Havanese Wasabi Says It's Daddy's Turn

Here's human daddy hanging out with the one that has a half mustache like me. He's getting way cute as his hair comes in and he is one of the litter that hits that pee pad consistently. His play is creative where you can often find him under a blanket with the blanket going up and down and he loves tunnels, carrying cases and independent play but he also likes to play with the rest of the crew. He just seems to enjoy his own play thoroughly as well. What that means is he can find ways to entertain himself. We are really pleased with this ones personality. Each are different and unique in their own ways. Each have their own unique personalities.
My daddy was having fun trying to get my crew to eat from our round dish. Boy I (Wasabi) likes to clean up after that mess. Lick, lick - yum, yum. Goats milk - oh boy!
Another character (we only have a couple that are quiet but still playful so far) is the one we call Tux. He just has no fear about anything so far and just runs through the tunnels. When he isn't doing that, he is hanging out on his back swatting a fish - yeah a fish. We will put a video of it up as soon as human mommy gets her act together. We would love to count on her but she tells me work and sleep somehow count too - hahahaha!
Hey, we played in the tub today with mommy and had our first bath. We loved playing in the water, wasn't crazy over the shampoo but loved the blow drying and massages she gave us. So, we got to follow human mommy's rule of thumb - always end on a good note to make the memories a good one.
Here's a video of Tuxedo playing...
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