Entries in alex poole (5)
Fun Havanese Day

This duo is fast becoming the best of pals. They sit in a bed under my desk a number of times just to be with each other. It will be interesting how things unfold when Fiona's sister comes to visit for the weekend.
Well, we are off to the Markham dog show. I am going to try to take video. Couldn't find the tripod. I have to wake Dennis up as he is watching the dogs.
Will get lots of photos of this crazy dawg house and the fun adventurous weekend. Oh and Chico is also coming this weekend - wow - fun!
More later>>
Dangerous Places for Havanese

Fiona makes it a habit to try to get as close as possible to me and seeing that I work at my desk, she plops herself up on a wheel but dangerous if you don't realize so I found a solution.
I placed a rubber maid box that we store dog toys in and placed it under my desk with a bed on top and placed Fiona in it. You will also notice that I have a gate running next to my desk to protect the cords to my computer. Although most of them are up in a wired weaved holder that keeps them off the floor, some still remain so with teething pups - guess this is the smartest way to go although it looks like - hehe...
We had company over yesterday - our grand kids, our son Joe from Japan, his new wife, daughter and her hubby and all those dawgs.
Here is our youngest grand daughter Danielle with Abigail. She just adores the dawgs and she can be so enthusiastic that sometimes the dawgs don't know what to think but this didn't even bother Miss Abigail or Fiona. They loved the attention.
This Friday we have Yvonne and her dawgs coming for a visit so we are going down to a smaller bed (moving the bed back for the weekend). They are coming in to visit, go out to eat with us and go to the Markham show. We are going to even have Fiona's sister as Yvonne still has one small and simply gorgeous gal left. The colours that are coming in on her are simply GORGEOUS. It will be fun to see the two together.
We are also getting a sleepover with Chico and in the midst of this, Nathan will be doing Abs class without me so he will be seeing Sebastian and I won't.
Tonight we get to see Coach and his dad. What exciting times and in among this - we have to train Abs and Fiona. Got to find the time...that elusive thing that we all think we don't have enough of.
More later....
Our Dear Friends Have a Puppy Video

Check out the puppy video of Yvonne's crew and our very own Sassy Lass is in it as well. Yvonne's pups are 5 weeks now but were 4 weeks on New Year's day when this video was taken. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.
New Years Havanese Slideshow

With so much snow, we got to spend New Years with our friends Yvonne and Alex from Chicadoro Havanese. We had a roaring good time and these are only some of the photos. We hope Yvonne does a slideshow on her site as there are so many more photos with her beautiful litter.