
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in puppy training (10)


What Are You Saying?

"I'm Feeling Relaxed, Normal ... "

My posture is calm and relaxed, just kinda standing around. Please ask my owner before you approach me or pet me, just to be on the safe side.

Yes, one should ALWAYS ask an owner if you can pet their dog. Even when one does, it doesn't always mean that the owner knows how their dog will react.

You have to get to know your dog and what other dogs are saying.

That is why its good to take obedience classes so you can learn what your dog is saying and what other dogs are saying. You will also have a more confident dog and that's a bonus.

Even the most confident dog in one environment may show concerns in others. It all depends on how YOU Handle it on how your dog will ultimately handle 'concerns.

Treasure has had many handling classes, several levels of obedience and is a champion show dog. She's been conditioned to all sorts of environments but I could take her to a bowling alley and her body may shake from concern if she heard bowling balls going crack. It's not something we would have conditioned her to so it would be new to her. That's the point. In life there is always something new but as time goes on, if you do your job right, not coddle and expose productively, those exposures that are new will come with coping skills and trust that you would keep them from harm's way.

So, slow condition and keep at it and you will end up with an amazing dog. We are what we know and that is true of our dawgs as well!


It's a Dawg Day

How do you teach patience? We are still trying to do so. When it comes to eating, Treasure does flips waiting for her food. The gal adores eating. She's never first getting her bowl. She's actually one of the last ones to get hers - on purpose.

That's okay. It works to our benefit in the ring.

Treasure has started noticing Kat these days and is busy trying to tear his hair out. That's a no no on a show dog so we practice 'no bark' and 'no bite' more than the usual. The thing about Treasure is she is a dog that tests you.

You say 'no bark' and she lets out one more bark. You say 'no bite' and she grabs one more time just to say she can. She's called our 'step over the line' dog. If you like this personality - it's a true joy. If you give her rules and boundaries - she thrives but she also tries to get her last bark in - so to speak. She heels perfectly. She shows beautifully. She makes you laugh till your sides ache at times but if you didn't tell her and remind her what the rules are..she may not be so cute.

Dogs thrive with a clear understanding of what the rules are. Letting them be in charge of the house is not a wise thing. But when we see dogs of size and they are doing cute things - it's easy to laugh and ignore but you shouldn't.

I call this the two c's. Consistency is a must and courage to ignore the cuteness factor. hehehe


News, Grooming, Photo Taking & More

Louis says to Kat - did you hear Treasure took breed in her last show? Did you hear Downsey got more points today - exciting but Mommy had to stay with us and the pups. She had to do this crazy hair tie on my head - groom all the dogs, clean the pool, do the poop patrol - yuck, pull weeds and practice 'no bark.

We have recently had many dogs introduced to the neighbourhood and if caught early with a gruff voice, you can get them to not bark but they may test you each time they hear a dog from afar. Today I practiced it throughout the day that by afternoon they looked at me pointing a finger and stopped. I don't accomplish it by anything but a gruff voice and catching it early but most of all being consistent. When I reach a level where all I have to do is point, I need to practice it when the door bell rings. I suspect that will be a tad tougher.

Our issue is Wasabi has pups so when folks come over - new dogs come in etc. - Wasabi calls the pack to protect her. How do they? - barking. I get why they are doing it but its not agreeable, So - we are practicing. Are you?

This evening I fed 12 dogs all in the same room without anyone stealing. Oh, we had dogs that tried by looking innocent and stealing a morsel that fell on the floor but beyond that - they waited in hopes I went away. I don't. I just tell them to get back to their own bowl - and yes they listen. You too can do this if you have multiple dogs.

How? By being consistent. It's human nanture not to be - so it takes work...sigh.


Havanese First Class, Yvonne's and More

Well, Miss Abs, C-Bass, and the Sassy Lassy had their first class on Saturday. I heard great things about it but I was out in the car with the rest of the motley crew. Miss Abs was a tad nervous when all the large dogs came in but soon got over that. Daddy knew what to do introducing her around in a way where she got her grounding. We find the Miss Abs gets a tad nervous with new experiences but recovers FAST.

C-Bass and Sassy looked around, did fine with the environment and Sebastian remembered the Miss Abs as a playmate. As you can see in this photo, the trio was having a Havanese sniff-fest.

I will let Nathan (daddy) fill you in on the rest as I was hanging out with the other canines. Next week it will just be us and the Abs and maybe I will get to see the Talemaker crew for a tad longer. Gad that enthusiasm of C-Bass and oops that bark like Miss Abs and that strut of Miss Sassy. Boy does she strut and prance with an air of - 'I am all THAT - you know'. Shh - C-Bass knows she's a gal and let's her believe she is. ROFL! Wise guy!

Then we went off to Yvonne's and had a sleepover. The crew knew where they were going other than Miss Abs who walked in the house - went hmm where am I and fell in playing with Flora Dora. Here she is in this photo trying to find Flora. They ran around this chair jumping on each other that one can't help but laugh and laugh.

You can always click on any of these photos to see a larger view.

Then they would catch up with each other and play and play and play. Miss Abs ended up downright exhausted.

The best part of Yvonne's house is first their company but also the heavy amount of socialization the dogs get. Our Shoshi was a timid dog and no longer is. We owe that to not just letting her nervousness be and the amount of socialization she has had. it really works in giving your Havanese a balanced and secure feeling with new things when they have had positive exposures.

Talking about exhaustion, Whitney, Terra, Katsuro, Shoshi, Wasabi and Risa all got their full play in. We have a ton of photos that I am hoping to put in a slide show. We also saw puppies and Miss Abs got to play with them too and loved it! It was great to see.

As you can see, Wasabi was totally exhausted and wet from all that snow. She was drying all cozy like in a blanket in total comfort.

When a new pup comes into your home, there is always a period of adjustment between the humans, the pups the other dogs etc. Miss Abs has been continually getting more and more comfort to the point that she is looking forward to new events and the dogs are really connecting with her. She has found her place in the pack and they have accepted her as a part of it. There is a difference from day one to now and it is nice how it evolved - naturally with all. She's won our hearts even with that wolf howl - just like the C-Bass but his is a tad different sound. Still - puppies sometimes like hearing their voices. As long as we direct it to using it for things you want to and not use it when you don't, it all works. we are a work in progress in this regard.

Now we went through a period of Risa being withdrawn when her pack left and Wasabi was starting to do the same and not totally ignoring but not connecting with Miss Abs and she has made that bridge with her - doing 'run like hell games' under the deck and just a few minutes ago, snuggled up against each other on the blanket next to my desk. she has also used her charm to get to Katsuro, Shoshi, Risa, Terra and Whitney.

It's nice to see Miss Wasabi Woo (as we so fondly call her) getting connected again with puppies as she adores them. I tell you, she was so excited to see C-Bass and Sassy Lassy that it did our heart good! We were too. :-)

The usual exhausted stance these days is a snuggle in the arms, on the couch, on the legs - wherever she can get close and enjoy being with you - nice!

Well, seeing we were on holidays, the dawgs got wet, messy and just plain had fun and we also get wet, messy and had our own fun. Good food, good friends and puppies and our dogs having a grand time. How can it get any better?

We have a video that we are hoping to convert and put up in the next day or two. Please be patient as we are exhausted from our trip. We are chillin' watching TV, relaxin' and playing catchup. More later....


The Havanese Miss Abs Vs. The Leash

Well tomorrow is class time and are we ready? Do you hear mommy laughing hysterical? The strong willed Miss Abs has decided even with daddy treating her, well - you want me to do THAT!

Me thinks daddy is going to have a challenge tomorrow but by next week, she'll be more than fine - just watch. Try to get lead time in, getting acquainted with the house and bonding time in and expect amazing things - well good things come with those that practice patience.

Let's see what she has accomplished so we do not concentrate on what she hasn't. She's only been here now for the 5th day. She runs up and down the stairs now and when she first got here it was as if to say - howl - you want me to go down all those stairs? No problem now.

She wriggles her entire body when Nathan or our youngest son Jonathan comes in the house. She swan dives off the deck out back and I mean swan dives right into the snow. Strangers come to the house and she is WAY friendly to them.

She plays retrieve nicely and does it 100% correct. She also comes to her name.

She will settle for a bed on the floor in our family room but she prefers the couch and gets it. She loves the beds under Nathan's desk.

Nathan closes his office door with him in it so she can eat in peace and quiet and she howls to get out. That howl is way funny too.

She prances and I mean prances when she walks - way nice! She's also a MASSIVE snuggler and we noticed a significant difference on day 5 on how relaxed she has become as if she now knows this is her house to rule. HA! Let's see if Miss Risa allows THAT!

We have a busy day of getting things ready for class and a sleepover at Yvonne's. We promise another update tomorrow and not another till Sunday night filled with photos and fun things we did including revealing tidbits about how the 3 Havanese did in class.

Yvonne still has 3 pups available and they are now already 8 weeks old.

Oh - and Coach's parents made us a banana bread and it's 3/4 gone - YUM and I mean YUM!

We are really getting excited about seeing Sebastian and Sassy Lassy. Can't wait!

Hoping Chico and Remy are having a grand time. Ah puppies - miss that Wasabi crew and she does too.


What Makes an Outstanding Havanese?

This morning, Sassy was relentless with Katsuro. He wanted to sleep - she insisted that she wanted to snuggle. It was as if Katsuro wanted to say - 'will you just leave me alone?'

This was the beginning of their social interaction today. Each day it varies on what she learns from each. It's a huge bonus for her to remain with many dogs as she will learn a bit from each and it will help her learn important communication skills. It's hard for us as we bond with them. But as we found in the past and with Sebastian yesterday, when a pup comes to visit and enjoys and is comfie in our home, it means they have good imprints from where they began. Then when they are done playing, show that their new owners are their person, and they go home, it also shows us that this learning, security and love has continued and that lends us comfort as it's all about the dawgs to us more than you can ever know!

To continue on what happened this morning - Then as time went on, they just fell asleep together. Relationships at this critical stage are important as they lay the base for how they will react as adults unless you intervene and immerse them in slow conditioning but why start with baggage? It's best to expose in safe environments to give the best result. Easier said then done at times and things do happen and you 'can' recover.

What that means is it is important to expose them to dogs you know that will give them positive reactions to help them learn how to interact. That's not to say that the growl from Risa as one is getting too close is not a good thing. It is but when no altercation exists but rather communication, the puppy learns.

You can click on any photos in this blog to get a larger view.

Today we are working on a video with Sebastian to show you how siblings react to each other. It's a joy - a true one. But I need to find the time to edit and we have much to do today - am shooting for tonight at the latest to post.

To elaborate on what makes a dog balanced, secure, even temperament and all that you want it to be - is it genetics? I will take a piece out of Kathryn Braunds book, The Joyous Havanese (I suggest you buy this book) that tells what makes a dog be all they can be.

"Your dog is 50% dam, 50% sire however both dam and sire are a product of generations of genes. Each canine mom imprints her puppies with habits she has and the way she responds to their and her human's guardians every action. " (My note: with multi dogs - that includes all the dogs that interact with the pups)

"Ingredients in making a dog be all they can be:

1. Interactions with siblings (other dogs in home)
2. Interaction with the breeder
3. Permanent socialization from 8 to 20 weeks
4. The final touch covers adolescent from 12 to 15 months. Socialization during this period cements all past genetic and environmental happenings in the not so closed brain.

Note that many genes do not come into play unless they are utilized early on such as retrieving. It is why you should be teaching your dog as much as he can by 15 months. It doesn't mean learning ceases after this age but the brain is more receptive till this age."

Puppy relationships start in the whelping box. You as a potential owner should be asking what the breeder does in regards to socialization, relationships etc.

Here, we take it very serious and invest our whole heart and soul in it but it's a learning process and once you stop and become stagnant, it's not good. Life is changing so learning should never end. From 4 weeks to 16 weeks is a very critical stage.

"Let's see what makes a Havanese tick. We already know the Havanese have genes honed into them through centuries of rearing, which makes him loving, exceptionally happy and bouncy. His stereotype is of a sensitive, willing, attention seeking, charming athletic dog.

However each Havanese is an individual and each has been gifted or denied by nature and environment with certain talents above and beyond the breed's basic characteristics., just as humans are. Each Havanese will develop different emotional responses to experiences he meets in life."

It's good to know that the Havanese you own (or will) completes his personality development and his uniqueness through interaction with you and your family.


Sebastian's New Family

It was 8 degrees (Celsius) today. It rained off an on for most of it. The snow has been melting so much that steam was rising from the ground. The dogs came in from playing in the backyard soaked to the skin. Kat couldn’t care less. He’d have happily stayed out all day.

Now the temperature has dropped dramatically and the wind is howling outside. The temperature tonight is supposed to reach -6 not counting the wind chill factor. In other words, it’s going to be freezing and the roads are going to be totally iced over and treacherous and so are our backyards. If you don’t have to go out, stay home! And please don’t spend too much time outside with your dogs or puppies tonight, just enough to do their business and get back inside. Dogs can get frost bite too!

Sebastian left us today. He is the sweetest little boy. He’s going to a home where they know dogs! I’m told he’s already met his two new four legged companions, both Labrador retrievers that only outweigh him by 90 lbs. Knowing Sebastian he’ll have no problem establishing dominance, licking his way to the top of the pack. I’ll post a picture of Sebastian and his entire new family as soon as I can get it. In the meantime those wee Labs better leave room on the bed for the new king. I taught him martial arts for nights like this.



Havanese: Where's the Treats?

The pups are one day short of 9 weeks and are now starting to get too smart for their own good. heh

We started teaching them sit and with some 'beg' -meaning standing on their back legs but yesterday one stood up and overshot his stand and went tumbling back. He perfected it though the next time as soon as the treats came out.

Nathan takes chicken breasts, cooks them then cuts them in thin strips and bakes them for a long time to come up with a treat that they adore and we leave it in the fridge.

This morning, after a really restless sleep due to a leg cramp that kept coming back, I placed the container in the other room with the other treats where they do not belong. I then remembered and headed back in to put them in the fridge.

Well, here is two waiting for the treats that they know are there and as soon as I picked up the container, the others came running and one sat waiting while the others were beside themselves in excitement. Now who was the smart one. Well, the one that sat got his treat. Later on today we will continue to reinforce sit and 'beg' and take it from there.

Time is running out and the 2 that will remain till they have homes will go into our beds - I know crazy us but all our dogs sleep with us so with those 2 we are already getting them familiar with the bedroom. Six pups and adult dogs is so much work if you really put your all into it and we do but that also means we get so attached. We are going to miss this crew as each one has been truly unique and wonderful and easy. But we feel good that the homes they are going to are exceptional and that's what it is all about.

Puppy love ...nothing like it. So far we did one training session, 3 outside romps, 1 long kitchen play session and now they are out like a light snoozing. Life is good and we must have done something right in this world to have this puppy experience - nothing like it!


Talemaker's Pups Lovin' & Playin'

The Havanese pups soon will be 9 weeks and off they will go to their new home by months ends. Two will remain until we find forever homes for them and while they do, they will be enjoying, loving and playing and keeping their minds busy helping them to be all they can be. Watch how Havanese mom Wasabi now plays with them and so does human daddy.

Today we reinforced sit and had Tux learn 'beg' heh - well standing on one's back legs and trying to be cute. He got it way too fast as we had Nathan's dried chicken that he makes and they adore it.

It's getting too icy out back so we won't be doing another run out back unless it improves. We don't want hurt legs from slips and falls. Poor human daddy took a spill already. Here's to warmer weather or more snow.


The Start:Housebreaking Your Havanese Puppy

We do everything possible to get your little one to start the journey of housebreaking by starting them in a secure small area and increasing their awareness by introducing them to a larger area - our kitchen and the outside. This way they become aware of the smell and where you want them to eliminate.

In our x-pen, they are getting really accurate but in our kitchen area, they still have some accidents as the area is large and we are now finding that if we bring a pad already used into the kitchen area, they find the pad easier. It's one of the tricks that you learn by trying and seeing what works. They seem to be rather good at going outside as cold often gets their bladders to empty (bonus the wintertime) but you must go out with them at first.

Check out our housebreaking tips file. You'll be able to find it by a menu on the left hand part of the screen under food for thought or linked here.

More About Today
Our pups had a rather busy weekend and was very tuckered out. They slept in till 7amish after going to bed a tad after 10pm. That tells me that with a lot of activity, they are already able to sleep for a chunk of time. That's great news but we will continue to strive to get them sleeping through the night every night. A change in environment may throw them off at first but they will be on their way to getting to be all they can be.

Today they had a visitor (Audrey) our groomer who loves the pups. She was here to do our goldens. We usually bath all of ours but every now and then we have her visit us to trim nails, clean up the pads, and just give human mom a break from cleaning so many. The adult Havanese have been having such a roaring good time with frozen bones human mommy put out back that they gave managed to look a tad wet and droopy from all the wet snow. Still, a good brush will take care of that. We are working on a grooming file so look for it soon.

Then we had a grand play session in the kitchen where they munched on Terra's (goldens) legs - all 6 at once - oh my but that was fine. When Terra had enough she went outside after saying enough with a correction growl. Shoshi played great with them, Kat played some and now they are all fast asleep.

They are now starting to eat more solid food. Ah - to be Havanese...nothing better. Catch you tomorrow!