Finding the Havanese Play

Abs to Kooba:
Hey - that's MY toy!!!
So much for a dog that doesn't play with toys. Kooba not only loves to play with toys after she gets comfie but also acts as mischievous as a puppy. She was running around like a banshee trying to keep the toy away from Abs and I swear she was laughing as she did. She certainly had an upbeat prance. Abigail - well she adores the play. If she could talk - she would be saying - bring it on!
Even when a dog loses or doesn't know how to play - you can find it. It may take patience and just finding what gets them excited. With Kooba - it just came as she gained comfort.
Well, Kooba goes into the vet tomorrow to get her teeth cleaned. I have found if you spray Leba III and give bones - well their teeth whiten up. Leba is expensive but it does work. it certainly saves $$ in the long run and they do not have to be sedated - win/win.
Wasabi goes in for her rabies shot that she missed due to heat and pregnancy timing. Fiona - well she is going for the ride and so is Abigail and dropping in on Yvonne. They may be going tonight or tomorrow. We will know - after handling class.
Gidget has been a picky eater but tonight I cooked her up some broiled breadless chicken cooked in bacon, added some of her lamb warmed up and she wanted more.
Picky eaters - hahahaha eventually - you find what gets them excited and then they change their minds.