Preoccupied Havanese

We put down - well Nathan puts down 8 bowls each morning. He's the food giver so he gains and retains the allegiance of the show crew. I have stopped doing snacks even when I brush or train and rely on them going to him after I finish.
We have only started this a few days ago but the pack has already changed ever so slightly. They are sleeping and hanging out with Nathan more and me less. Is that a good thing? Well for the show dogs it is but I miss them so I realize I was also filling my own needs. But if we are going to get the show dogs to be all they can be, they must be totally reliant on Nathan. We will fill you in from time to time to tell you if it is working or not. Time will tell.
If you look at this photo, you can tell a bit about each of the personalities. Yes, we feed all 8 together without issue except from time to time Risa wants to steal someone else's or Abs or Shoshi. But we monitor and correct and all works. Abs tends to put her face in her bowl and savour each drop without taking her head out till done and Fiona is constantly looking around seeing if anyone else has something she doesn't.
Last night Shoshi tried to sleep with me and Fiona growled her off. It's not that Fiona wanted to sleep with me. She wanted to at that moment but as soon as Shoshi went up on the pillow, the challenge was not there and Fiona moved. Cute...
Came across a photo of Sebastian and Abigail. Boy have they changed. Take a look.
Last night I walked all the dog in a pack of 2 at a time - 4 walks and had an incident with a loose sheltie who bit my pants - connected with skin but no breaking of the skin. Have no idea why it happened. I had Shoshi and Abs with me. But when I reached a certain part of the road, the sheltie turned around still barking its fool head off. I am going to go back tonight with Nathan so I do not get fearful of such an incident. I tend to think it was a loose dog that lived in the neighbourhood and was just being territorial. Did the owner let it out as a usual ritual or did it escape from the yard or? Tonight may be telling. Still, a dog that bites - not good and loose.
More later. Have to get to work.
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