
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in chicadoro havanese puppies toronto (26)


Havanese Abigail Party Hearty

Abs went to a party last night with lots of people where a resident cat lives. She could smell the cat but it stayed in hiding. It didn't stop her from trying to figure out where it was.

Even with the most outgoing and balanced dog, you can get a dog stressed in new situations.

Still, that doesn't mean you don't expose her but that you do in small doses.

Today we have Quito and his owner Jean coming over to say hi to Kooba. Us - and the crew are looking forward to it. More later.>>


Havanese Dominance Games

When a dog mounts another one's head, he is going to one of the most extreme displays of dominance in the dog world. The head is the highest part of the dog. Bringing the head down brings the dog down from his highest point. It is all about who is higher than whom. It' not sexual as some believe.

Puppies often try to mount each other as a search for where they fit in the scheme of things and sometimes they do it back and forth as it's just a game to them sharing who's on top at a given time. For them, it is simply play.

Adults get into the act as well especially new ones trying to figure out their place in the pack. Here you can see Fiona shaking Kooba off but I don't think Kooba is letting her. But what you didn't see is Fiona giving her the look and then the game ended. Fiona is still figuring out what is fun and her desire to always be the one on top.

This pack works as they do try things as kids often do with each other but they also listen to each other.

Clearly, this is an instinctive dog behavior, a ritual dogs often go through. I recommend to all who are interested to question experts and to study this dog dominance behavior for yourself.

You can correct it if it bothers you.

It's sort of like growling. People react and say - oh they are being 'aggressive' but more times than not it is either a correction from one dog to another - 'leave me alone' thing going on or communication of another sort or a low level fear when it begins. It's all how we handle it or don't that sets the tone for future socialization moments.

Before you react - find out why your dog does what he does and when you do, you may be laughing vs. being frustrated.

My father raised hunting dogs and I can remember him saying to me - think like a dog. Why would one eat what it was supposed to retrieve and the other bring it back. Was one 'bad' and one not or.... figure it out. If you do, you have begun your journey in thinking like a dog. ha!


Havanaese Showing Signs of Concern

Our Havanese rescue that we are fostering is coming around just fine.

When Kooba 1st got here, she was overwhelmed. There were many changes that were about to unfold and your dog doesn't understand what is going on.

But if you keep at it, even the most sensitive dog can open up and gain balance.

Kooba continues to make huge leaps in becoming assertive and balanced. She's even going in the crate now and moving the furniture around, so to speak. She's also cuddling while watching TV.

As you can see, Kat is enjoying her company. One more girl - well that is okay with him.

Soon we will be looking for a new home for her and hoping we will stay in touch. We rather like this one - bigtime.


Puppies - oh so Many Havanese Pups

Yvonne's puppies came to visit after their Baer test - all passed. They were amazing on the stairs. Abs and Kat just adored them and so did the Wasabi Woo. Nathan...well he is already lost when it comes to the little ones.

And to top things off - we have a skunk in our yard so our yard is unusuable - joy - not!


Yvonne's Pups Came For a Visit

Tomorrow look for photos from Yvonne's visit. Kat was actually happy - even smiling seeing the pups and Nathan - well we won't talk about him as he was over the moon seeing the little ones. (Nathan here - I was actually on the floor covered in puppies. Life is hard.)

We even had 2 take a swim. I guess they are Kat's kids after all. ROFL

More tomorrow...


Abs Says Fiona Pushes the Envelope

Well, Daddy is out of town on busy-ness and we are dealing with moms, walks and her food. Oh joy...but we got necks for one meals so yum.

Mommy thinks Daddy must be doing something she's not doing as they weren't crazy about eating today - including Fiona who needs to eat.

I am having a grand time playing with Fiona and Shoshi. Mom kept trying to get extra special photos but we were not cooperating. All she kept getting is hair and more hair but boy we were having fun.

Fiona: Tonight, a dog was barking in the distance and I started barking back and that got everyone barking. I thought that was rather fun but somehow that Mommy didn't think so. To make it worse, I wouldn't stop and Mommy was on the phone so I thought I was 'getting away with it' but she had something else in mind. She got off the phone. Oh Oh

I decided to be cheeky and growled under my breath. Oh, I did the semi-submissive stance just to placate her but she was none too happy. She brought me inside, talked in that funny voice that tells me she is serious and told me that she was not going to allow such cheeky behaviour. Oh well, it was worth a try. I have tried it on Risa and she shut me down after putting up with it for awhile. You see, I am cute so I use it. But - maaaah

Mommy says - rules, boundaries and limitations...and boy that Fiona is a step over the line dawg with that paw. You just adore her but she loves to see what she can get away with.


Children & Havanese

Are Havanese good with children? We are often asked that question. Havanese can be amazing with children as long as they treat them 'right'. Just as they shouldn't tease other children, they shouldn't tease a Havanese either. Yes, they are playful but they can get hurt.

Havanese will bond to whomever treats them right and 'special' just as we tend to.

An addition of a Havanese with children in the house should take some thought. Do you have time? Will it be a welcomed addition? Will you find time to walk, train and invest cuddle time? If you do, that lifetime bond with your child(ren) can be unlike anything else.

Havanese can teach your children critical development understanding if approached the right way.

On the emotional level, pets can teach children many things:

Communication: Children learn the subtle cues their Havanese give them to indicate their feelings. They can later apply this lesson to human interaction because they are more attuned to watching for body posture.

Empathy: Children often become curious about the emotions their Havanese feel. This curiosity will extend itself to others. Animals offer an avenue for children to explore their curiosity. For a child, curiosity can lead to hope and to greater engagement with the world around them.

Nurturing skills: If properly supervised by adults, a child learns how to take care of another living being, and takes pleasure in keeping the Havanese healthy and happy.

Confidence: Children go through life under constant evaluation. They are rated by their behavior, grades and athletic performance. This is especially true of middle school children. A Havanese has no such expectations; they're delighted that the child is with them. Pets give children the sense of unconditional acceptance. No judging or rating is involved.

Resilience to change: Children who undergo traumatic experiences often cope better when they have a pet to confide in. Loneliness is very dangerous to children. Having an animal companion can make them feel a part of something. By adding a sport that they can share with their dog, junior handling etc - they immediately become part of a whole. Even without, they are now a dog owner and people love to stop and talk to those walking dogs.

A study published in 2000 explored the relationship between pets and children. Specifically, the study, conducted by a child psychologist in New Mexico, looked at the effect dog ownership had on 10- to 12-year-old children. The researcher, Robert E. Bierer, Ph.D., was surprised at the difference in empathy and self-esteem between pre-adolescences who owned a dog and those who did not.

Bierer's conclusions support the growing body of evidence that shows dog ownership has "statistically significant" impact on self-esteem and sensitivity toward others. He noted that teachers, parents and other children have expectations for a child to fulfill. A pet has no such measures of success or failure; acceptance is total, which provides a sense of self worth.

This doesn't necessarily mean that all children are ready for a Havanese. Parents should first make sure their child desires a pet before rushing out to get one. Make sure health testing is done. Don't buy from a pet store. Find a breeder who cares enough to do health testing.

Together, (you, your child and all family members) should decide what type of pet is best. Don't select one for colour. Colours can change in the Havanese and - well personalities - that fit should be right.

Moreover, don't assume your child will take care of the dog. The ultimate responsibility usually falls on the parent, not the kid, to make sure the pet is happy, healthy and trained.

Back to lovin' and playing with our gang on this rainy Saturday.


Be Still My Heart: Havanese Living & Enjoying Life

Hey guys, I am Risa - the black dog with white feet. That's why my champion name is Whitesox. I tend to manage the crew here but the humans here just won't stop till we are all having fun.

That human daddy was getting me going and at first the rest of the crew went - dare we play with the 'boss'? But play they did.

We just uploaded a video from the picnic hoping you will enjoy. What has become abundantly clear is we like to play no matter where we are. Maybe it's that Abs that won't stop or those humans or...but forgive us as we tend to be all over that video as we were the ones moving our ahems off and crashing on the way home.

Oh, there are plenty of the others human and canine alike but like we said - we are used to having CRAZY fun. Enjoy!

PS: Disregard the jerky nature. That human daddy is still learning. We all have to do that for the rest of our lives. HA!


Rita & Yvonne's Havanese Picnic '08


Havanese Puppy Fix Coming Soon

I have a secret - I have Sassy and Coach over for a visit this week and I hear tell that Sebastian is coming back for a bit this Monday.

Tomorrow we are heading out to Yvonne's so mommy can enjoy good company - oh yeah daddy too - besides he better as he is my person these days.

We are going to take a ton of puppy photos to share.

The pups are mobile and we imagine quite cute. We will find out and you will too if the camera works.

When we go swimming these days, the Abs takes haven under a chair.

It's her fave spot to fade into oblivion hoping daddy doesn't notice.

Oh, she loves it once she gets in but I swear she's thinking about the brushing/shampoo that came today after she was done.

Abs swam bigtime with the daddy today and then had a shampoo and blow dry. That's the part she's not all that crazy about but isn't it worth it, Abs?

Sassy for once is on top of the situation tonight and Fiona looks as if she is trying to figure this one out and Coch - well he was standing waiting to see if he was needed but they ended up doing full body play and having a grand time of it. They are going to love it at Yvonne and Alex's and so are we.

Puppy photos coming...just watch here Sunday night or Monday...


Starving Havanese Doing What's Needed?

Okay - I must admit I am intoxicated with the antics of the Havanese.

I grabbed my camera before correcting this one as I couldn't help myself. I made a stir fry and Abigail was licking the juices from a plate in the dishwasher.

This either tells me she THINKS she's not getting enough food or she likes what we are having better. HA!

This is the problem with the Havanese. They do these things that make you laugh. You delay correcting and voila - it gets out of control.

Moral of this story: I should know better but really - I couldn't help myself - honest!

Was that MY line or the dawgs? You tell me!


Teaching Retrieve: Get it if You Can!

Who says an old dog can't be taught tricks? heh

Actually - no one is old here except the Whitney so she just watched and who can blame her.

You can teach your Havanese to retrieve and its a great game if you only have one. It allows you to do something fun together and get some exercise on your dog in mind and in body.

As you can see, all I did was throw a toy and the first one to bring it back gets a treat. You may think that we would have fights over that toy but no. They just try harder the next time plus I play it in such a way to give an advantage to one that isn't as quick - otherwise what fun would it be?

You say yours won't bring it back? Well no treat. Just be sure when you start that you throw it close extending the distance as their consistency with bringing it back sets in. They should know if they don't bring it back the game ends and you also don't cuddle, play or give them the idea they don't have to play by the rules.

If they still do not get it, find a hallway with just one exit and you sit blocking that exit. Start throwing it down the hallway. In smaller quarters, it's easier for them to 'get' it. Reward by click, treat or voice but be consistent. They should think this is the best game since EVER.

Nothing like plying with your Havanese.


Long But Fun Filled Day: With No Bark

We came back from Queens Quay, at the new Paws Way building. We were - well the dogs were ambassadors for the breed. Yesterday Nathan, Alex (thanks, Alex!), Kat and Abigail did the socializing stint and today Nathan, Fiona, Kat and I did. Although they liked seeing the dogs and people - there is nothing like home and the fun things they do around here.

Here's Kat after his return with Coco saying, "Is it time to swim, daddy?"

Here he is brushed for the show and he wants to swim? Okay - mommy will spray and brush and laugh at you jumping in the pool. Who owns us? The dawgs!! Oh, but the love and snuggles they give you in return - well they can own me any old time.

So - daddy is it time yet?

Let me tell you how crazy it was. We - okay Nathan - if we are going to get the story right taught the 'no bark; and that's a tough one when the dogs are all worked up as a gang excited about going swimming. Even if they are not interested in actually swimming.

Terra barked - Nathan said 'no bark' and she didn't listen so in the house she went. Then Shoshi barked and into the house she went. Poor Zack was watching this all in amazement without a peep. He does like to join in but is easily corrected. This time not a peep. The rest of the gang got it and no sound but the game wasn't the same. Still Nathan kept at it putting his finger up as a signal not to bark and they tried to contain themselves almost appearing as if that emotion was going to burst right out of them. Then he let the barkers out and they also learned. Hmmm this works.

What did we learn? You 'can' control the bark. You must be serious about it showing you are not going to put up with it but we also found out that we sort of like the excitement of the bark but one can't have it both ways so 'no bark' it is. There are times for barks and times that you simply can't. Not all barking is bad but you have to get control over it so they learn when it is acceptable and when it is not.

Then after the swimming and running around time was done, the crew all found their spots on the lounge chairs (See Zack on Nathan) and settled in for a long day's nap.

The crew was all smooshed on top of us and next to our bodies. I think we must have slept for an hour all wet and then I woke up and said - oh no I didn't brush Kat and he's almost dry.

A dab of spray on the brush - spray all over him and brush and I let him air dry - no knots.

Then it was time to brush the rest. I think Coco looked at me cross-eyed then put her little head down and went back to sleep.

Who want to brush little old me...well I suppose it's okay but wake me up when you are done, will ya?

I decided to do her last so she could catch some more zzzzzs. it's been a simply exhausting day but now you know you can teach 'no bark' even if YOU like the barking. ROFL!


Havanese Play With Interesting Toys

If a toy holds the Havanese interests long as this one does - well it has to be cheap. I tell you - they love empty bottles. Throw in some water into a bottle half way, throw it in the freezer then when it is good and cold and has ice in it, throw it on the floor and watch the fun. Just be sure to take it away if they happen to puncture it. It's a cheap fascination.

Here you can see Zack and Coco (Zack is one of Wasabi's that we used to call El Blanca Grande and (Coco who is Fiona's sister) and looks like her mom Maggie who is about to give birth to more little ones in a matter of days.

Well, here they are trying to bat this ball around. What is this toy? Well it's a cat toy and can be found at any Petsmart or any other pet store that carries cat toys. It usually has a wad of paper in the middle so the cats can scratch it. Your Havanese will bite it into a million pieces so if you don't want to sweep a million pieces of paper up - well throw that section out. The real fascination is the ball and why they can't get it out. Zack and Coco spent an entire 98 minutes playing with this thing. I timed it so I knew how long they kept at it. I think they hold the record of being fascinated the longest.

Today Kat and Abs is down on Queens Quay meeting and greeting people that want to know about Havanese and they will be there tomorrow. The rest of the Talemaker crew waves paws at those that are there!

There's NOTHING like the Havanese - I tell you - except 2 is better than one. ROFL!


Say Cheese Havanese

Trying to get the Havanese cooperating - even saying cheese is I-M-P-O-S-S-I-B-L-E.

We have Coco and Zack for sleepovers and are having an amazing amount of fun.

Fiona, Coco and Abs is out walking with our son Jonathan and his girlfriend and Zack just came back with Nathan and Kat.

Ramona: Zack did great on the walk. He barked at one dog that barked at him once. He was corrected and didn't bark again.

Abs is really making Coco feel welcomed and it's all working ever so well.

Ah - Havanese heaven. Couldn't be better than this!


Visiting Dogs in Heat

What do you mean? What's this heat business about? What you don't see is the gang is all at Rita's house and the girls - not mine - hers are all inside just coming out of heat. Our intact male is at the door peering in and Mojo - who thinks he still has it - well he's doing the same.

You never know what you are going to get when you have 2 males and girls in heat. It could be an explosive situation but it wasn't here.

Kat and Moj seemed to have an okay relationship of mutual respect and as long as Kat didn't go inside and sniff up the girls - well life was good. Perhaps a week earlier it may have been an entirely different story.

Well, it has cooled down a tad. We still don't have air and we are making the best of it.

Fiona is off to handling class tomorrow and daddy is going to work on her scat? What's a scat? Well, the funniest thing you ever did see but we won't tell till it's perfected and we can get it on video.

More tomorrow...


Lola & Kat's Pups

Kat got to see his pups today and was he excited. Okay - he was excited to see LOLA but he did look and was impressed. heh Lola and Kat make really nice pups and Kat agrees. ROFL

Check some of the photos out below:

We were visiting Yvonne and got to see the pups. We managed to get a few photos and check out the Chicadoro site for more. I am sure once Yvonne catches her breath - she will add some there - if she hasn't already.

Tomorrow we will be posting photos of Willard and crew - Rita popped in at the last minute back from breeding Opal. Willard got to see Kat that he hasn't seen forever and got to see the scat of Fiona which he laughed at - as we all do.

We will also be posting photos of Yvonne and our crew having a grand time. Watch for those tomorrow but till then, check out some of the puppy photos we took. What you can't see is the colour that is coming out on a couple that look black and white but seem to have grey and beige - ah time will tell what they end up like. They are gorgeous but can't wait til they are doing more than eating and crawling and snoozing.


Road Tripin' Havanese

I hear tell that I have really small offspring and anyone who has been following this blog knows I adore the little ones. I get to have that human mom take some photos so she can share them. It is my first crew you know and I am the proud papa.

Well, we are road tripping today and will be getting a ton of photos of the little ones. We promise and posting. So exciting!

More tonight about our adventures of no air, seeing pups and well sweating Havanese style.


Havanese Bug Catching

Oh yeah - you have that right. The bugs are out and the dogs think they are going hunting - yuck!

Wasabi caught a bee in her mouth mid-air and ended up injuring it and Fiona is fascinated with the ants.

Havanese are known as companions, circus entertainers at one time and therefore they are easy to train to do all sorts of interesting things but hunting for bugs? I didn't train them for THAT!

I am amazed at how very fast their reflexes are. I just wish their targets happened to be something other than bugs but it was hot as you can see in Fiona's face and she was close to the ground and action was happening and mommy - I couldn't help myself.

Oh my..the things they try to eat.

Here's a perfect opportunity to practice - LEAVE IT!

Well, mommy had to work too hard - she's still working and daddy is outdoors playing with Remy and the crew.

More later....and does yours retrieve and know the 'leave it' command?


Sebastian Stylin! Lola Puppy Photos

Sebastian had a bath today and Nathan was giving him some snuggles. He looks so good all cleaned up. Gad - he's a cutie!

We were excited to see him smelling ever so good and feeling so silky. He cleans up well.

BREAKING NEWS: Lola had her pups 5 boys - oh my - photos here of pups less than an hour old.

Mom - Lola - human mom and pups are doing ever so good.

Maggie soon! - Meaning her turn to have pups.

Click on a photo to see an upclose photo of him.

Anyone who has bathed a Havanese knows that after it, they end up being way frisky.

Watch this crew in mid-air having some delicious fun.

More later...>>