
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in talemaker's chico (16)


Another Wet Havanese Day

Well, Chico, Coach and Fiona had class last night and Coach's dad drove. I think they all did really great in class but that Chico got everything fast and then got distracted and Teddy - the instructor gave me natural balance for a treat and suddenly - hmm okay I will focus - really I will and he did. We even got to demonstrate stay and going around with keeping a stay and he didn't do it before class and wow and got it. Coach was beside me and this human next time will be across the room as she tends to be too vocal when a dog is doing what they should be and poor Coach - although he was doing it all - he kept looking at what I was doing. That's my bad and i wish I had caught on to it before I did.

The crew was saying not another wet day. Chico has already had his morning training and so did Fiona. Miss Abs had some table work and later we will do it all again. The more you do it, the easier it will be to just have it happen but it does take work. All it takes is 5 or 10 minutes once or twice a day. Keep at it and you will love the results.

More later....


Class Tonight!

Today is Thursday and here I am after eating. Do I look happy at the food that daddy feeds us? I gained a solid pound in one month.

I get to go to class tonight. Coach and Chico is in my class too. I can't wait - class #2. Mommy needs to get her act together and train, train, train. We have stopped lunch time feeding as we do so many treats at noon time training sessions that it makes sense.

Daddy is also adding table work into my training so I get a head start in the scheme of things. With my - I just want to be into everything personality, I will need that. But charming - that I have down cold. hahahaha

More later...


Downtime After The Guests

Chico now has his staples out so he is staple-free. He's going to get a bath - probably Wednesday or Thursday so we make sure he is 100% scab free - this way he will look beautiful for class on Thursday night.

The crew is all vegging after training. I did all that I could do with all including out old lady Whitney.

We did stands for Fiona - sits for Chico, stands and heeling for Abs, everything for Katsuro, Terra and Shoshi and a mix of things for Risa.

Now all they want to do is veg from all those treats and brain testing.

This is the stand at the door - can't you hear me - let me out. We now have bells but we have yet to train them to ring them. I would like to train Fiona and Abigail to them as they are inflicted with the - don't you know I am standing here waiting till you let me out?

The gang is emptier without Sebastian and Coco.

Classes Thursday. Are you ready Coachie? I know we aren't yet. hahahaha


After Bath & Much More

The day started with a bang. They just was having a roaring grand time. I swear it is a bonus to have 2 Havanese together. Throw in our gang and doggie chaos with roaring laughter.

I have learned if I want to sleep in, one or many dawgs will give me that morning lick to say - okay - it's time. Then the play begins.

Sebastian's human mom is coming at 1pm and he had to have a bath. He was whispering to me that dawgs should always have fun and not worry about those things but something about snuggling up to a dirty dawg... he went on to say - well okay I guess I can handle that but I like smelly!

The human dad around here walked all the dawgs this morning and they had a blast. I am not sure he did walking 5 times and these aren't short walks but hey - good for that bod of his!

Here you can see them enthusiastically waiting for THEIR turn.

We are hoping Chico's staples can come out soon.

Crazy dawg week this one - Abigail's in a show, Fiona and Chico are in classes, Wasabi goes to the vet. Busy but event-filled week and Sebastian is going to handling class this week too. Me..I have to work on Fiona and Chico before their class - just the sit for Chico will help and the stay for spazz Fiona too - hahahaha.

More later...


Catching Up With Talemaker Life

This was a fun weekend with lots of people, dogs etc and we wouldn't have it any other way.

Coach, Sassy and their human dad and mom and shall I say human sibling came over yesterday and hung out - gave Chico some human interaction.

Here you can see Coach nose to nose with Chico along with Kat and Abigail. The dogs had a wonderful time.

It was nice to relax with John and his family and the dawgs before we had company in the evening, cooking, food, and all the fun that comes with a dinner. The dawgs kept sniffing for their share.

It's going to be fun going to class with John and Coach.

Then we had our 2 grand kids come over with our daughter and hubby and Chico just ADORES kids. I guess some of his best moments have been with the kids he lived with for the last 4 months. It shows as we had kids here today as well and he just lights up with the kids. He's a tad shy with the adult humans at first but once you pet him, well he warms up. Kids - no warming up - he's just excited to see them.

Chico starts classes this Thursday and tomorrow I am going to start working on sit, come, and stay to help him get a head start on class. This way, if he is not sure of the environment, knowing the commands even if he is not doing them perfect will help him make the transition to class is fun. Plus he will be in class with Fiona and Coach.

Sebastian's mom comes tomorrow so Sebastian won't get a bath till tomorrow morning so he can look GORGEOUS. We are going to miss him.

Here you can see Linda (who came to visit) lovin' him up.

Remember you can click on the photos to see a larger view.

I thought about washing Sebastian today but figured with the way he loves to play, tomorrow is a better day.

I am going to fluff and dry him then take a photo so you can see him all so handsome and all!

We got to see Coco again and she remembered me - gave me lots of kisses and snuggles and that was really nice. There is nothing like kisses from puppies and I got them from Yvonne's Downsey too.

Here you can see some of Coco's family. Thanks to Yvonne for bringing her here so we could see her again.

Well 4 days till Abigail's show debut. Got to get that grooming bag ready. ROFL. Got to get busy - ooops that's Nathan has to get busy.


Steamy Havanese Changes

When daddy comes home around this place the dogs rush to see him barking their fools head off so we are training them NOT to. The same goes for the warmth of teh season - that brings mowers, pool people etc in other yards and therefore noises so we are practicing 'no bark'. Sometimes it works - sometimes not but we keep trying and catching the ring leader always and eventually you gain control. It's more difficult when you have many dogs.

Chico is doing well today - falling into our lifestyle. He is even tolerating my grooming him up and even doing better with the liquid meds but I am sure he wil be glad to have that neck thing off. We will also be glad to get daddy back in our room. His stitches look great but it is amazing what he thinks he can do and what he figures solutions to with that thing on. I say good for him. He is absolutely a creative and a solution solving dawg!

The dogs are loving this weather. I am out back trying to wash the walkways/decks etc so we can get the furniture out and semi cleaning the beds. The dogs think that is delightful - ooooh she is raking that junk up so we can nose dive in it.

We are heading back out to hang out - Chico's fave place. I bet you he will love his hikes with us when he is able. Risa likes to manage the crew outside and adores the outside so I need to get everything cleaned up so they can all hang out more and I can have furniture out there so I can drag the computer out there as well. All good things take work - hahahaha

We hear Coco is taking over the bed or Yvonne's body at bedtime and having a roaring grand time. can't wait to see her again.

Hope you are having a great Havanese day. More later.>>


Talemaker Crew Bunch

We are just playing to lighten up the mood around this place but Chico just got finished getting groomed and his hair was a tad static so I thought I would have fun.

He now has 90% of his knots out and as you can see, his face no longer has that crusty stuff on it from eating in this thing. He is now eating solid food - Fromm's with chicken and cheese and even bacon thrown in - yum. We still have the face to deal with as he is on liquid meds for many more days but we are washing the area up and although he needs a bath (has to wait till stitches are out), he is making great progress.

He is adjusting to the couple of times grooming and doing well but of course he gets kisses, hugs and a treat and even a head massage all to get him enjoying - not dreading.

His stitches look great - no redness at all. He's still twitching - still on pain meds. He is now coming back in with the pack where before he didn't want to come in - just stay out back but no can do when you are recovering.

Our biggest issue is getting him to rest as he does so want to play with us, the dogs etc. I have a feeling he is going to make us laugh with his play when he is recovered.

As you can see, even at noon time when only the pups are eating, it's a hmm can I get some too affair but they learn - not at noon adults.

The crew had hamburger with melted cheese over and kibble - (Fromm's Chicken Ala Veg) and they wolfed it down. Sebastian especially likes this particular meal - warmed up and looks for everyone else's after he wolfs his down. Gad - he's such a nice dog.

Well. Abs is doing another handling class at a place she hasn't been to at 830pm tonight - late for her but she needs it before her debut at the Lindsay show.

Sebastian has been getting daily training in handling at home till his mom returns from her honeymoon - congrats - by the way. Fiona has been too. The rest get stands and stays and we will be adding Chico into this daily thang after he is a bit more healed but certainly by weekend. We are working on 'come' in the meanwhile and by gad he is getting it.

There is so much to do with a dog playing recovery. It's sort of like having pups. Plus I am spending time with Wasabi as she has been back to not eating in the morning and needing more attention. They all get it but at times you have to figure out who needs extra without leaving any of the others out except yourself. ROFL!

Now to fit in cleaning the floor from all that stuff they drag in to even work or a shower - ha! But this will change when Chico is 100%. So much to do - so little time.

We are missing Coco - and so is Abs, Fiona and Chico. We are hoping she is really having a roaring time at the Chicadoro household with her canine mom, sister and crew.

More later...


Havanese Let Down (Video is UPDATED)

Our wild and crazy day video is up now (updated - it was cut off at the end)

It's quiet today. Sure mommy and daddy hears the pitter patter of tiny feet running like the dickens but something about visitors that does our heart and bodies good. It's sort of like a holiday like those humans take - fun and then nice to get back to it and then we start dreaming of the next time.

Well, mommy has the video done of our fun event yesterday.

It's updated as the end was cut off with Sebastian and his human crew. We had so many moments that we had to cut so if Sebastian's mom wants an unedited version - my human mommy will burn it for class next week. It's over 15 minutes long and we had so many moments the camera wasn't out. It's always like that. The Chico video was unrecoverable and we are heartsick. That disk is in the trash now. Got to plan another sleepover. We miss the guy already.

We wonder how Remy's classes are going. We hope the Sassy and Coach and livin' it up and not driving their humans crazy. But hey - such is a dawgs life that fills you with tales you can talk about for years to come.

Here is what we said about the video in the description at YouTube.

Sebastian came to visit after class and found all the nooks and crannies we set up to make our house dawg friendly. Enjoy the antics of this crew and how even a well behaved trained dawg can give you paw vs. listening.


Crazy Dawg House

Well, our day is continuing and Chico is over having a grand time. He's a bit smitten with Miss Abs. He just seems to truly adore her. Oh no - hehehehe.

We are trying to figure out if he is as large as Coach or smaller or? hard to tell when they are both not at the same location. We did weigh Miss Fiona and her sister and they were 3lb 8ounces. We also weighed Miss Abs and she weighed in at 7lbs 10 ounces. What was Sassy, John?

It's nice to see they can come for a sleepover and just have everything work out - fun, play, cuddles. What more could you want?

I missed the dawg show today but Yvonne and Alex went. I will be going with Nathan tomorrow. Tonight we are off to eat out. Maybe sleep after that!

We went to class with Miss Abs. Well, Miss Abs was tired, stubborn and that dear old half brother of hers - Sebastian just showed her up. Tsk tsk - no excuses next week as there won't be the lots of dawgs visiting.

I have a video to do (tomorrow night) but guests are visiting so I am falling way behind. It's a crazy dawg house.

More later...with the adventures of the Talemaker and Chicadoro crew.

Mark and Maryanne said...
Admit it, Sebastian just stole all the brains in the family! Sebastian thinks that being tired is a lame excuse...
February 23, 2008 9:27 PM
Nathan & Darlah Potechin said...
Well Sebastian...a gal gets to do what a gal gets to do and all of you boy dawgs have to follow. HAHA - Ok - you won THIS time!
February 24, 2008 2:48 PM


Havanese Ball of Fun

This fine early morning, Gidget, Abs and Fiona joining in had the hair flying all around and went on for over an hour. Can anyone ever do aerobics that long without thinking - is this OVER and wow we are still having a ton of fun! I think not. Perhaps we need to learn from the dawgs.

Now I know why Gidget likes to sleep in like our Risa - she needs the energy to deal with the puppy duo. They are relentless in play and then they drop. I should have had a video camera going but I promise - I will when Yvonne's crew is here - it will be a dawgie crazy house indeed!

Our son Dennis is going to watch the crew while we eat out and the verdict is out on if he will ever be the same. We will fill you in. How many dawgies will there be? 13 - 14 or? hahahahahaha

The duo is making a plan on how best to deak Gidget out. Will they succeed or won't they? It's amazing how their minds think and how good they are at finding solutions and making that 'interesting' plan.

More later as the day develops. The point of all this is enjoy those special Havanese moments.

We are thinking of the Sassy and Coach duo and what fun they are formulating. Amazing having Havanese pals - I tell you - for the humans and the dawgies alike!

Click to play Havanese Play Session


Dangerous Places for Havanese

Fiona makes it a habit to try to get as close as possible to me and seeing that I work at my desk, she plops herself up on a wheel but dangerous if you don't realize so I found a solution.

I placed a rubber maid box that we store dog toys in and placed it under my desk with a bed on top and placed Fiona in it. You will also notice that I have a gate running next to my desk to protect the cords to my computer. Although most of them are up in a wired weaved holder that keeps them off the floor, some still remain so with teething pups - guess this is the smartest way to go although it looks like - hehe...

We had company over yesterday - our grand kids, our son Joe from Japan, his new wife, daughter and her hubby and all those dawgs.

Here is our youngest grand daughter Danielle with Abigail. She just adores the dawgs and she can be so enthusiastic that sometimes the dawgs don't know what to think but this didn't even bother Miss Abigail or Fiona. They loved the attention.

This Friday we have Yvonne and her dawgs coming for a visit so we are going down to a smaller bed (moving the bed back for the weekend). They are coming in to visit, go out to eat with us and go to the Markham show. We are going to even have Fiona's sister as Yvonne still has one small and simply gorgeous gal left. The colours that are coming in on her are simply GORGEOUS. It will be fun to see the two together.

We are also getting a sleepover with Chico and in the midst of this, Nathan will be doing Abs class without me so he will be seeing Sebastian and I won't.

Tonight we get to see Coach and his dad. What exciting times and in among this - we have to train Abs and Fiona. Got to find the time...that elusive thing that we all think we don't have enough of.

More later....


Brrr Havanese Cold Warning

It's really cold outside in the Toronto area and I mean really cold.

You should be aware that at the moment it is really too cold for the young pups and even your adult dogs - especially the older crew to be out for an extended period. Our Fiona we bring her out, say 'get busy' and get her right back in. Sassy and Miss Abs don't even clue in that its too cold and you have to get them interested in coming back in and playing tug inside like they are this fine morning. Also, catch Fiona, Miss Abs, Wasabi and Miss Sassy playing yesterday. Plus be sure to watch Talemaker's Sassy, Remy and Chico enjoying their visit - even Shoshi got into the ball play. They had more fun times inside but it was hard to take photos and time was invested in dawgs vs. camera.

Things to Think About in This Cold:
- Do check paw pads for small cuts and cracks. Consider dog boots for Havanese that react negatively to walking on ice and snow - especially Havanese that react to snow removal products. Use safe products to reduce slippage vs. salt. Clean their paws when they come inside or during the walk. There are many paw protectors on teh market but even bag balm will help and its not expensive and has many uses. It's always good to have on hand.

- Do check your Havanese's ears, tail and feet for frostbite. Just as dogs are sensitive to hot summer sidewalks, cold winter walkways may cause pain or contribute to frostbite. A dog that continually lifts individual legs off the ground during a winter walk may feel the effects of frostbite. Frostbitten skin may appear red or gray. If you suspect frostbite, wrap your dog's feet in a blanket or towels to gradually warm them and contact your veterinarian.

- Do invest in a sweater or a coat for your Havanese (we sometimes multi-layer - sweater then coat on top which works better than one alone when it is really cold). Watch for telltale signs that your Havanese is cold. Like us, Havanese will shiver in response to being chilled. A coat that has coverage on their stomach will also keep their snow balls from forming on their stomach when the snow is wet.

- Do keep your Havanese on a leash - especially during bad weather or snowstorms even in off leash parks when they can lose their ability to find their way by smell.

- Do clean up antifreeze spills immediately. Many dogs like the sweet smell and taste and, unfortunately, even very small amounts can be lethal to them.

- When you bathe your Havanese, be sure to dry his coat thoroughly before allowing him outside. Plus brush your dog before shampooing you will have to deal with mats.

- Don't leave your Havanese alone in cars during cold weather months. When the engine is off, a car can act as a refrigerator, holding in the cold.

Be wise - be safe and treasure your little one. They are worth it!

More later as the day unfolds. We have Gidget (Paris) coming tomorrow. Such fun!


Talemaker Sibling Get Together 17 Weeks

Part of Wasabi's pups were over for a visit and Nathan had a hard time following them with the camera. He was able to get Chico, Sassy and part of our crew (Shoshi with the ball) plus Remy for a bit. We think Remy was schmoozing with the new gals at our home. We can't blame him.


Sibling Get Together

Three of the siblings got together today. We had Remy, Chico and Sassy Lassy plus half sibling Miss Abs all playing together. Fiona played as well at first but it was a tad overwhelming with the craziness of siblings who despite the dipping temperatures and the windy chill, still managed to have a grand time running around. We are hoping we have a video I can put up from it. We shall see. Nathan was the camera man so it all lays on him. hahahahaha

We also had Chico's human siblings and Remy's human siblings here as well as their parents. It was a full house and we realized how much we miss the guys. I have to admit, there is nothing like the play between siblings. There's a bond like none other. The sniff - say - hmm I know you and the fun begins. Even Wasabi got into the mode of playing momma and correcting the fun lovin' crew and she also joined in on the play. They are all tired now. What fun for all.

Thanks for sharing them with us. Next time we also have to get Sebastian and Coach over at the same time and wow it will be fun to watch. Thanks...again!!


The Havanese Miss Abs Vs. The Leash

Well tomorrow is class time and are we ready? Do you hear mommy laughing hysterical? The strong willed Miss Abs has decided even with daddy treating her, well - you want me to do THAT!

Me thinks daddy is going to have a challenge tomorrow but by next week, she'll be more than fine - just watch. Try to get lead time in, getting acquainted with the house and bonding time in and expect amazing things - well good things come with those that practice patience.

Let's see what she has accomplished so we do not concentrate on what she hasn't. She's only been here now for the 5th day. She runs up and down the stairs now and when she first got here it was as if to say - howl - you want me to go down all those stairs? No problem now.

She wriggles her entire body when Nathan or our youngest son Jonathan comes in the house. She swan dives off the deck out back and I mean swan dives right into the snow. Strangers come to the house and she is WAY friendly to them.

She plays retrieve nicely and does it 100% correct. She also comes to her name.

She will settle for a bed on the floor in our family room but she prefers the couch and gets it. She loves the beds under Nathan's desk.

Nathan closes his office door with him in it so she can eat in peace and quiet and she howls to get out. That howl is way funny too.

She prances and I mean prances when she walks - way nice! She's also a MASSIVE snuggler and we noticed a significant difference on day 5 on how relaxed she has become as if she now knows this is her house to rule. HA! Let's see if Miss Risa allows THAT!

We have a busy day of getting things ready for class and a sleepover at Yvonne's. We promise another update tomorrow and not another till Sunday night filled with photos and fun things we did including revealing tidbits about how the 3 Havanese did in class.

Yvonne still has 3 pups available and they are now already 8 weeks old.

Oh - and Coach's parents made us a banana bread and it's 3/4 gone - YUM and I mean YUM!

We are really getting excited about seeing Sebastian and Sassy Lassy. Can't wait!

Hoping Chico and Remy are having a grand time. Ah puppies - miss that Wasabi crew and she does too.


Havanese Adult & Pup Education

Well things have become interesting. We can surely tell there is a relaxed atmosphere in this house.

Sebastian has no concern about telling Risa what he wants but with Katsuro he goes submissive playful which is the norm with 2 male alphas or alpha want-to-bes - someone has to take that stance for it to work.

Perhaps Sebastian is quite the politician as he got what he wanted and that was to get Katsuro to play full on with him just like he did as a pup. Good one, Sebastian!

The photo is not a good quality but here you see Katsuro playing with Sebastian and Wasabi playing with Sassy.

Sassy has not learned how to be a politician - though gentle in nature - she doesn't back down to anyone but she has had the reality of living here and more of a comfort zone and knowing that the grrr isn't serious around this place. It's just - okay - so you don't want me on top - or you don't want to play but I want to there!

Risa was caught playing with the little ones today too. How nice.

Someone whispered to us that Chico - a sibling may be coming to play and maybe we will get Coach back before Sassy and Sebastian go. Wow, will we have some fun then. We hope it materializes. If not, we will just have to arrange a play date at our house in the future. What can I say? Anything for an excuse to see the little ones.

We had a really fun day today. Sebastian stayed in bed a tad longer, Sassy came down to help me exercise. sassy kept pouncing while I did Kenpo and I swear she thought she was trying it too. She would go back and forth me in the same direction as if to say - can't you make up your mind lady where you want to go? One would have thought she got tired after that but no, the rest of the crew came down and they ate and suddenly the scurrying of little feet going faster than you can imagine and much laughter here. There's nothing like watching 2 Havanese together. They get more exercise then 10 walks put together. It's nice.

These two are indeed the best of pals. But there is nothing like the play with momma Wasabi and now Katsuro too. They are going to be missed!

We are also looking into acquiring one or two puppies ourselves from another quality line that hopefully we can show and breed so we will be continuing this blog and continuing the Talemaker journey of our madness into Havanese obsession. Just watch out. They are addicting and how could they not be with the laughter they bring. More later...