Sibling Get Together

Three of the siblings got together today. We had Remy, Chico and Sassy Lassy plus half sibling Miss Abs all playing together. Fiona played as well at first but it was a tad overwhelming with the craziness of siblings who despite the dipping temperatures and the windy chill, still managed to have a grand time running around. We are hoping we have a video I can put up from it. We shall see. Nathan was the camera man so it all lays on him. hahahahaha
We also had Chico's human siblings and Remy's human siblings here as well as their parents. It was a full house and we realized how much we miss the guys. I have to admit, there is nothing like the play between siblings. There's a bond like none other. The sniff - say - hmm I know you and the fun begins. Even Wasabi got into the mode of playing momma and correcting the fun lovin' crew and she also joined in on the play. They are all tired now. What fun for all.
Thanks for sharing them with us. Next time we also have to get Sebastian and Coach over at the same time and wow it will be fun to watch. Thanks...again!!
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