Visiting Dogs in Heat

What do you mean? What's this heat business about? What you don't see is the gang is all at Rita's house and the girls - not mine - hers are all inside just coming out of heat. Our intact male is at the door peering in and Mojo - who thinks he still has it - well he's doing the same.
You never know what you are going to get when you have 2 males and girls in heat. It could be an explosive situation but it wasn't here.
Kat and Moj seemed to have an okay relationship of mutual respect and as long as Kat didn't go inside and sniff up the girls - well life was good. Perhaps a week earlier it may have been an entirely different story.
Well, it has cooled down a tad. We still don't have air and we are making the best of it.
Fiona is off to handling class tomorrow and daddy is going to work on her scat? What's a scat? Well, the funniest thing you ever did see but we won't tell till it's perfected and we can get it on video.
More tomorrow...
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