Beachin' It Havanese Style
Saturday, June 28, 2008 at 1:57PM
Darlah Potechin in chicadoro fiona at talemaker, chicadoro havanese puppies toronto, rockhurst Abigail at talemaker

Fiona and Abs went to the beach today. Good news - it stopped raining. Bad news - oh so many dogs for the Fiona. She had an immersion that is starting her road to complete socialization balance.

We couldn't find the garden gloves we were looking for but mommy did find Cotton Ginny and they have some really cool 3/4 pants that is way comfie.

Abs - well she is an old pro and goes up and meets and greets all except one dog that had a prong collar on. That mommy and daddy spent much time taking Fiona over in their arms to get her to sniff and greet. This way she gains her comfort. Next she will have to meet and greet on her own in Petsmart perhaps tomorrow.

Use moments to socialize your dog such as a visit to the beaches or a park or?

We are home. Mommy is taking a nap shortly and the sun is out. I bet you by the time mom is ready to go out, it will rain again. she did get some weeding done but hardly a dent.

More later and pshaw - or what's that term to only sun where that relative of mine lives - Mojo. We don't have mosquitoes - do you? ROFL!

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