Brrr Havanese Cold Warning

It's really cold outside in the Toronto area and I mean really cold.
You should be aware that at the moment it is really too cold for the young pups and even your adult dogs - especially the older crew to be out for an extended period. Our Fiona we bring her out, say 'get busy' and get her right back in. Sassy and Miss Abs don't even clue in that its too cold and you have to get them interested in coming back in and playing tug inside like they are this fine morning. Also, catch Fiona, Miss Abs, Wasabi and Miss Sassy playing yesterday. Plus be sure to watch Talemaker's Sassy, Remy and Chico enjoying their visit - even Shoshi got into the ball play. They had more fun times inside but it was hard to take photos and time was invested in dawgs vs. camera.
Things to Think About in This Cold:
- Do check paw pads for small cuts and cracks. Consider dog boots for Havanese that react negatively to walking on ice and snow - especially Havanese that react to snow removal products. Use safe products to reduce slippage vs. salt. Clean their paws when they come inside or during the walk. There are many paw protectors on teh market but even bag balm will help and its not expensive and has many uses. It's always good to have on hand.
- Do check your Havanese's ears, tail and feet for frostbite. Just as dogs are sensitive to hot summer sidewalks, cold winter walkways may cause pain or contribute to frostbite. A dog that continually lifts individual legs off the ground during a winter walk may feel the effects of frostbite. Frostbitten skin may appear red or gray. If you suspect frostbite, wrap your dog's feet in a blanket or towels to gradually warm them and contact your veterinarian.
- Do invest in a sweater or a coat for your Havanese (we sometimes multi-layer - sweater then coat on top which works better than one alone when it is really cold). Watch for telltale signs that your Havanese is cold. Like us, Havanese will shiver in response to being chilled. A coat that has coverage on their stomach will also keep their snow balls from forming on their stomach when the snow is wet.
- Do keep your Havanese on a leash - especially during bad weather or snowstorms even in off leash parks when they can lose their ability to find their way by smell.
- Do clean up antifreeze spills immediately. Many dogs like the sweet smell and taste and, unfortunately, even very small amounts can be lethal to them.
- When you bathe your Havanese, be sure to dry his coat thoroughly before allowing him outside. Plus brush your dog before shampooing you will have to deal with mats.
- Don't leave your Havanese alone in cars during cold weather months. When the engine is off, a car can act as a refrigerator, holding in the cold.
Be wise - be safe and treasure your little one. They are worth it!
More later as the day unfolds. We have Gidget (Paris) coming tomorrow. Such fun!
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