large dogs came in but soon got over that. Daddy knew what to do introducing her around in a way where she got her grounding. We find the Miss Abs gets a tad nervous with new experiences but recovers FAST.

C-Bass and Sassy looked around, did fine with the environment and Sebastian remembered the Miss Abs as a playmate. As you can see in this photo, the trio was having a Havanese sniff-fest.

I will let Nathan (daddy) fill you in on the rest as I was hanging out with the other canines. Next week it will just be us and the Abs and maybe I will get to see the Talemaker crew for a tad longer. Gad that enthusiasm of C-Bass and oops that bark like Miss Abs and that strut of Miss Sassy. Boy does she strut and prance with an air of - 'I am all THAT - you know'. Shh - C-Bass knows she's a gal and let's her believe she is. ROFL! Wise guy!

Then we went off to Yvonne's and had a sleepover. The crew knew where they were going other than Miss Abs who walked in the house - went hmm where am I and fell in playing with Flora Dora. Here she is in this photo trying to find Flora. They ran around this chair jumping on each other that one can't help but laugh and laugh.

You can always click on any of these photos to see a larger view.

Then they would catch up with each other and play and play and play. Miss Abs ended up downright exhausted.

The best part of Yvonne's house is first their company but also the heavy amount of socialization the dogs get. Our Shoshi was a timid dog and no longer is. We owe that to not just letting her nervousness be and the amount of socialization she has had. it really works in giving your Havanese a balanced and secure feeling with new things when they have had positive exposures.

Talking about exhaustion, Whitney, Terra, Katsuro, Shoshi, Wasabi and Risa all got their full play in. We have a ton of photos that I am hoping to put in a slide show. We also saw puppies and Miss Abs got to play with them too and loved it! It was great to see.

As you can see, Wasabi was totally exhausted and wet from all that snow. She was drying all cozy like in a blanket in total comfort.

When a new pup comes into your home, there is always a period of adjustment between the humans, the pups the other dogs etc. Miss Abs has been continually getting more and more comfort to the point that she is looking forward to new events and the dogs are really connecting with her. She has found her place in the pack and they have accepted her as a part of it. There is a difference from day one to now and it is nice how it evolved - naturally with all. She's won our hearts even with that wolf howl - just like the C-Bass but his is a tad different sound. Still - puppies sometimes like hearing their voices. As long as we direct it to using it for things you want to and not use it when you don't, it all works. we are a work in progress in this regard.

Now we went through a period of Risa being withdrawn when her pack left and Wasabi was starting to do the same and not totally ignoring but not connecting with Miss Abs and she has made that bridge with her - doing 'run like hell games' under the deck and just a few minutes ago, snuggled up against each other on the blanket next to my desk. she has also used her charm to get to Katsuro, Shoshi, Risa, Terra and Whitney.

It's nice to see Miss Wasabi Woo (as we so fondly call her) getting connected again with puppies as she adores them. I tell you, she was so excited to see C-Bass and Sassy Lassy that it did our heart good! We were too. :-)

The usual exhausted stance these days is a snuggle in the arms, on the couch, on the legs - wherever she can get close and enjoy being with you - nice!

Well, seeing we were on holidays, the dawgs got wet, messy and just plain had fun and we also get wet, messy and had our own fun. Good food, good friends and puppies and our dogs having a grand time. How can it get any better?

We have a video that we are hoping to convert and put up in the next day or two. Please be patient as we are exhausted from our trip. We are chillin' watching TV, relaxin' and playing catchup. More later....