Entries in sonrisas havanese (12)
Visiting Dogs in Heat

What do you mean? What's this heat business about? What you don't see is the gang is all at Rita's house and the girls - not mine - hers are all inside just coming out of heat. Our intact male is at the door peering in and Mojo - who thinks he still has it - well he's doing the same.
You never know what you are going to get when you have 2 males and girls in heat. It could be an explosive situation but it wasn't here.
Kat and Moj seemed to have an okay relationship of mutual respect and as long as Kat didn't go inside and sniff up the girls - well life was good. Perhaps a week earlier it may have been an entirely different story.
Well, it has cooled down a tad. We still don't have air and we are making the best of it.
Fiona is off to handling class tomorrow and daddy is going to work on her scat? What's a scat? Well, the funniest thing you ever did see but we won't tell till it's perfected and we can get it on video.
More tomorrow...
Heat, Visits and Rain

Darlah has kindly allowed me to post today. Toronto continues to experience a heat wave. It's hot, humid and raining. And our air conditioner, naturally, broke down.
After the excitement yesterday, seeing Lola and Kat's puppies, now 10 days old, Maggie who is huge and very pregnant, Flora, Downsey and Britney at Alex and Yvonne's place and then Ali, Opal, Mini and Mojo at Rita and Willard's place today was a huge contrast. Both Yvonne and Rita have huge fenced-in backyards perfect for Havanese running games. Today it is raining non stop so our visits outside are more like dashes to do our business and quickly back in again.
However, we did have two visitors as Kat's litter mate Bailey and Abigail's half brother Dickens came by to visit and brought Duncan and Monica with them. They have recently returned from an awesome trip overseas and it was a pleasure to see them again. But, Bailey and Dickens are boys and boys will be boys. No, not that! They marked, everywhere, and every chance they got. And of course Kat marked over them because after all, it is his place. We still enjoyed the visit in the heat and humidity but we sure did wish it had been nice outside.
Whitney hasn't been feeling well today and I suspect it has something to do with us leaving her and Terra behind yesterday and only taking the Havanese. The stress of being left behind has upset her stomach, another added bonus when it is raining outside. If you'll recall, Whitney doesn't do well in rain and thunder so that's not helping. Yesterday we just didn't want to take the chance of the Golden Retrievers upsetting Lola. I do recall the time Whitney and Terra came cautiously and politely close to the room in which Risa had her pups and Risa growled at them in such a way that both Retrievers hit the ground instantly, on their backs, in complete submission. I know that Risa assured them both in dog talk, which we know is straight and to the point, that she would rip their lungs out and feed it to them if they came any closer to her pups and they believed her.
Havanese Wasabi Says It's Daddy's Turn

Here's human daddy hanging out with the one that has a half mustache like me. He's getting way cute as his hair comes in and he is one of the litter that hits that pee pad consistently. His play is creative where you can often find him under a blanket with the blanket going up and down and he loves tunnels, carrying cases and independent play but he also likes to play with the rest of the crew. He just seems to enjoy his own play thoroughly as well. What that means is he can find ways to entertain himself. We are really pleased with this ones personality. Each are different and unique in their own ways. Each have their own unique personalities.
My daddy was having fun trying to get my crew to eat from our round dish. Boy I (Wasabi) likes to clean up after that mess. Lick, lick - yum, yum. Goats milk - oh boy!
Another character (we only have a couple that are quiet but still playful so far) is the one we call Tux. He just has no fear about anything so far and just runs through the tunnels. When he isn't doing that, he is hanging out on his back swatting a fish - yeah a fish. We will put a video of it up as soon as human mommy gets her act together. We would love to count on her but she tells me work and sleep somehow count too - hahahaha!
Hey, we played in the tub today with mommy and had our first bath. We loved playing in the water, wasn't crazy over the shampoo but loved the blow drying and massages she gave us. So, we got to follow human mommy's rule of thumb - always end on a good note to make the memories a good one.
Here's a video of Tuxedo playing...
Havanese Jammin' Calm Style

Well, folks, this is 4 weeks and 1 half of a day later since birth.
We are all growing and enjoying life. We are playing more and more each day and are really excited to see humans. Our tails wag and we literally try to engage our pack mates and the humans in play.
We have tunnels, a crate and lots of fun things to do in our day time world to help us be all we can be. From time to time, human mom and dad will change the environment and they will be taking us in various rooms on a variety of surfaces so we can be slowly conditioned and not afraid of anything.
Most people don't get to know me as I tend to be in protective mode over my kids. Sure, I am friendly but just want to know why everyone is coming to see my kids.
Human mommy says we have a full house this weekend and we may even see Jazzy's parents - another Havanese that we adore!
Let me tell you a bit about me. My nature is a tad different than Risa. I tend to be a calm dog. I am adventurous, I love tunnels, and playing in a silly manner. Daddy says I flow like poetry in motion. When they have captured me running, I flow amazingly graceful and don't try. It just comes natural. I am very agile and can balance on most anything.
I tell you all so you can get an idea of my pups and what genetic abilities I am apt to pass along. I don't have an aggressive bone in my body but I will protect my pack and my pups but tend to look for solutions. This is called evenly balanced.
Today, I went into this tunnel in our play yard and one of the pups crawled in after me, over me and right out over my head. some moms wouldn't have toleration for such antics but I tend to love deeply and take things in stride. I let things roll off my back or over my back quite literally.
Each pup is showing its strengths on a given day and that changes but personalities are coming out. This one coming out of the tunnel has a mustache on half his face like his mom. as it grows out, it will become stunning. This particular pup is mighty adventurous. He has no issues going through tunnels, under blankets and having a roaring good time. He also has started telling you when he wants to play. But each are different but similar and more on each as photos allow. Be sure to look at snapfish though as we add new photos all the time. Today we are going to try to get a video up but if not today - tomorrow. More later as we have company soon and human mom has to try to eat this garbage she made in the microwave - yuck!
Havanese Puppy Characters

It's Day 6 and already personalities are starting to come out. The white one that mommy calls so fondly El Blanco Grande, well she is starting to think she can create an entire comic strip on him. He can always be found eating up a storm and if someone else has milk left, well oops did I push you out of the way - well let me just taste - you do share with your siblings don't you? From one to the next he plows all others down all in the name of that great liquid refreshment but not all of them is taken such totally laying down. The competition thang has already begun as you can see one is on top of El Blanco Grande saying, 'my turn and don't you forget it!' But did he move...nah - he's the big white one and he's already taken the course, 'Havanese Assertiveness Class 101'
The class has JUST BEGUN and we will see who has their way as the class rolls on.
Me, other than being exhausted at all this chowing down on my body, I am enjoying the little ones. I can't wait till they play with toys. I tried to play with them with my squeakie toy yesterday but no takers yet! Don't these dogs know how to have fun? Are you sure they are mine? ROFL!
Day 4 Havanese Motherhood

I am getting more comfie these days jumping in and out to eat and drink and nest in my other box. Mommy even took some of me with just my head sticking out but they aren't great quality. I am really enjoying watching the pups and seeing them move but when mommy puts them in that sling to weigh them or does that program to help them be all they can be, well let's just say I am learning to let mom play with them too!
Finally a Relaxin' Havanese Puppies and Mom

Here I am with my pups finally relaxing enough to snooze. Daddy is cooking steak for me - yum! Pups are all gaining and a couple is chowing down so much that daddy is making sure I eat right - mom too.
Mommy put the other half of my whelping box together so I had a place to nest but still watch the little ones. That made me WAY happy.
I just heard that my other mom Rita from Sonrisas Havanese is coming tomorrow - am I excited or what!
This Havanese Creates Tales or Tails (Ha!)

Well, I like to keep everyone on their toes to make sure they are exhausted when my puppies make their debut.
Last night I went into panting for 1.5 hours and then I stopped and said - nope - it's not time yet. So, everyone focuses on me and nothing happens except I get all the attention. The humans act really strange and I shake my head saying - well we have to have drills don't we? I have to be sure YOU are ready.
Are the humans ready? I think they are more than ready and me, well I am just hanging out all bloated and getting pampered and enjoying it. Wouldn't you? Mommy looks like she hasn't had sleep for eons but maybe she will take a nap instead of lunch and I will snuggle with her and make up for keeping my mom and dad and other mom up all night.
We shall see.
Wasabi the Havanese Almost Ready

Well daddy took some great photos of me while I was in my whelping box snuggling with my duck. Is that what I am going to have - little cloth ducks that go quack, quack? Can't you see the concerned look on my face? What am I having in this stomach that seems to 'rock and roll' all the time. Mommy keeps giving me massages so I feel better and I do but...
I am spending more time hanging out in the whelping box wondering what my hormones are telling me - soon - yeah soon. I love the toys that my other momma Rita got me when she was with Auntie Yvonne, Lola and Mags doing the deed. I am hoping she's pregnant too - whatever pregnant is. Mom tells me I will figure THAT out soon.
Wasabi the Havana Silk Dog Hanging Out

Here I am hanging out in the grass and mommy says it's bath time. I am trying to hold out till Thursday. My coat's still silky and I think having all these baths are silly but I can understand why mom wants me smelling good for the vet for my up close and personal visit.
Mom is busy creating this box for my little ones called a doggie incubator of sorts. She finished the bottom with half of it with a warming pad, bumper pads and all and I just climbed into it and got WAY comfie. If the photos come out, mom will have to change this one out. If not, use your imagination - just know that I am WAY comfie - for the pups - hmmmf it's for me!
I heard Maggie is back home. Rita and Yvonne just had a very long trip but productive one. I get to see Rita on Friday at the vets. She was doing the counting and said next week would be MY week. Well, it's about time.
Daddy is going out of town tomorrow night so it best not happen then. I need my Lamaze coach. There is such a thing as a doggie Lamaze coach, isn't there? I think he forgot to take me to classes. Yoo hoo daddy - it's not too late - breath, focus - what else - can you remember? Better hone your skills cause it's happening soon.