
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in talemaker havanese wasabi katsuro darlah nathan potechin (19)


Another Windy Day

I am not sure what is going on but the wind blows through the hair and gives you all sorts of challenges in trying to get a dog perfect but I rather believe the imperfect is perfect actually.

There's something about the messy hair - the stride and the elements that gives me the real memory and I like that.

The day was filled with grooming but you can't tell that. They had walks - nails clipped - puppy fun outside - weights taken of puppies - play sessions - hugs - love and where did the day go?

Well, I will tell you, this crew can't wait till a turkey gets cooked. We are doing ours Saturday - yum!


News, Grooming, Photo Taking & More

Louis says to Kat - did you hear Treasure took breed in her last show? Did you hear Downsey got more points today - exciting but Mommy had to stay with us and the pups. She had to do this crazy hair tie on my head - groom all the dogs, clean the pool, do the poop patrol - yuck, pull weeds and practice 'no bark.

We have recently had many dogs introduced to the neighbourhood and if caught early with a gruff voice, you can get them to not bark but they may test you each time they hear a dog from afar. Today I practiced it throughout the day that by afternoon they looked at me pointing a finger and stopped. I don't accomplish it by anything but a gruff voice and catching it early but most of all being consistent. When I reach a level where all I have to do is point, I need to practice it when the door bell rings. I suspect that will be a tad tougher.

Our issue is Wasabi has pups so when folks come over - new dogs come in etc. - Wasabi calls the pack to protect her. How do they? - barking. I get why they are doing it but its not agreeable, So - we are practicing. Are you?

This evening I fed 12 dogs all in the same room without anyone stealing. Oh, we had dogs that tried by looking innocent and stealing a morsel that fell on the floor but beyond that - they waited in hopes I went away. I don't. I just tell them to get back to their own bowl - and yes they listen. You too can do this if you have multiple dogs.

How? By being consistent. It's human nanture not to be - so it takes work...sigh.


Guests & All That

Treasure seems to go and go and go. She's also watching Missy jump straight up on a dime. Remy loves to play and play. Treasure - well every now and then as the youngster in this crew, she needs to get some zzzzs.

I think the crew is still missing Teddy.

She's sitting here wondering - is this a swimming day, Daddy? The sun is shining... Besides maybe we can get Missy interested.

I think Mommy could use some of that sunshine too.


Picnic - Wasabi & More

The picnic was a blast and we at Talemaker want to say to Yvonne, Alex, Rita and Willard bravo - we will have ours in August and to all those that brought food, helped out and had great conversation with - well we enjoyed it.

I suspected Wasabi was in early stages of labour. I was right. In the car she started pushing. Her labour was not hard but she wasn't pushing all that hard. Last time was a c-section so this was new to her. It was great that she went natural.

Follow us at Talemaker Puppy Life as we continue this saga. We will be updating it with pix shortly and telling you about puppies and how life changes with them.

WE are tired but enjoying those dogs that are with us and the pups and making the most of living and loving the dogs despite the lack of sleep and food but hey I can use less of THAT...

Hope you enjoy the picnic pics. It took all day as I had to edit each to reduce the size but otherwise I did nothing to them.

Check out the picnic slideshow. We hope you enjoy!


Double Trouble

Can it happen twice? What do you mean?

When gals are intact, they come into heat usually every 5 or 6 months. Well, not Fiona - she's back in heat after 2 months.

What timing. See what you are missing? NOT!

It is what it is....

Wasabi is still in waiting... I am hoping for Sunday morning after much rest. ROFL

Again... It is what it is!

We will be posting everything puppies when they come on the puppy area at.....Talemaker Puppy Life

Just know - we are waiting too!


Wake Up Havanese Blues

If you look real close you can see Kat's reflection in the pool. Click on the photo to see a larger view.

As you can tell, he's been having fun in the pool. You don't have to coax him in - it's the other way around - getting the Daddy to come in.

Last night I played a fun game with Abigail and she adored it. Okay, I know when you go to bed - you should go to bed - no TV - no distractions or you are asking for a sleep that is anything less than satisfying but I can't help myself. So, when Abigail was laying next to me, I blew at her head and she started twisting and turning then coming back for more. She loved it. Treasure tried to get the focus on her and Fiona was miffed but we played and played til Daddy started playing with her in the same fashion then he watched TV (in our room - I know) and I went to sleep.

At 4am Treasure decided it was time to get up and play. Lord knows she had enough exercise for even the most fit to feel tired but nope - let's get up, Mommy so I said NO and rolled over - put the sheet over my head as she tends to lick your face and she laid down. I said - hmm okay this is good though once I am up, I am up. But 10 minutes later she did it again and then 5 minutes later so off we went downstairs. Nathan came too - usually it's just me and he went back to bed and here I am deader than a door nail typing and the crew is sleeping on the floor.

I think the Treasure should play retrieve before bed tonight and wear herself down even more and she needs to know 4am is NOT it. Why this happened last night - I haven't a clue but we will be doing everything to make sure it doesn't tonight.

Maybe it was my silly game with Abigail that set the stage for her wanting to get up sooner or bad!


First Pool Moments of 2009

Just thought we would share some photos with you on the first day of this season back in the pool. We also have a video we have to convert which is better than the photos but still - I think I captured some hair raising moments. Kat, Wasabi and Treasure - Treasure's first in the pool moments. Yes, Kat jumped in the pool but you wil have to wait for the video for that. Treasure not yet and Wasabi - well she is too big to do that - please!


Pregnant Pause of the Havanese

Ever wonder how a pregnant Havanese copes with all that extra growing weight? I pay strict attention as I know how it feels. As someone who has gone through it a number of times, I get that - got to get in the right position to feel good enough to sleep.

I am sure many of you humans can relate.

In the late stages of pregnancy - mid June for Wasabi - us humans will go through something called breeder's remorse. The pregnant Havanese start waddling and it's hard to jump up as they usually could but their minds tell them they still can. Wasabi managed to make it last time right up to the end but she wasn't graceful about it.

Since Wasabi's ultrasound, her tummy has been growing and you can feel pups. Actually you could feel it the day of the ultrasound but it is getting more obvious as the days go on.

Closer to the end, I will start tying up her hair everywhere. It won't look glamorous but it will be easier to clean after. I am going to try to line comb each section and wrap it - well I think. Last time I only pony tailed it everywhere. We shall see.

If we have plans to do one thing, mother nature will interfere so maybe it's best to shut my mouth. heh

Well, I have to get the Treasure washed. Then we have guests over later with their Havanese and Bichon. We are watching a Bichon called Hannah and it happens to be the sibling of Hugo who belongs to the family that got Lil Man. Small world.

That will be a picture taking moment in time wit Treasure in there as well. We can't wait. I just hope it doesn't rain. Oh well...


Fiona Rain Style Havanese

Here's a dawg - a Havanese that doesn't seen to mind all this rain we are getting.

Well, Cleo and Apple go home tinight. The human's grandkids come tomorrow till Friday and then a few of Wasabi's dogs are coming for a visit.

If it is sunny tomorrow, we may see Otis. Now how cool is that?

We promise photos and fun times.


Dog Shows and Locked Down Blogger Style

Just had a bath and I couldn't help but squish my face. So - I am a DAWG!

Day Two and our blogger lockout is FIXED. It was sitemeter. I deleted that block and voila - we are back rockin'

It tells me I need to do a blog or my own site elsewhere. Rather like it here but this is crazy. It will make the hubby happy - if I have to. hahahah

Well, we have 2 more dogs that came this afternoon - Chloe and Apple to play. Coco and Zack just went home. Jazzy is also here.

What are YOU up to? If you are in Orillia Sunday - come up and watch us at a dog show. It will be fun to meet you.


Bath & Handling Class Tonight

Well, I haven't had a bath since the 27th of last month when I did a show and due to 3 baths in one weekend, Mommy believes in giving her and me a break. I am not all that dirty. Mommy is just a tad ridiculous about the coat. Today she is going to try a new shampoo on Fiona and if it works good, she will give it a try on me.

Last night Mommy did training with Zack. Mommy thinks Daddy did it with the rest of the crew minus heeling. He also took Zack over to Home depot. Hrmmmf I didn't go but I do get to go to handling class tonight. I can't wait. One more week and we will be doing the classes outside.

When you have multiple dogs, its good to have one on one time too with each.

Well both Fiona and Abs had a bath today. We were trying new stuff on them to see what works with their hair the best.

Abs is going to handling soon. Let's hope she really does well this week. Here you can see her tail at half mast after her bath. One would think that she didn't just adore the bath. ROFL - Okay - they don't but she's rather used to it and lets me blow dry her face thoroughly. Fiona is still at the point of - anywhere but the face mom so we still do it - just don't completely dry it.

The point is - keep at this washing/grooming business and it DOES get easier.


Havanese Mother's Day

Well, it's Mother's day and here I am - the Risa hanging out. I am the oldest Havanese here so it's MY CELEBRATION too!

Let's see what has happened so far. We went back to bed with mommy as she thinks this is HER day after her human son Tal greeted her and the dad made pancakes and remembered coffee.

While we were taking a shower, we heard - 'quack quack' on the deck and daddy tried to get dressed fast so they could chase the ducks out of the pool.

It's a fun thing that Shoshi likes to lead the pack on. By the time they got downstairs - well no ducks so they are waiting for their return.

No harm ever happens - just a fun game of chase them out of the pool and sometimes even with Shoshi standing on her back legs - well they go to the middle of the pool and ignore her. If it was warmer, Kat would simply jump in and surprise them.

Ducks leave a tremendous amount of cleanup just from a 15 minute stay and the same pair always come back to swim, leave their deposits and just enjoy their holiday. ha!

Kids are out cleaning (well some) the garden and dogs are inside with mommy. We are waiting for Yvonne so she can clean up my mess on her blog. I posted there by accident - yikes

Off to Rens today after Yvonne comes and then hanging out in our new quality sunshade (a joke between friends)

Zack and Katsuro went for a walk. Zack will be going to Rens with us for socialization and the rest - throughout the day. Let's hope the rain stays AWAY!

Well from the Talemaker crew to yours - may you have an amazing Mother's Day!


We are Back at it Havanese Style

It's early morning and that human mommy thinks I should get up and exercise with her. Okay, we thought we should but 4am - please... Only I (Fiona) and Katsuro got up and as you can see, I crawled into my crate and went fast to sleep. Katsuro climbed on the couch to snooze and open his eyes halfway every now and then just to be sure the human was really doing this crazy stuff again.

The human has vowed that this is the beginning of getting back to it. This is day 2 of really bringing it. Will the canines survive? Will the human survive?

A potential new human mommy and packmate is coming over to hang out with Chico today and learn some commands that he learned at obedience. Chico is really getting back to being attached here so it is time.

More later as the day goes on.>>


New Havanese Slideshow

The pups are messy as ever from their early morning jaunts outside and my lack of combing them so just ignore and realize the dawgs need fun too - not all that brushing all the time.

Check out what they have been up to today in this slideshow.

We are going to take walks today, socializing the Abs, the Fiona at Petsmart/Home Depot etc as long as the rain stays away. then I will be back at it taking Risa, Kat and the rest of the crew. It's time I get back into shape consistently.

We will also be doing training today - actually going to start with Chico in a few minutes.

More later as the day develops.


Cold and Brrr Havanese Morning

It's a cold day. We took in all our plants too late and now they are drooping but the dogs just love it. The cooler air just seems to invigorate them.

Well, we have training to do. Human mommy has to do the 'Idol' results page tonight and take a nap with the crew and we have someone coming by to see Chico tonight. Then teh Miss Abs gets to go to handling class again. She's going to totally have this ring business down cold one day for sure - soon.

More later>> (Be sure to watch the show videos below)


Full Lindsay Show Up Now

The playing is back and we are really having a great time. The shows are fun but so are the downtime when we can spend time playing, training and snuggling.

Check out all the show videos below.

It's Abs first show at 6months old and we will be going to a few more soon. But till then, Miss Abs is going to handling tonight and tomorrow night and Miss Fiona and Chico - the fluff ball will be doing obedience classes with Coach. Hey, John - are you practicing with both? Take a look at Chico and Fiona playing their hearts out.

Day 1 Lindsay Show
Day 1 Lindsay Show Part 1 of 3
Day 1 Lindsay Show Part 2 of 3
Day 1 Lindsay Show Part 3 of 3

Day 2 Lindsay Show
Day 2 Lindsay Show Part 1 of 3
Day 2 Lindsay Show Part 2 of 3
Day 2 Lindsay Show Part 3 of 3

Day 3 Lindsay Show
Day 3 Lindsay Show Part 1 of 4
Day 3 Lindsay Show Part 2 of 4
Day 3 Lindsay Show Part 3 of 4
Day 3 Lindsay Show Part 4 of 4


Talemaker Havanese Crew Adventures

Hey - I have my first show next weekend and daddy needs to work with me today. Daddy is worried that Chico may ruin my coat but I like to play. We have to figure out a balance and still leave me staying beautiful. Got any ideas?

This is the first day Chico is without his cone head and he isn't going after the staples. A couple of more days and he gets to get them out. This is also his last day for his antibiotic. We can't wait to bathe him as he really needs it.

Let's see how things have changed. We have a neighbour dog that barks all the time and Chico is 98% listening to the 'no bark' on first command. Bravo! He comes 99% of the time now - another bravo. He is getting used to the grooming even though we can only just brush and comb him thus far.

As you can see in this photo, Sebastian and Katsuro are getting along famously. So is Chico and Katsuro.

He loves playing the run-like-hell game with them especially if there is mud close by so they can get rather ragged looking.

Sebastian goes home Monday and we are going to wait till then to bathe him. He's already had one bath here but we want him extra handsome and and that's tough to do with our yard till things grow in.

Well Coach and Sassy are coming over to play so we can't wait to see how that mixes things up around this place.

Remember you can click on any of the photos to see a larger view.

Fiona likes to get down and dirty too and she has such a mischievous side to her. She takes advantage of her small body to hide in nooks and crannies and then jumps out and pounces at the rest.

Fiona is a really fun lovin' dog and so is Abigail. They just add something special to our mix and we love it!

Although Fiona can't keep up with the older pups, she surely gets creative to get the advantage when playing. It's so funny to watch.

Here you can see her huddled under the plant and everyone else is too large to get to her. No - she is not afraid in the least but rather enjoying the game of hide but you can't catch me.

She even has Katsuro playing much more too due to that side of her. She had Chico going the other night where she jumped out of a window on a toy we had and then he looked around as if to say - where are you and she would do it only when he turned his head. It was a riot. Both were playing thinking and solution games.

Fiona gets to see her sister Coco again tomorrow and Downsey. I bet she is going to be really excited.


Sebastian Stylin It

Here's a photo of Sebastian, one of Wasabi's pups. It took me so long as I am learning how to mask properly and had some feet on both sides to take out. One of his packmates feet and one of the human kind. I still need some practice so forgive me.

Sebastian has some All Systems invisible gel in so he can see and he has gorgeous eyes.

All you need to do is stick a face comb in it, shake off the excess and comb it back or where you want the hair to go. I use it with Katsuro as his hair is growing out. His hair is already starting to go back that way without the gel as it trains to go in a certain direction. I will continue till it totally falls that way.

Sebastian is going to be visiting us next for a sleepover - fun in the Talemaker house and we can't wait. It's sort of a let down when the guests go home as the pack tends to chill and get in a more quiet mode - even the youngins' that usually run around like banshees in the morning. They are doing it less today. The party left...and we are BORED mommy so get creative.

More later...


Wasabi and Kat

I was just flipping through a few pictures we've accumulated over the years and I came across this one of Wasabi and Katsuro when Kat was about 5 months old. They are both lying on the security cover we have on top of our swimming pool, which is bolted down in about 50 places. I can walk on it. When there is no snow on it, the dogs bounce over it as if they are on a trampoline. For those of you with dogs and a pool I strongly recommend you get this kind of security cover for the winter.