
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in Shoshi (19)


My Shoshi Story

I was having a conversation in email with a few friends. One of the women suggested that the dogs love them best. I begged to disagree and wrote a little story about our Shoshi. After reading it one of the ladies replied that they’d love to see a photo of Shoshi cannonballing onto the bed and into her spot. I thought about it for a minute but I don’t know how we could set that up. First, Darlah is in bed sleeping most nights before me. Second, Shoshi won’t go to bed unless I am in it. I’ll think about this and see what we can do. Here’s the story and I warn you now, this is not for the faint of heart or those that don't allow their dogs on the bed …

Once upon a time we got a Havanese who we named Shoshi. She was flown to us from Saskatchewan. When we arrived at the cargo area to pick her up she and her sister, also heading for a Toronto destination, were in their crate. The cargo people were clueless and so I opened the crate myself and half crawled in to lift out the two puppies, first theirs and then ours. Once I had Shoshi in my arms I never let go. I mean I never let go. I tossed my wife the keys. I actually don’t remember if she or one of our sons drove home but I do know that Shoshi was cuddled up against my chest the entire drive home and that is where she stayed. That night the concept of her sleeping in a crate didn’t even get lip service. She cuddled up against my chest in the bed and went to sleep.

To this day she cuddles up against my chest and no one or dog gets in her way. Darlah and I sleep in a King Size bed. We also have a Twin bed beside it. All the Havanese sleep on the bed with us. Shoshi will not come to bed until I do. So when I do get into bed, she goes up one of the two doggy steps we have, stops at the top and surveys the sleeping arrangements. I mean that she checks to see where each dog is sleeping in relation to her 'daddy'. If they are in her way she leaps over them, literally. If they are in her ‘spot’ she does what can best be described as a cannonball for those of you having seen that particular dive. She launches herself into the air and lands in her spot, bouncing any dog to close to the side of my chest into the air and out of her way. That includes Darlah! Shoshi sleeps against my chest today the same as she has done every night for four years.
Next time I’ll tell you about Risa.
PS: Darlah here - and if you think he's getting a photo of me in my pjs - well you are DREAMIN'


Wet and Soggy Feet

How do you keep their feet dry? You COULD buy boots but most boots won't stay on and it inhibits their play. But if its just for a 'duty' break, it could work. We use them for show dogs.

Here we simply just use some spray on waterless bath on their feet, baby wipes and wipe off the mud. I then brush - and let dry and brush again if necessary. It sounds like a lot more than it is.

I like snow as it doesn't mean mud comes in. But the snow is coming again they say.

Then we have Yvonne text messaging us about South Beach and hot weather and I say - who is this - what dogs? hahaha

We have Yvonne's crew here while she is on holiday.


Low Key Havanese Day

I bet you that you are getting bloody sick of hearing that the humans are sick but boy 3 weeks and counting for the female human. She can't even muster a walk. Things were getting better and then back to being way sick. We think the dogs are growing weary of this.

What's interesting is the dogs smell my breath often. Not sure what they are smelling but they are.

Here's the Shoshi with Fiona playing. They are a mess - the human is a mess and we will survive. Hoping to get well NOW!

More tomorrow!


Achieving Happiness With Your Havanese

One would think this was about YOU achieving happiness but its about your Havanese achieving happiness.

We went into this venture with our original dog, Shoshi. She had the coat from hell (doesn't any longer). I learned a great deal from her. I learned if Nathan got up every 2 hours, the dog would be totally house trained or is that Nathan that would be?

I learned what unconditional love was really about and how a little dog can figure out what you need and fill that spot. Shoshi's person is Nathan but make no mistake, she appeases me to no end and when I fell last winter, she was the first to lick my face and she is the first to see what's wrong if I bang myself and scream an ear curdling sound - that is next to Katsuro.

I also learned to take a photo of a dark haired dog and see their face. I also figured out that messy has more character than just combed but that doesn't mean you should neglect combing but rather that you enjoy that they smoosh their face 2 minutes after you brush them.

As we added dogs, I also understood that each has their very own personality and job within the pack - that is if the pack is a balanced - functioning one. I also figured out if it is not, the visitors overnight would not work. I am thankful that although they have their quirks, they are indeed that.

I also learned that it took a puppy - Abigail to get Shoshi playing fully with back feet planted on the ground and paws up as if she is dancing. Shoshi has learned a great deal from the pack and they have helped her find her spot, her balance and her play. Yes, even a puppy can do that.

If you pay attention to your dogs - you can learn a great deal.


Are Two Better than One Havanese?

What you see here looks like a mass of hair and it is. In this photo is Shoshi, Abigail and Fiona.

We started this Havanese journey as our daughter has a Coton du Tulear and we loved to watch her Coton play with our Golden Retriever.

We are truly glad we made the plunge but there are days we check our sanity at the door.

When Shoshi came to us, she was too young, in my opinion and missing what the dam usually teaches those last critical weeks. Shoshi has been playing catch-up on how to be a Havanese since day one. She seems to have finally fully arrived.

Our Golden played with Shoshi wonderfully that first year placing her snout in the snow and throwing a spray of snow at Shoshi and soon Shoshi was doing the same in return. I have pictures of that memory that are truly precious. Terra and Shoshi fast became best pals.

Then we saw Shoshi playing with her sister with that run-like hell game and said - oh we need another. So our journey began to find a playmate that didn't fall on their face when Shoshi stopped on a dime - which often happened with Terra. Terra had longer legs but Shoshi could just outrun her by cutting corners and it was endearing.

Then Risa came into our lives and she just wouldn't play with Shoshi but she took a liking to me and would follow me around like we were connected at the hip. So, although she didn't play with Shoshi, well, she was ours. She is now Nathan's dog through and through since he sat and helped her through her last whelping.

After that, Paris and Wasabi came to visit and Wasabi alone played with Shoshi but with Paris - well Paris was her focus. I loved the antics of both Paris and Wasabi and when it came to picking between both to add another to our home, Wasabi won out due to her play with Shoshi. Paris only wanted Wasabi. But Paris was amazing - so difficult to choose. Paris could jump straight up on my hat box to an amazing height and curl up like a ball to sleep. But after we chose, Wasabi got in a funk without Paris and stopped playing with Shoshi.

Now if you are following this story - we got 2 dogs to play with Shoshi and neither would play with her. Now how did that happen? Then Kat was born in our home and well, he was Risa's and he was the one dog that climbed over everyone saying PICK ME - PICK ME and he took no backseat to his mom or to his grandsire, Mojo. He was one of the very select few that got away with challenging the Moj. Now Fiona also gets that designation, Risa's grand daughter, Mojo's great grand daughter. Something about that line and their personality. In their minds they definitely think they count the most.

Then we were lucky enough to get Abigail, to show and to bring some puppy life around this place. After 2 litters - we were really missing puppy-hood. Abs is an old soul before her time. She has this magic where she calms those around her and unites the pack. She has a delicious unbridled way about her in her play that all the dogs tend to gravitate to. They all want to play with the Abs - perhaps due to her being so accommodating.

Then we added Fiona, who has that 'pick me' attitude that makes you laugh. She also has that pouting thing going on much like Kat - no patience for taking too long and sees nothing wrong with walking up your body to get you to pay attention to her vs. anyone else.

The pups adore each other. To answer the question - are two better than one - absolutely. More work in training but once you get past that - and even while you are in the midst of it - the memories they create are priceless. But you have to invest time in spending one on one time with each so they bond to you not just the other puppy and that has happened here.

As you can see in the photo, due to Abs, Shoshi finally has a play partner that we were looking for when we started this journey. The introduction of the pups has helped Shoshi become the dog she was meant to be.

Shoshi and Abs are now playing wonderfully together. We started this journey for her to get her a playmate. She came to us at 7 weeks – way too early and it has taken her years to learn how to act like a Havanese from the pack. It’s hard to explain but she mounted Abs and I celebrated – not for Abs but that Shoshi finally has some perceived backbone in her mind. It’s a wonderful relationship Abs and Shoshi are developing and I have Abs to thank for that. Shoshi has made the entire circle to acceptance and becoming a critical part of the pack that has a job. No one should let dogs go at 7 weeks – as they miss so much learning from the dam.

That Abs…she is a heart dog – a calming force that reels them in and gets others to feel relaxed, loved and wanted. That’s a special quality she has.

So, are two dogs better than one... heh - do you now have the answer?


New Havanese Haircuts

Well, Daddy decided that Risa needed her hair gone so she could swim every day and get into shape. Between spaying her and not being able to walk her while we had pups, well - she got a tad chunky and she's ever so good at working the house.

So, now Daddy is the only food source treats and all and he's taking her for marathon walks. Next is swimming when the weather cooperates.

As you can see Risa's beard, front hair was left long and her body actually is short but done in layers.

When she stands up, she has some length hanging but not much. This way her hair is thin.

She can get fit and Mommy doesn't have to worry about all those knots. With very thick hair, and shows - well she was getting some when the gal never has before. Oh well, that middle age spread and age thang.

Remember you can click on the photos to see a larger version always.

All the dogs sniffed up Risa as if she was a brand new dog in the pack.

She indeed feels thinner and Audrey (our groomer) says that she will be able to swim without mats. That's good as we are a swimming house here.

Audrey comes to your house and I rather like that. She used to own 'Dogs in the City' and found she can make more $$ this way without the overhead of rent.

Well, then Audrey started in on Shoshi and she was so bad. She just struggled with her on her feet. It seems she really doesn't like them cut so close so she moved and moved and moved.

This is Shoshi on the table in my laundry room just before she was done.

Ignore the mess. I had just finished doing Whitney before she came. Whitney takes so long to wash and dry and oh my that hair that comes out. Retrievers are like that.

Audrey did the haircuts and I hesitated in a big way in cutting Shoshi due to her heavy ticking.

She also brought her grooming arm as she likes hers better and I can see why.

You can't see the ticking as much here due to the angle but boy does she have heavy - all over the place spots.

Take a look at this photo to the right where you can see how bad the ticking really is.

She looks like a spotted....

You don't notice the ticking so much till it is cut short and voila - the distribution is different with each dog.

Some have it throughout and some don't appear to be.

What is ticking? A parti coloured dog (black and white) with this gene will have flecks of colour throughout the white coat, giving it a salt and pepper appearance. Dogs without this gene will have a white that stays crisp and pure. In the canine world, the correct term for this is "Belton"

Not all Havanese have ticking. Actually some other breeds have ticking as well. But if you are interested in colour, check out Suzanne McKay's site.

Take a look at the left to see another view. Look at how heavy it is all up and down her legs. But the gal has straight legs. hahahaha

Well, none of us are perfect but each of us have perfection within. it's different for each and imperfection is true perfection.

As soon as Shoshi got off the table, she rolled and rolled so it was challenging to get good photos of her without her hair sticking up but at least you can see the ticking.

Well, Shoshi's out of here. She has things to do, places to sniff and fun to be had. If the weather holds up, I am sure she will be in the pool. Let the summer fun begin!

More tomorrow....


Preoccupied Havanese

We put down - well Nathan puts down 8 bowls each morning. He's the food giver so he gains and retains the allegiance of the show crew. I have stopped doing snacks even when I brush or train and rely on them going to him after I finish.

We have only started this a few days ago but the pack has already changed ever so slightly. They are sleeping and hanging out with Nathan more and me less. Is that a good thing? Well for the show dogs it is but I miss them so I realize I was also filling my own needs. But if we are going to get the show dogs to be all they can be, they must be totally reliant on Nathan. We will fill you in from time to time to tell you if it is working or not. Time will tell.

If you look at this photo, you can tell a bit about each of the personalities. Yes, we feed all 8 together without issue except from time to time Risa wants to steal someone else's or Abs or Shoshi. But we monitor and correct and all works. Abs tends to put her face in her bowl and savour each drop without taking her head out till done and Fiona is constantly looking around seeing if anyone else has something she doesn't.

Last night Shoshi tried to sleep with me and Fiona growled her off. It's not that Fiona wanted to sleep with me. She wanted to at that moment but as soon as Shoshi went up on the pillow, the challenge was not there and Fiona moved. Cute...

Came across a photo of Sebastian and Abigail. Boy have they changed. Take a look.

Last night I walked all the dog in a pack of 2 at a time - 4 walks and had an incident with a loose sheltie who bit my pants - connected with skin but no breaking of the skin. Have no idea why it happened. I had Shoshi and Abs with me. But when I reached a certain part of the road, the sheltie turned around still barking its fool head off. I am going to go back tonight with Nathan so I do not get fearful of such an incident. I tend to think it was a loose dog that lived in the neighbourhood and was just being territorial. Did the owner let it out as a usual ritual or did it escape from the yard or? Tonight may be telling. Still, a dog that bites - not good and loose.

More later. Have to get to work.


Conditioning Havanese

With everything, if you are having issues with your Havanese, slow conditioning does wonders. You just have to be consistent and persistent.

Every moment is an opportunity to teach and reinforce. You can always practice 'come', heeling on walks, sits, downs, stay etc

Use the opportunity even if it's at home. Never give a free treat or a hug or - anything when you can use that moment to continue learning. Well, don't make a habit of it - heh!

Abs is having an issue with the grass. Although she had her morning and afternoon show training in it, we want her to think that the grass is fun as well.

So, off to the park we went with Shoshi, daddy and me, of course. I have to take the photos, you know.

Well, you can clearly tell Abs is a puppy not just due to the length of her hair but the relentless deaking (running and swiping) she did with Shoshi to get her to play. Shoshi needed it too.

Shoshi's favourite place is the park behind the school. It's not always quiet so we have to know when we can do off leash work and when we can't. We have excellent recall with both of these particular dogs so they have earned their off leash play. But Nathan uses it as an opportunity to get them to 'come' for a treat. They count on it!

They also played fetch the ball but Abigail would touch it to claim it but hasn't quite figured out to bring it back. This is OUR problem as we should have been teaching her fetch. It's a great game that Shoshi knows so well. We are hoping that Abigail picks it up from her as she is in for many more park plays. Doesn't she look thoroughly happy and in the top photo, exhausted too?

See, show training can be fun too. How was this show training? We were showing Abs that grass is fun and I do believe she believed it today.


Havanese Puppy Training

Here is a photo of the fierce-some twosome - Fiona yawning not ready for the day quite yet. It's 5am in the Talemaker house and Miss Abigail decided it was time for her to 'get busy'. You ask what 'get busy' is? Well it's when she has to go and when she has to go - she has to go but I wanted to sleep in. So, I ignored, went under the covers and she went off the bed and my mind clicked in and said oh oh - she does have to go and she did. Tsk tsk on me and my not wanting to get my rump out of bed as she DID tell me. No, I did not get mad. I said 'no - outside' firmly, took her and her double trouble companion outside and she went again. The person I should be mad at is myself and I am. Miss Abs is pretty good at getting the 'outside' but if you miss the signals - and that's what it often is or you ignore - well then accidents will happen. If you have to go - you have to go.

Remember you can always click on the photos to see a larger version always.

So, as a snowplow went by at 5am with blue light flashing making all sorts of noise plowing streets that didn't need to be plowed as they were already done yesterday (such a waste) and the dawgs started to react to the sound.

I said my 'silly dawg' and they got that this was nothing to send to the pack to faciliate a warning. Notice how Miss Fiona has her eyes up cocked listening to the plow and Shoshi is sniffing her to see what its all about.

Well dear old Abs said now I am awake - let's play and here you can see her at 5am chasing Shoshi - who if you didn't look close enough - looks like a fur ball vs. a Havanese. ROFL People would shake their head if they saw my backyard at 5am. It comes alive.

Then after they came out, Shoshi, Wasabi and Katsuro came down. You didn't think Risa would - did you? Nah she stayed in bed with daddy till after 7am. Such is the life of those that are lucky.

Then it started getting lighter and good old Abs was still full of it (you should see the puppies first thing in the morning - CRAZY pups for sure - maybe I will tape it this weekend.

The moral of this story is the most fun to be had is early in the morning and don't think sleep is better than that. You will have a better trained dawg if you get into that mindset. Can you hear me laughing from here?

More later - and hope your dawg adventures are grand ones!


Havanese Friendships Abound

Ah, the play of the Havanese - nothing quite like it. This duo - as the days go by - are becoming the best of pals. I think Miss Abs will enjoy Fiona when she gets a tad bigger even more but still - they manage to mix it up and Hav Joy!

Fiona still loves high places and there is still much jockeying in the bed. I think Fiona moved around the most last night and curls right into the crrok of your neck and fits there - and one wonders how it will be tonight with Gidget.

Miss Wasabi Woo and Risa had the brains in the house. They took over the extra twin bed attached to our king and claimed the entire thing as their own. Now who's the smartest?

We will tell you how it all works out tomorrow. Till then, we are watching Westminister, freezing our ahems off to get the dawgs to do their business then off to bed. More tomorrow...


Havanese Nights

Hey - daddy went out with Sassy tonight to go play with Coach at his house. Daddy didn't get any great photos but here he is after getting home pretending to exercise. What - you don't believe it? They were all exercising. Exercising what? Their best stare- hahahaha

Dear old Abs gets comfie in the best spot - on high.

The crew is upstairs so I have to finish this off. Usually some of them wait for me but tonight it's only the Shoshi. I guess that means that the crew is way tired. Sassy came back and played her heart out with Fiona and Miss Abs. She sort of had no choice as they decided 'tag' she was it. I imagine now she is fast asleep. One wonders if Coach is flaking out too. Watch - I will go upstairs and she is playing with Abs...heh

This is the lone photo that Nathan got of the two playing. I can hardly tell who is who. They surely look like siblings. Can't wait to hear all about the adventures tomorrow unless the Sassy deigns to whisper in my ear tonight and tell me all about it. Wouldn't it be nice if they could? I certainly think so.

Well Westminister is on tonight and tomorrow on OLN they say. I missed tonight so can't wait to hear the news. Hope the Havanese are showing well. Let's hope for the miracle....yes Beth's miracle. :-)


Talemaker Coach Visit & Snowy Days

Miss Abs & Coach got along fabulously. Coach was more gentle with her than with his canine mom Wasabi. Miss Wasabi Woo was delighted and it's a joy to watch her excitement when seeing the pups. A great time was had by all. Now it's snowing and we are also including the photos of that - snow covered dawgs - such fun! Another grooming day...hehehehe

Snow tends to invigorate the Havanese. Enjoy the slideshow below!


Havanese TV Time & Dreams

Well, I am just finishing up getting things ready for tomorrow - charging cameras etc. and I couldn't resist putting up Miss Abs laying on our long leather ottoman that sits up against the couch. Do you think she is worried about anything?

I sat watching TV grooming and she was already done and decided to conk out. Well, I will tell you a funny thing about what happened while Miss Abs was snoozing. She must have been having one heck of a dream as she had her eyes closed, making noises and her tail was wagging but she was indeed sleeping. I would LOVE to know what fun dream she was having. It had to be a good one.

Well - off to bed myself as we have a full couple of days. Miss Abs and all of the crew except the Shoshi and Katsuro is up in bed with daddy.

One more update tomorrow morning then not again till Sunday night.


Havanese Changes

The crew is a bit off today as Sebastian is not here and neither is Coach but they are working it out.

It brings up our observations that whenever there are changes, there is always an adjustment. When we have visitors, the dogs get so excited and then when they go home - they go - now what?

Havanese are a highly sociable dawg. It's not that you can't just have one but 2 play differently with more enthusiasm. It's just a fact.

Now one would say but you have all those dawgs - but puppies bring a high level of enthusiasm to the mix and that's what the crew is missing. We know this is a temporary thing but as we are so in tuned with our dawgs, we watch and digest what is going on. Changes are always a 'good' thing. It helps your dog adjust to life as life is not stagnant.

We suspect by tomorrow, the crew will be back to themselves and Miss Abs will find her own needs met by the adults learning what she can get from which.

On Saturday, we are going to visit Yvonne's crew and stay over with the dawgs this way Miss Abs can really mix it up, deal with another change, have yet another car ride (we are giving her as many as we can) all with the goal to be very balanced so she can deal with anything life throws out at us.

For now, Miss Abs is playing with Nathan, trying to play with the Shosh and Katsuro and even trying to get Terra going. They play but not with enthusiasm. But as we know from experiences in the past, this too will pass and we will be back to crazy Havanese times.

So do, follow our journey.


Hey - Havanese Gal Wake Up

Sebastian says to Shoshi - hey - get up - I want to play! gad these old guys - all they want is their beauty sleep and to play with me in bursts. I guess that's okay too!

I guess I can learn PATIENCE but hrmmm food is calling me. Hey human - stop the exercise - oh is that supposed to be - stop the presses? Whatever....feeding time. I can smell that food already!


Havanese Toronto Puppies Snow Days

It was just the pups and I yesterday, soooo the camera work is a bit jerky, do forgive me. But, the pups and older crew had a roaring good time outside before the icy rain hit. It was interesting as they did climb right out of the basket I was transporting them in and that made life oh so interesting and then we got inside and they plopped right out again and that video will come next - when I have time to edit.

We are all missing human daddy who is stuck out in Powell River on business due to the weather. the song goes....oooh heaven is a place on earth - and it is with Wasabi's Toronto pups. I am going to miss this crew madly. Enjoy their snow day...


Proud Human Havanese Dad Speaks Out

Wasabi has always been our best moving Havanese. If I was to pick one dog in our home that was truly poetry in motion, it is our Wasabi. She also has a very calm personality. She’ll run and play and has always loved the puppies but she won’t get too excited about it. She's a thinker. No one can escape her. In 'run-like-hell' games no one can get away from Wasabi when she gets in the mood, except now maybe Kat.

I noticed the other day that over the course of the summer our little boy became very sleek, very muscular, from swimming with me every day. Wasabi was the second most prolific swimmer.

Yesterday Shoshi, who has always put on strong bursts of speed to escape, couldn't get away from Kat when they played 'run-like-hell' as he matched her burst for burst. Risa doesn't even try. She waits for him to go bombing by after Shoshi and cuts him off and they both go flying. It's a riot. He runs in these large very fast circles and Risa watches him for a second, then cuts across his line diagonally.

I also notice now that Risa can no longer overpower Kat when the two of them are up on their back legs playing with each other.

Meanwhile, Wasabi comes outside to do her business and all the dogs are excited to see her. Who can blame them?


Life of a Pregnant Havanese

Ah, such is the life of a pregnant Havanese on day 49 - but 2 weeks away. Daddy loves me, yes he does!

It doesn't matter if daddy's hips are hurting from arthritis or what - he still takes me for a walk and gives me tons of snuggles. Mommy does the same. We are the best and boy I know it!

For the first time, I tugged on the leash halfway through the walk and told mommy I didn't want to walk any longer so daddy took me with Risa and Terra. Mommy was out in front with Shoshi and Katsuro. They put me behind that dawg who thinks he is king, Katsuro so I picked up the pace. I wasn't going to have any of that and made it home just fine even to run with the rest out to the back where this photo of my tummy was taken. I am a tad wet on my backside as mommy is keeping me VERY clean.

Mommy needs to get a better photo but boy each day the stomach grows. Soon the little wonders will be kicking in my tummy giving me all sorts of indigestion. I have already started sleeping on my back almost exclusively. It's simply more comfortable. Pregnant women get body pillows and I get what - a back and nothing else. Geez - who's falling down on the job here?

Well, we were hanging out in the backyard watching Katsuro and Shoshi go after the ball on the pool cover - love those safety covers. They are not only safe but they act like a trampoline,make noise and give us extra space to run. We all like it. Oh, we miss the pool too but the covers okay now that it is cooler.

More later...


Mobile to Yvonnes

Okay - this is not my car but I am in a car and soon will be in a car. Mommy, Shoshi, Kat, myself and Whitney came downstairs as daddy has all the windows shut with the air on but its still too hot. It's much cooler downstairs. I tried hanging out in front of the fan but mommy still heard me panting. So, we are all going to hang out on the 1st floor in comfort till daddy, Risa, Terra. I look way comfie now and so does mom.

We will soon be off to Yvonne's after chowing down. Hopefully daddy can woo me into eating with something. Mommy will think she has to fix the hair on my head - please mommy after driving in the car, playing with the dogs, do you really think I will look so put together?

I am getting so excited. Lola's pups....can't wait. It will get me ready for my own. It's only a few weeks away. Rita is bringing a stethoscope so we can try to listen to the heartbeats. exciting!