
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in yvonne poole (17)


Can't Wait til Dirty Time Comes

Mommy had me oiled up and looking quite grungy but she washed me and I didn't complain till she tried to use the blower. I prefer the Oster dryer much more so.

I am trying to stay clean as we are going to Yvonne's this weekend to play and muck it up and get dirty after we get there. Then mommy can come home and do it all again - yikes!

Mommy washed one of my pack mates - Terra a retriever and boy did she blow hair around. Aren't you glad we don't do that?

Well, Zack and Coco are coming for the weekend tomorrow. Let the fun begin! What are you doing this weekend?


Daddy Pitches In Grooming

Well Zack and Coco are going with us to Yvonne's and to the vets tomorrow so they got their sprucing up today. They get picked up tomorrow night so I was doing a marathon wash up so daddy pitched in.

Let's see, I washed Zack, Coco, Abigail and Treasure. I brushed Shoshi, Kat and Daddy did Risa and Wasabi. Now I want to go to bed. I am not sure how groomers do it. I HATE grooming but I like the clean dog. Will Zack and Coco need sprucing up when we get back? YEP! But better than the 3.5 hours it took me today to do the duo.

When I get them ready to go home, I line comb them to make sure no knots exist but as we know a little play could change that depending on the dog and how old they are. Wasabi I could brush once a week and she would be more than fine.

Well tomorrow Katsuro gets to stay home with the kids as Yvonne's crew is in heat. I have to get everything ready and daddy has to drive. Who has it easier? ha

Oh and how did Treasure do in class yesterday? AMAZING - stay off lead - come off lead with distractions - leave the treats alone - just give her the instructors treats and she'll do anything. Got to buy some and keep them for only class. Even with missing a class she was on her game. She also has the fastest recovery when something concerns her - which is a good thing.

Going to be interesting to see her in the ring. If she prances like she does in class with a flash of paw - well - wow! I will say one thing - she hates a bath. hahahahaha

More tomorrow!


Picnic = Bath or Does it?

They say there's a Havanese picnic tomorrow and I am going with 8 of my favourite friends or so those humans tell me.

If I don't play too hard - maybe I will get away without a bath. I will let you know when I know.

Photos to come after the picnic. Mommy promised LOTS!


Havanese Puppies Photos Are Here

Today, Risa and grandson got to check each other out.

We just got back from seeing Lola and Katsuro's puppies and Maggie and Oscar's pups. Check out some of the photos we took. If interested, do send mail. A few of the pups look like Katsuro did when he was a puppy and Kat was cute - still is. hahahaha

Well, at least HE thinks so! Enjoy!


Adventurous Havanese Times

Abs had a blast at handling class. I am not sure if human Daddy did but she sure did. She loves to chase squirrels and saw a dog that rather looked like one. Sorry but it really did. She just couldn't get over having it so close and boy would I love to pounce on THAT! Abs learned squirrel hunting from Shoshi who can catch the tail of one but doesn't want to do anything but to say - I caught you - now you can run away. The fun is in the chase and Abs certainly loves games. I am positive she could get titles in things that involved play easily.

Let's say - life was challenging tonight. Abs continues to have a true zest for play - and those aromas in the ground are just too much for her to ignore. Human daddy is doing his best to learn ways to get her to F-O-C-U-S but it may have to come with maturity or great creativity on the human part.

Here you can see Daddy trying to bait Abs with one of her fave toys. She has two and one is sadly falling apart. We need to find another. It's a little furry thing you hold in your hand, shake it and it sounds like a bird noise. This one he is using is a rattle and she likes it too. It does get her attention.

Daddy has a few weeks to find his creativity and then we will have the fun of seeing Lola and Kat pups and we will have to have videos, photos - all of it but poor Yvonne gets the work. She also gets the day to day joy.

We are already getting enquiries on the pups and will be visiting Yvonne this weekend so folks can meet the dogs.

We have grandkids coming on Friday (our oldest daughter's b-day and she owns a CAT - always one you know) and the garden cleanup and trying to get Abs swimming on a daily basis like Kat and walks and exercise and grooming and yikes - can we stop and smell the roses? Oh yeah we have plants to plant - and 2 are roses. hehehehe

More tomorrow.


The Ever Changing Havanese & Life

Here's a photo of Lola when she was a wee one. She was such a cutie - don't you think? Lola has changed colours as Havanese often do to a goldish blond. She looks like she is changing colours yet again when you look at her up close getting that richer colour back.

Havanese are such an interesting breed as you can have the looks of one colour then they grow up and get another and then they can revert again or change again. It's like having a package that keeps on evolving. To me, that's ever so much fun.

We have no clue what colours a Lola/Kat combo will produce. Ultrasounds etc. don't tell that but Kat has sable in his line, Lola has it in hers. There is also the greying gene at play. At times you can see a cocoa overcast in Kat's coat. It too is always changing.

Life is filled with surprises and we are excited to see what this one brings.

Personality is prevalent in the Mojo line - Kat has it in spades but hey we are biased. Lola is a Cuban Havanese - a strong gal filled with a genteel personality. She is a first class mom.

Can you tell we are excited?

Now on to the shenanigans of the crew here. Fiona is playing up a storm. I am back exercising doing Kenpo/Cardio X with Tony Horton. It's time I get back into it and well, Fiona was jumping on me the entire time. It made exercise a challenge but a fun one. We are back to finding what life is about - moments that you can treasure. It's why we are called Talemaker - as we bring you quality Havanese that lifetime tales are made from.

Treasure the moments and laugh at even the frustrating moments like a dog jumping on you while you exercise. Life is short and it can be amazing if YOU allow it to be.

More later...


Kat's Wondering Where Lola Is

Today I decided to take a photo of Kat set in the garden and take the background out to see what it would look like. It was in a 'how to' that I had sitting around and I wanted to give it a shot. I suppose I could have thrown a photo of Lola behind him as I wanted to but her photo never came. Too much to do with the dam(s) in need.

Kat's rather smitten with Lola much to the irritation of Wasabi - heh. Oh, about 30 something days ago they did the Cuban tango many times over sometimes a couple of times a day every time she came to visit. It got so bad that all Kat has to do is see Yvonne or Alex and he says - well where's my gal? Well, that's not true. If truth is to be told, his teeth chattered, he shook with desire and plain went crazy wooing her, nuzzling her neck etc. Now gals - don't you wish the human men did that - heh.

Well, those of you that remembered Wasabi's pups know that Kat adores puppies and finally he may be able to play with some of his own.

Yes, Yvonne's Lola at Chicadora will have puppies in mid July just before the picnic. There's something about that picnic - I tell you.

We are excited at this combination. If interested in pups, well let us or Yvonne know. We promise many videos and Yvonne wil be kicking us out - just watch as we just LOVE puppies!


Hanging out at Yvonnes

We went on a road trip today. We had originally thought we were going overnight then rain was forecast and then Sunday and - well we made the trek in and rain it did with a smattering of sun and all the way home - sun, sun, sun - what was that about? Did it rain in Toronto?

You can click on the photos to see a larger view.

We were hanging out at Yvonne's today and it rained - was muddy and all that mud found its way on to the dogs and on to our laps. I actually think the Miss Abs had black feet not apricot.

I went garden shopping so tomorrow the dawgs get to help Dennis and I plant them after Sassy goes back home. I have to get her back to clean. hehehe - actually letting her air dry - she doesn't look bad at all and it was only the feet but we will freshen her up so she can look oh so boo-ti-full!

The crew ran around like banshees. It's dog heaven at Yvonne and Alex's place. Sure ours is too but they have the room to run and boy did they run their hearts out and Abs was the leader of the pack in running the most. Sassy seems to be the fastest.

Kat - well he LOVES that he is surrounded by so many beautiful girl Havanese.

Here's a few of them - an array of colours - just hanging out. From the back is Yvonne's Downsey, John & Cheryl's Sassy and our Fiona from Yvonne.

The crew really loves this trip and once they got into the car, they KNEW where they were going and even Sassy has been there. But as they say - nothing like returning home to chill, sleep a dead sleep and look forward to another day of fun TOMORROW. It's a dog day you know!!

Tomorrow we practice for our upcoming shows with Miss Abs, plant, veg, play and maybe wash a few dogs. We shall see.

PS: heard that Ramona's Zack is enjoying his surroundings. That makes me smile with a warm heart.

More news tomorrow and watch for photos.


Travelin' Havanese

Well, we are off to Yvonne's house for the day and will be back later tonight with lots of photos etc

It's yucky raining out. Life is a dawgs life and mommy saves time NOT grooming.

More tonight after the day unfolds.

Hmm busy next week too as we have shows starting next Friday - now Abs - practice gal!


Stoned Havanese Vegging With Fave Human

It's not a great photo as I was taking shots into the sun but dear Miss Abs came back from the vets after getting 2 of her canines pulled and she is stoned on morphine - chillin' out in the backyard on the deck with her fave human. That's okay as tomorrow she has to get show training busy. Today she has the day off. :-)

If you are getting your dog neutered or spayed, this is the time to deal with any teeth that just don't want to come out like Abs. Hers had roots that were larger than the actual tooth.

We have a great vet who let us bring in our crate so she can feel comfie.

Nathan also dropped over to Yvonnes to hang out and wait for the Abs with a few of the other dogs. He also managed to get a few photos.

Here you can see Rita's Minnie chasing Wasabi's Sebastian, Rita's Opal behind them and Downsey and Fiona behind Opal and good old Terra laying on the deck.

If I have any mistakes in this, forgive me. I will fix it tomorrow. I have a very conked out Abs laying in one arm while I try to type with the others. She never lays here for this amount of time as she is always too busy playing so I am treasuring the moment and dealing with the difficulty of typing.

Remember you can always click on the photos to see a larger version.

I asked Nathan to take photos so I could see Downsey's colour and to see if she is the same size. She looks like the same size but wow that colour. We are really getting excited to see what Cocoa looks like - their other sibling who comes on Friday. I will have to remember to charge the video camera.

Well more tomorrow. It's way too hard to snuggle and type.


Chicadoro Visit At Talemakers

Click to play Havanese Friends
Videos, Show Photos Coming Tomorrow. Just a Few Pix From Our Weekend.


Fun Havanese Day

This duo is fast becoming the best of pals. They sit in a bed under my desk a number of times just to be with each other. It will be interesting how things unfold when Fiona's sister comes to visit for the weekend.

Well, we are off to the Markham dog show. I am going to try to take video. Couldn't find the tripod. I have to wake Dennis up as he is watching the dogs.

Will get lots of photos of this crazy dawg house and the fun adventurous weekend. Oh and Chico is also coming this weekend - wow - fun!

More later>>


Shots, Visit & Late Arrival Home

We went to get shots today for Miss Abs (3rd one done) who weighed in at 6lbs. She got her shots and so did a couple of other dawgs in our crew. The vet thought Miss Abs had great knees, perfect bite, nice compact body. He thought she was a beauty. He even commented how clean her bum was. I wanted to ask what kind of bums he saw but I held my tongue and thought to myself that I didn't want to know. ROFL!

Then we headed to Yvonnes and saw her pretty babies (pups) and got to play with Fiona - who comes home Thursday after her Baer test. Fiona has 4 white sox like her grandmother - our Risa. I got more photos of Yvonnes pups that I will post and we had lunch - thnx Yvonne and Alex - most gracious and then headed home. The dawgs were really happy to be home.

I have work waiting - the dog show video to do and all I want to do is crawl on the couch.

Here's a photo of Fiona (is that what we are calling her?) It's not a good quality but I had the camera on the wrong setting - gad - shows me to play with it. I promise better photos after she comes.

She's an Ever-Ready battery - at least at Yvonne's and then she crashes. It's going to be a ton of fun - ah puppies - nothing like them!


Our Dear Friends Have a Puppy Video

Check out the puppy video of Yvonne's crew and our very own Sassy Lass is in it as well. Yvonne's pups are 5 weeks now but were 4 weeks on New Year's day when this video was taken. I hope you enjoy it as much as we do.


New Years Havanese Slideshow

With so much snow, we got to spend New Years with our friends Yvonne and Alex from Chicadoro Havanese. We had a roaring good time and these are only some of the photos. We hope Yvonne does a slideshow on her site as there are so many more photos with her beautiful litter.


Happy Havanese New Year

Well, we just got back from having a fab time at our friends Yvonne and Alex. The crew is sitting in their living room sopping wet and they had lots of snow and if I can get a video rendered, you may see then running like the dickens outside having a grand time.

Sassy had her shots so yesterday she was sore but not too bad. She weighed in at 4lbs 6 ounces. Her vet loved her patellas - said wow - really great ones. He thought she was in excellent health and we are glad and he said - oh my this one looks like her mommy - such a beautiful face. That was nice.

We spent a really great time at our friends but one can't sleep with 6 Havanese in a queen size bed. It's way too funny and we had all sorts of issues with technical stuff but hey that calmed down and we watched TV and human daddy snored and Yvonne had to say - ah let's go to bed and Risa was asking for hours already.

Today we tried to render a video but will have to give it a shot here. Till now, you can look at Sassy and her mom out in the backyard at Yvonnes. She soooo adorable in looks and personality - I tell you. Big dogs, little ones - she got her grounding and played in such a short time - it was great to see. Even when Britney (an old Beardie - the leader of the pack at Yvonnes and Alex) was barking she said - what was that and continued on without issue.

I need to eat but wanted to say Sassy did well on the long ride there, the shots, the strange house, the different bed to sleep on and all those doggies to play with. She had a roaring good time and so did the rest of the pack but when we said home, Katsuro got excited then the rest did and they are almost all conked out except Louis, our visitor (who goes home tomorrow - sniff) and Sassy who are playing up a storm. More tomorrow and hopefully a video but too tired tonight to pull it together.

By the way, Sassy has really and I mean really perfected her jumps through snows and her going up and down stairs. Me thinks she's going to be quite the athlete like Wasabi.


Hey, girlfriend!!!

When you were here at the Sonrisas picnic I wondered why all the guys were all over you. My mommy tells me that I'm about to find out cause I'm in "season". Don't know what that means but I'm gonna find out real soon or so she tells me!!

We're gonna go with Auntie Rita on a long car ride (not sure if I like that idea) to a place far, far away. Somewhere called Minnie apples??? And I'm gonna get to play with my new boyfriend!! Yeah, I like to play.

Well, I'll tell you more when I see you tomorrow.