Today Paris now known as Gidget came to visit me. She was my very best friend. I used to play with her endlessly but alas today I didn't feel like playing. Katsuro was the one wanting to play. I was really happy to see her though. A day without Gidget is a day without a best friend!
We were also blessed with having a visit with Cleo. Shoshi has begun to think in my delicate state that she needs to protect me so she decided to bark at Cleo and mom and dad had to correct her. It reminds you that no matter how well trained any dog is, if changes occur that sometimes one of the pack will take on a new role not desired. Training is an ongoing thang! I expect to be doing that a lot with my pups with the help of mom and dad.
Cleo is one pretty dog and we were glad to meet her. We hope to see her again!
Mom and dad took us for a walk this afternoon through the forest. I had to stay on leash and so did Shoshi as the Shosh wasn't acting her usual self and me - well I am preggie so mom and dad don't want me getting into anything I shouldn't. So, I had to watch Katsuro and Risa have a roaring good time chasing the squirrels. I was green with envy. Still, it was fun to watch. Gad day 50 - it's all going so fast and mom and dad have to finish my whelping room - that desk has to go!

Well, mommy mentioned to some of her friends the neat toy that Kitty Braund got for her doggies and lo and behold this one showed up for them. Now mommy is trying to figure out how washable it is. Ha! I think I will play with it - forget the doggies.
Another friend got me waterproof pads for whelping and 2 toys. Wow - it's nice being preggie. Mommy told me she wasn't going to let me play with this one as I did with the duck. I think I mauled the duck beyond recognition and it was supposed to be for the pups. Tsk, tsk mom!
Well off to watch TV and snuggle with daddy and mommy. Life is good...for now...
Reader Comments (4)
I'm planning on getting a Havanese puppy this December...the puppies are due this month also! Does this toy really work as something fun for the puppies? I have one similar, as my youngest Violet used it "way back when" and I kept it for some strange reason even though I was done having babies (human, anyway). I guess, this might be the reason?! They are very easy to wash. Meanwhile, you have a beautiful dog and I lover her name. Congratulations.
First of all, I want to say congratulations on selecting a Havanese. This breed is amazing and I do not say that lightly. They will make you laugh and give you much joy.
You are much better than I as you keep the things that we often give the heave ho to. Most of the baby toys can be used by your Havanese with the exception of anything that has parts that can be torn off such as eyes and swallowed. I have also found some of the kitty chews for sore gums (cheaper than the dog versions) and a kitty tunnel that crinkles wonderful fun for the dogs. It's amazing what you can get them to try and enjoy.
I am sure you are counting the days till your new one gets there. Will it be a male or female?
I am definitely counting the days! However, probably not so closely as you and your family are...what a fun blog. I'm so glad to have stumbled upon it. I know it's a bit strange to have complete strangers reading about your family...I have a blog too: http://irantirave.wordpress.coml" REL="nofollow">I Rant I Rave and I've had a few "random" comments from people. I guess that what blogs are for?!
We are not sure if we are getting a little boy or girl, as we are not particular about the sex of the puppy and I'm more interested in matching the right personality for our family. We have two extremely dog friendly children who have been mourning the loss of their beloved Beauty girl (a border collie who was the Alpha dog and our playful, patient family member) who died this last Spring. We also have a very depressed great dane boy who misses his best friend, and who lights up when my mom's sheltie pup visits. I don't know what he will think of a dog who is smaller than his head...but he is very gentle around my sister in-laws yorkie (whom he ignores) and my in-laws cavalier puppy (who he loves and plays gently with).
Thanks for all the info about the toys! I'm slowly getting things "puppy proofed" as I work from home and want to make sure there aren't any dangerous temptations lying about!
Good luck with Wasabi and her pups. Again, I love her name and just might have to use her as a namesake. She is one of the most beautiful Havanese I have seen. I also like "Lefse," since in MN and it's a bit Scandanavian around these parts. I guess we'll just have to see how the name fits our pup.
You are wise to allow the breeder to select the right personality for your family. Too often people say - I want that one and they want that one as they like their looks but don't understand that each will change in looks as they get older and personality really matters. A high energy dog for a retired couple won't work nor will a timid dog with someone who wants to do agility etc. You could go on and on but the point is, often the breeder knows the pup better than anyone or at least they should. We get to spend all our time with them as we both work from home and therefore have an advantage in getting the pups to be all they can be. In choosing owner, we want forever homes and therefore are particular as your breeder should be.
I am sorry to hear about your loss. It does get better but have been there not too long ago. I will tell you that our retriever and Havanese play well together nd the retriever has learned how to adapt and play on the Havanese level. But you also have to watch for clumsy feet. At first your Havanese won't know how to get out of the way and your larger dog will need to be taught to adapt feet wise - to be careful. This will come but watch them closely at first as the Havanese when a pup can get hurt seriously hurt inadvertently.
When are you getting your pup?
Names are fun and can reflect the dog so learn about the dog's personality and then select a name that reflects that, IMHO. It can be in another language or the name may have that meaning or - but you get the point and whatever it will be - it will come to you.
We watched a puppy recently that was named 'little dickens'. It wasn't one of our dogs but I will tell you that name fit. That dog was amazing.
I will check your blog out. Glad you like ours. I find great humour in the Havanese and they give me good copy always.
You are going to be so pleased with this addition. The only downfall is they are contagious. Nothing like a 'run like hell' game with 2 Havanese.