
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in chicadoro havanese puppies toronto (26)


Kat's in Havanese Puppies Waiting Stance

Well, Katsuro's head hair is starting to grow back after Rita's Opal had fun with his ponytail. heh It's about time - I say! watching hair grow is like waiting for the light to change. If you watch too close - it seems like it takes forever.

Kat's a happy boy these days. Miss Lola is going to have puppies sired by him any day. All I know is it better not happen while we are at a show this weekend so cross those paws Lola if it starts at the wrong time. ROFL!

If Yvonne is falling asleep after a long night of whelping, photos may not be forthcoming so it best be on another day as we want to be there with camera in hand. Exciting times for them and for us!

More later.>>


Beachin' It Havanese Style

Fiona and Abs went to the beach today. Good news - it stopped raining. Bad news - oh so many dogs for the Fiona. She had an immersion that is starting her road to complete socialization balance.

We couldn't find the garden gloves we were looking for but mommy did find Cotton Ginny and they have some really cool 3/4 pants that is way comfie.

Abs - well she is an old pro and goes up and meets and greets all except one dog that had a prong collar on. That mommy and daddy spent much time taking Fiona over in their arms to get her to sniff and greet. This way she gains her comfort. Next she will have to meet and greet on her own in Petsmart perhaps tomorrow.

Use moments to socialize your dog such as a visit to the beaches or a park or?

We are home. Mommy is taking a nap shortly and the sun is out. I bet you by the time mom is ready to go out, it will rain again. she did get some weeding done but hardly a dent.

More later and pshaw - or what's that term to only sun where that relative of mine lives - Mojo. We don't have mosquitoes - do you? ROFL!


Havanese Livin' in a Fishbowl

What's it like living in a photographic fishbowl? Snap, flash - argh not again and how many of these actually turn out, human?

Mommy is borrowing Yvonne's DSLR - she has a slow 'mo camera and she's taking photos even though the subject matter won't cooperate. Who is the subject matter? US - as I said - Havanese fishbowl. Don't I look like I am lovin' this?

I hear they have only a couple of pups - if 5 is true left of my first ever pups. Gad - I love pups. I played with Wasabi's pups as if they were all mine and you can see that in my videos. Mommy and Daddy couldn't believe that half the night, I would go in and stare into the whelping box in awe.

Hey, I can be a fun lovin pool jumpin' in guy but I don't mind saying that I can be a warm, sensitive type. Nah, not the whiny type but I am one of the hearts of the pack. They are all mine - after all - don't ya know. ROFL!

Abs is sort of hanging out saying what's all this flashing and clicking business about.

After such a hard playing, rough housing play yesterday - well snoozin' seems about right especially as tomorrow brings handling class and another show but only 1 day with just my daddy. Mommy has to work.

Yesterday, we had a roaring grand time at Yvonne and Alex' and we waited to see if Maggie (she's my half sister you know) is pregnant and oh my gad - they think they see many! Well, we shall see. So, lots of pups at the Poole residence.

Here's Flora and Abigail who had a roaring grand time together.

They ran and ran their little hearts out. They are close in age and really connected much to the irritation of Fiona who thinks Abs is all hers. ha

But Fiona also managed to get into the swing of it and run a little. She will only watch so long and then decides - my turn!

Abigail got home and crashed. It was nice to see all that enthusiasm. As a matter of fact the entire crew crashed including the old lady, Whitney.

There were many more moments and photos capturing them but I won't bore you. Just know that life is good when you are surrounded by friends - human and canine alike.


Preoccupied Havanese

We put down - well Nathan puts down 8 bowls each morning. He's the food giver so he gains and retains the allegiance of the show crew. I have stopped doing snacks even when I brush or train and rely on them going to him after I finish.

We have only started this a few days ago but the pack has already changed ever so slightly. They are sleeping and hanging out with Nathan more and me less. Is that a good thing? Well for the show dogs it is but I miss them so I realize I was also filling my own needs. But if we are going to get the show dogs to be all they can be, they must be totally reliant on Nathan. We will fill you in from time to time to tell you if it is working or not. Time will tell.

If you look at this photo, you can tell a bit about each of the personalities. Yes, we feed all 8 together without issue except from time to time Risa wants to steal someone else's or Abs or Shoshi. But we monitor and correct and all works. Abs tends to put her face in her bowl and savour each drop without taking her head out till done and Fiona is constantly looking around seeing if anyone else has something she doesn't.

Last night Shoshi tried to sleep with me and Fiona growled her off. It's not that Fiona wanted to sleep with me. She wanted to at that moment but as soon as Shoshi went up on the pillow, the challenge was not there and Fiona moved. Cute...

Came across a photo of Sebastian and Abigail. Boy have they changed. Take a look.

Last night I walked all the dog in a pack of 2 at a time - 4 walks and had an incident with a loose sheltie who bit my pants - connected with skin but no breaking of the skin. Have no idea why it happened. I had Shoshi and Abs with me. But when I reached a certain part of the road, the sheltie turned around still barking its fool head off. I am going to go back tonight with Nathan so I do not get fearful of such an incident. I tend to think it was a loose dog that lived in the neighbourhood and was just being territorial. Did the owner let it out as a usual ritual or did it escape from the yard or? Tonight may be telling. Still, a dog that bites - not good and loose.

More later. Have to get to work.


Adventurous Havanese Times

Abs had a blast at handling class. I am not sure if human Daddy did but she sure did. She loves to chase squirrels and saw a dog that rather looked like one. Sorry but it really did. She just couldn't get over having it so close and boy would I love to pounce on THAT! Abs learned squirrel hunting from Shoshi who can catch the tail of one but doesn't want to do anything but to say - I caught you - now you can run away. The fun is in the chase and Abs certainly loves games. I am positive she could get titles in things that involved play easily.

Let's say - life was challenging tonight. Abs continues to have a true zest for play - and those aromas in the ground are just too much for her to ignore. Human daddy is doing his best to learn ways to get her to F-O-C-U-S but it may have to come with maturity or great creativity on the human part.

Here you can see Daddy trying to bait Abs with one of her fave toys. She has two and one is sadly falling apart. We need to find another. It's a little furry thing you hold in your hand, shake it and it sounds like a bird noise. This one he is using is a rattle and she likes it too. It does get her attention.

Daddy has a few weeks to find his creativity and then we will have the fun of seeing Lola and Kat pups and we will have to have videos, photos - all of it but poor Yvonne gets the work. She also gets the day to day joy.

We are already getting enquiries on the pups and will be visiting Yvonne this weekend so folks can meet the dogs.

We have grandkids coming on Friday (our oldest daughter's b-day and she owns a CAT - always one you know) and the garden cleanup and trying to get Abs swimming on a daily basis like Kat and walks and exercise and grooming and yikes - can we stop and smell the roses? Oh yeah we have plants to plant - and 2 are roses. hehehehe

More tomorrow.


The Ever Changing Havanese & Life

Here's a photo of Lola when she was a wee one. She was such a cutie - don't you think? Lola has changed colours as Havanese often do to a goldish blond. She looks like she is changing colours yet again when you look at her up close getting that richer colour back.

Havanese are such an interesting breed as you can have the looks of one colour then they grow up and get another and then they can revert again or change again. It's like having a package that keeps on evolving. To me, that's ever so much fun.

We have no clue what colours a Lola/Kat combo will produce. Ultrasounds etc. don't tell that but Kat has sable in his line, Lola has it in hers. There is also the greying gene at play. At times you can see a cocoa overcast in Kat's coat. It too is always changing.

Life is filled with surprises and we are excited to see what this one brings.

Personality is prevalent in the Mojo line - Kat has it in spades but hey we are biased. Lola is a Cuban Havanese - a strong gal filled with a genteel personality. She is a first class mom.

Can you tell we are excited?

Now on to the shenanigans of the crew here. Fiona is playing up a storm. I am back exercising doing Kenpo/Cardio X with Tony Horton. It's time I get back into it and well, Fiona was jumping on me the entire time. It made exercise a challenge but a fun one. We are back to finding what life is about - moments that you can treasure. It's why we are called Talemaker - as we bring you quality Havanese that lifetime tales are made from.

Treasure the moments and laugh at even the frustrating moments like a dog jumping on you while you exercise. Life is short and it can be amazing if YOU allow it to be.

More later...

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