Thaw: Time to Be Careful

We are dealing with a thaw here in the Toronto area and cold weather will again set in. But it's time to say that if your little one has not had 3 of its vaccinations, do not let him traipse through fecal matter or sniff or worse eat it or drink from water found in pools from the thaw. Your little one is not protected yet. Before you say - well, I wouldn't allow that - at this stage, with teething and being a puppy, it's natural for them to mouth, taste and figure things out just like a human baby will. Dogs are fast and it can happen without you even noticing. They need their 3 vaccinations before they can fight off the possibilities that exist out there.
But even with all that, your little one - a winter pup has not had the grass exposure to know what its about. Add extreme moisture into the equation and some dogs plain don't like it. Sassy doesn't seem to mind though the deck was a momentary - what is this funny stuff under my feet but she didn't let it stop her. She wasn't crazy about the wetness and mud and it's futile to keep the dogs clean and I am a person who likes my dogs clean but sanity also plays a part in my life and we will get to it when the weather gets colder. It sounds strange to do that but the mud won't be an issue then and they will stay cleaner longer. Who would expect a thaw in January and I even have green plants outside. Confusing mother nature.
Well, if yours doesn't like it or can't figure out where to go, take him and place him in the center of the grass and give him your command for him to go. Even Shoshi, who hates wet feet goes in the grass in the backyard as we have physically placed her in the middle and she has had no choice. She also eventually figured out it wasn't so bad.
Coach came by with his human dad and the dogs were excited to see him. He couldn't stay for long but really was excited, recalled well and knew where daddy was. Nice! He really enjoyed Sassy and his canine mom, Wasabi. I do believe when he visits again - hoping when Sebastian is here but anytime is fine - we will have to video tape that. Coach was just at a vet and weighed in at 6lbs even. He's in great shape and I should have taken a photo of him as he is turning out to be so extremely cute. What a beauty. I knew he would be. Wasabi really makes pretty pups. Thanks, John for bringing him by.
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