Teaching Retrieve: Get it if You Can!

Who says an old dog can't be taught tricks? heh
Actually - no one is old here except the Whitney so she just watched and who can blame her.
You can teach your Havanese to retrieve and its a great game if you only have one. It allows you to do something fun together and get some exercise on your dog in mind and in body.
As you can see, all I did was throw a toy and the first one to bring it back gets a treat. You may think that we would have fights over that toy but no. They just try harder the next time plus I play it in such a way to give an advantage to one that isn't as quick - otherwise what fun would it be?
You say yours won't bring it back? Well no treat. Just be sure when you start that you throw it close extending the distance as their consistency with bringing it back sets in. They should know if they don't bring it back the game ends and you also don't cuddle, play or give them the idea they don't have to play by the rules.
If they still do not get it, find a hallway with just one exit and you sit blocking that exit. Start throwing it down the hallway. In smaller quarters, it's easier for them to 'get' it. Reward by click, treat or voice but be consistent. They should think this is the best game since EVER.
Nothing like plying with your Havanese.
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