
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in Katsuro (9)


Woofstock - ing It Havanese Style

Well, Fiona and I are off to Woofstock but Daddy had to buy into the combined government and big oil robbery by adding gas to the van. Oh - but how else could we go to our much enjoyed Woofstock. They sure have us by the ...... fill in the blank.

Fiona wasn't sure of it all at first. She had her tail down trying to survey all the dogs and people and - oh boy there were a ton of those in this sweltering heat. But after meeting other Havanese and getting used to the meet and greet, her tail went up and so did everyone else's.

This is GREAT socialization for our guys if you are proactive in watching the signs of dogs that aren't friendly.

Woofstock can be a tad overwhelming for those that haven't seen this many dogs at once before. This was Katsuro's 2nd year so he wasn't ruffled in the least.

We were able to hookup with Yvonne, Flora and Downsey. We didn't see anyone else from the Hav group.

You can click on any photo to see a larger version.

Downsey is Fiona's sister. Flora is from an earlier breeding of Yvonnes. You will see her at the Orono show and you will also get to see Miss Abs there.

Well, we were lucky enough to bump into a really nice lady that had the 'Rens Pet of the Month' photo of Abigail. Please post and tell me your name. Silly me for not getting it. I want to thank you SOOOOOO much for bringing it. I need one more copy - if anyone has one so I can send it to Miss Abigail's breeder. Thanks ever so much again.

It was Havanese heaven of sorts and we kept bumping into a number of them but I didn't get photos of all. Sorry. But, one was a deep red colour so I wanted to share it with you and no that cutie in the back is not a Havanese. ROFL!

We got a ton of samples from shampoo to treats. Let's see - to cover a small sample, we got 'Barking Mad' natural treats, Benny Bullys (small packages of 4 different new types and we also bought some, Natural Planet Organic dog food, to training pads, poop bags, to Doggie Dinner casserole - frozen and much more.

Poor Fiona loved all the treats so much that she came home to a tummy ache - loose bowels - sigh. See - even someone who knows better needs to remind themselves that Havanese normally can't have so many variety of treats at once and she loved them all. Katsuro was picky and didn't eat but a few.

We also saw some really cool jackets and collars and I mean way different ones from molded what have yous growing from the coat - hahahaha. You have to see it to know what I mean.

Talking about red Havanese, we saw a red sable with a puppy cut called Jasmine. It had such a tight curl that I imagine it is much easier to care for in a shorter hair-do. It reminds me of my Shoshi who is from teh same kennel.

All of the Havanese were friendly. We only saw a handful of non-Havanese that were unfriendly but they came in all sizes. The owners were proactive though - all but one.

We talked to a guy that had a Havanese that was manning a booth. He just adored seeing more of these guys.

We talked to people that were waiting for a puppy - to those that had just acquired one and the list went on.

The colours all varied as you can see in this photo. It was fun to see so many out and about. I wish I could go back tomorrow with 2 different dogs but how many samples can someone get. hahahaha

What will you see at Woofstock? Many, many vendors, lots of dogs, tons of people and maybe a ton of Havanese - if you are lucky.

What was missing this year? The Wellness booth, the spraying thing guy, the greenies booth unless we missed some of the show but we saw many new ones as well including a shampoo company up from the states. I can't promise I will try it on Miss Abigail for the show but I may try it on someone else and then try it on Abs when she's not needing to look her best. Each shampoo reacts on each dog differently thus - the - we will wait on her. More later when we try it.

If you are going to Woofstock tomorrow, be sure to bring water for you and your dog but one of the vendors had ICE cold water - yum and we gave some to the dogs whose tongues were hanging down to the ground in need of refreshment. Just check out that tongue on Katsuro. Hey, mom - it's downright hot out here - you know! We probably gave them something to drink every 10 minutes throughout our visit. It was that hot.

Many vendors gave away frozen yogurt for the dogs. Our dogs weren't a fan of any of them.

We did manage to get some great beds for a CHEAP price. They are way soft and I will tell you the dogs loved them. I also bought a cooling coat for Fiona but it was actually too big and was hanging down on her. It fits the Miss Abs perfectly and that is what she will have on her during outdoor shows. Ten minutes before I can just fluff her up and she will be ready to go and she will stay cool. We have another one coming in the mail as they were running out of the toy size FAST. Anyone who does outside activities in the heat should consider one as they are light and stay cool for a long time. I got home and ours was still cold.

What else - well I know this is not a Havanese but it rather sums up the day. It was a DOG day for sure in so many ways. You should head to Woofstock tomorrow. You will be glad you did.


Havanese Mother's Day

Well, it's Mother's day and here I am - the Risa hanging out. I am the oldest Havanese here so it's MY CELEBRATION too!

Let's see what has happened so far. We went back to bed with mommy as she thinks this is HER day after her human son Tal greeted her and the dad made pancakes and remembered coffee.

While we were taking a shower, we heard - 'quack quack' on the deck and daddy tried to get dressed fast so they could chase the ducks out of the pool.

It's a fun thing that Shoshi likes to lead the pack on. By the time they got downstairs - well no ducks so they are waiting for their return.

No harm ever happens - just a fun game of chase them out of the pool and sometimes even with Shoshi standing on her back legs - well they go to the middle of the pool and ignore her. If it was warmer, Kat would simply jump in and surprise them.

Ducks leave a tremendous amount of cleanup just from a 15 minute stay and the same pair always come back to swim, leave their deposits and just enjoy their holiday. ha!

Kids are out cleaning (well some) the garden and dogs are inside with mommy. We are waiting for Yvonne so she can clean up my mess on her blog. I posted there by accident - yikes

Off to Rens today after Yvonne comes and then hanging out in our new quality sunshade (a joke between friends)

Zack and Katsuro went for a walk. Zack will be going to Rens with us for socialization and the rest - throughout the day. Let's hope the rain stays AWAY!

Well from the Talemaker crew to yours - may you have an amazing Mother's Day!


Havanese Friendships Abound

Ah, the play of the Havanese - nothing quite like it. This duo - as the days go by - are becoming the best of pals. I think Miss Abs will enjoy Fiona when she gets a tad bigger even more but still - they manage to mix it up and Hav Joy!

Fiona still loves high places and there is still much jockeying in the bed. I think Fiona moved around the most last night and curls right into the crrok of your neck and fits there - and one wonders how it will be tonight with Gidget.

Miss Wasabi Woo and Risa had the brains in the house. They took over the extra twin bed attached to our king and claimed the entire thing as their own. Now who's the smartest?

We will tell you how it all works out tomorrow. Till then, we are watching Westminister, freezing our ahems off to get the dawgs to do their business then off to bed. More tomorrow...


Havanese Visiting: Old Pal

Well, Gidget has dropped in for the next 2 weeks and she is rather smitten with Katsuro. She used to love Wasabi but who needs a gal when you can have a guy - ROFL. Oh - she will come to her senses and realize that girls rule. Besides, Gidget is fixed and eventually Katsuro will figure it out but for now she is flirting up a storm.

It's funny to watch Katsuro think he is all THAT for the moment.

Men can be so ______you fill in the blank.

More later as this blooming relationship evolves - or doesn't - hehehe


Where's All the Havanese Excitement?

Here's the wet duo wanting to come in this morning. As you can see, Katsuro's hair is growing in from Opal yanking it off short on top but now Abigail thinks she can do similar so we will be spraying Katsuro's head with fooey. Not the best texture but better not to have it never come in - I say.

What we noticed is after a very full weekend, the day after - the crew needs to relax - even Nathan, hahahaha. So, they are all up in bed - I am working and they are vegging. What a life - I tell you. Nathan will have to play catch-up but the dawgs won't have to.

It's important to give your dawgs downtime as well as exciting, fun times. Balance is an important thing. You can still play retrieve, do walks, play but also find the time to snuggle, nap and enjoy the comfort of each other. Miss Abigail has found her way to the bed every morning after she wakes up much like our Sassy Lassy did. She comes down to do her duty, yank at Katsuro, jump on Wasabi, listen to Risa grumble and get Shoshi running. Terra just looks at all this shenanigans with a grin - I tell you and Whitney won't go out till after she eats - plain and simple.

Then Abigail will run upstairs and all I can hear is the pitter patter of paws running across the floor looking for daddy who is usually in the shower by then. If she can't find him, she barks - oh my.

We are working on videos of our crew - of Yvonne's crew and more so check back with us. I am trying to get it done inbetween work.

More later>>


Havanese Adult & Pup Education

Well things have become interesting. We can surely tell there is a relaxed atmosphere in this house.

Sebastian has no concern about telling Risa what he wants but with Katsuro he goes submissive playful which is the norm with 2 male alphas or alpha want-to-bes - someone has to take that stance for it to work.

Perhaps Sebastian is quite the politician as he got what he wanted and that was to get Katsuro to play full on with him just like he did as a pup. Good one, Sebastian!

The photo is not a good quality but here you see Katsuro playing with Sebastian and Wasabi playing with Sassy.

Sassy has not learned how to be a politician - though gentle in nature - she doesn't back down to anyone but she has had the reality of living here and more of a comfort zone and knowing that the grrr isn't serious around this place. It's just - okay - so you don't want me on top - or you don't want to play but I want to there!

Risa was caught playing with the little ones today too. How nice.

Someone whispered to us that Chico - a sibling may be coming to play and maybe we will get Coach back before Sassy and Sebastian go. Wow, will we have some fun then. We hope it materializes. If not, we will just have to arrange a play date at our house in the future. What can I say? Anything for an excuse to see the little ones.

We had a really fun day today. Sebastian stayed in bed a tad longer, Sassy came down to help me exercise. sassy kept pouncing while I did Kenpo and I swear she thought she was trying it too. She would go back and forth me in the same direction as if to say - can't you make up your mind lady where you want to go? One would have thought she got tired after that but no, the rest of the crew came down and they ate and suddenly the scurrying of little feet going faster than you can imagine and much laughter here. There's nothing like watching 2 Havanese together. They get more exercise then 10 walks put together. It's nice.

These two are indeed the best of pals. But there is nothing like the play with momma Wasabi and now Katsuro too. They are going to be missed!

We are also looking into acquiring one or two puppies ourselves from another quality line that hopefully we can show and breed so we will be continuing this blog and continuing the Talemaker journey of our madness into Havanese obsession. Just watch out. They are addicting and how could they not be with the laughter they bring. More later...


Paris & Cleo Visits Day 50 of Pregnancy - Wasabi's Puppies Coming Soon

Today Paris now known as Gidget came to visit me. She was my very best friend. I used to play with her endlessly but alas today I didn't feel like playing. Katsuro was the one wanting to play. I was really happy to see her though. A day without Gidget is a day without a best friend!

We were also blessed with having a visit with Cleo. Shoshi has begun to think in my delicate state that she needs to protect me so she decided to bark at Cleo and mom and dad had to correct her. It reminds you that no matter how well trained any dog is, if changes occur that sometimes one of the pack will take on a new role not desired. Training is an ongoing thang! I expect to be doing that a lot with my pups with the help of mom and dad.

Cleo is one pretty dog and we were glad to meet her. We hope to see her again!
Mom and dad took us for a walk this afternoon through the forest. I had to stay on leash and so did Shoshi as the Shosh wasn't acting her usual self and me - well I am preggie so mom and dad don't want me getting into anything I shouldn't. So, I had to watch Katsuro and Risa have a roaring good time chasing the squirrels. I was green with envy. Still, it was fun to watch. Gad day 50 - it's all going so fast and mom and dad have to finish my whelping room - that desk has to go!
Well, mommy mentioned to some of her friends the neat toy that Kitty Braund got for her doggies and lo and behold this one showed up for them. Now mommy is trying to figure out how washable it is. Ha! I think I will play with it - forget the doggies.

Another friend got me waterproof pads for whelping and 2 toys. Wow - it's nice being preggie. Mommy told me she wasn't going to let me play with this one as I did with the duck. I think I mauled the duck beyond recognition and it was supposed to be for the pups. Tsk, tsk mom!

Well off to watch TV and snuggle with daddy and mommy. Life is good...for now...


Life of a Pregnant Havanese

Ah, such is the life of a pregnant Havanese on day 49 - but 2 weeks away. Daddy loves me, yes he does!

It doesn't matter if daddy's hips are hurting from arthritis or what - he still takes me for a walk and gives me tons of snuggles. Mommy does the same. We are the best and boy I know it!

For the first time, I tugged on the leash halfway through the walk and told mommy I didn't want to walk any longer so daddy took me with Risa and Terra. Mommy was out in front with Shoshi and Katsuro. They put me behind that dawg who thinks he is king, Katsuro so I picked up the pace. I wasn't going to have any of that and made it home just fine even to run with the rest out to the back where this photo of my tummy was taken. I am a tad wet on my backside as mommy is keeping me VERY clean.

Mommy needs to get a better photo but boy each day the stomach grows. Soon the little wonders will be kicking in my tummy giving me all sorts of indigestion. I have already started sleeping on my back almost exclusively. It's simply more comfortable. Pregnant women get body pillows and I get what - a back and nothing else. Geez - who's falling down on the job here?

Well, we were hanging out in the backyard watching Katsuro and Shoshi go after the ball on the pool cover - love those safety covers. They are not only safe but they act like a trampoline,make noise and give us extra space to run. We all like it. Oh, we miss the pool too but the covers okay now that it is cooler.

More later...


Mobile to Yvonnes

Okay - this is not my car but I am in a car and soon will be in a car. Mommy, Shoshi, Kat, myself and Whitney came downstairs as daddy has all the windows shut with the air on but its still too hot. It's much cooler downstairs. I tried hanging out in front of the fan but mommy still heard me panting. So, we are all going to hang out on the 1st floor in comfort till daddy, Risa, Terra. I look way comfie now and so does mom.

We will soon be off to Yvonne's after chowing down. Hopefully daddy can woo me into eating with something. Mommy will think she has to fix the hair on my head - please mommy after driving in the car, playing with the dogs, do you really think I will look so put together?

I am getting so excited. Lola's pups....can't wait. It will get me ready for my own. It's only a few weeks away. Rita is bringing a stethoscope so we can try to listen to the heartbeats. exciting!