Havanese Friendships Abound

Ah, the play of the Havanese - nothing quite like it. This duo - as the days go by - are becoming the best of pals. I think Miss Abs will enjoy Fiona when she gets a tad bigger even more but still - they manage to mix it up and Hav Joy!
Fiona still loves high places and there is still much jockeying in the bed. I think Fiona moved around the most last night and curls right into the crrok of your neck and fits there - and one wonders how it will be tonight with Gidget.
Miss Wasabi Woo and Risa had the brains in the house. They took over the extra twin bed attached to our king and claimed the entire thing as their own. Now who's the smartest?
We will tell you how it all works out tomorrow. Till then, we are watching Westminister, freezing our ahems off to get the dawgs to do their business then off to bed. More tomorrow...
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