Danger Lurks in Havanese Curiousity

We work in our home and that means we have computers and dogs and computers mean cords. When one has a puppy, you have to spray, get the cords out of the way and supervise.
If you have a dog like Treasure, well then that's a challenge but one worth doing. So, we got a rack that hitches to the underside of my desk and handles all the cords. When we had our last puppy, it was as easy as placing a crate in front of the mess but not with our Treasure. Where there is smoke, well she lives up to the name - there's fire.
So, go the extra mile to protect your treasured one. We treasure our Treasure and are doing so and you can too.
We are off to class tonight with Treasure. We didn't get much sleep. My camera was on the fritz and I thought it was user idiocy but no our repair place Henry's also had the same issue until guess what - they replaced the battery. Hmm but that means my battery is bad. No - they put mine back in and its still working so I may be able to get photos of tonight. We shall see.
Tomorrow we will report how she did considering she has had the lead on twice never been around big dogs other than our two and the one she was born with - well it may be an adventure but a must when it comes to helping your little one find their coping skills. You do it with slow, consistent exposure in a safe environment and what better way than a class with a fab instructor.
More tomorrow!