
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Blog Archive
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in championship havanese (6)


Let the Play Begin

We had a little fun with this video. Anyone who has been following our blog and our lives knows Shoshi was always a dog that didn't socialize all that much with other dawgs or humans unless she really knew you but these days you can see her climbing up on anyone's lap that will have her and playing with visitors and the pack.

Kat as he has grown older tend to not play with anyone unless the gals are getting close to being in heat but these days he is playing up a storm with the gals - you'll see Gidget and Shoshi playing too - and Fiona is just loving motherhood. Watch how agile she is in this video.

We do not believe in all show - keep the hair pristine as it doesn't help the mind and body so we say, let the play begin. What wil be, wil be.

Hope you enjoy!

Be sure to check out Talemaker Puppy Life to see the pups. We had them out in the rain today to get them conditioned. Six weeks old - wow so fast!

Nathan has left a new comment on your post "Let the Play Begin":

What is most extraordinary about this video is the fact that Kat is playing with them like this in the first place. He is THE MALE in the house and totally dominant. Normally they wouldn't dare play with him at all without his invitation. Today he wanted to play with his girls and he did. Keep in mind he's known Shoshi his entire life. I love this dog. I love all the dogs.


Bracebridge Show Group 2

Usually I do not place a post up twice - only on special occasions but had to say congrats, Nathan and Kat and Judge Doug Windsor for recognizing the potential of this duo. Kat got Group 2 today.

We are truly excited. It was worth the wait of letting his hair grow back in after puppies gnawing on him and an unnamed dog chewing off his top knot giving him a Joe Dirt look for too long. But the hair is growing and Nathan is enjoying showing - well most days.

Two points away from making this our 4th championship with those that reside with us full time with Nathan on the lead and me bathing this year and this one was born in our home.

Thanks for letting us brag.

Can't wait till they get home. (I didn't get to see it - sigh but hope to see him in the ring maybe tomorrow). I am waiting for them to arrive so I can bathe Kat yet again...

PS: Fiona - well I lined combed her and have yet to wash. Maybe tomorrow. Sooooooooo unlike me. Lined comb everyone else too... and even combed all the puppies...who are delish!


Havanese Relationships

Do some Havanese like other Havanese more than another? Just like people, I would say yes. They show it in various ways - getting excited about a certain dog that comes over to stay. That doesn't mean they won't play with all but there's something extra special at times.

Rufus, our visitor that went home today really connected with Treasure where he would stare at her in bed and get extra close to her watching her sleep. It was interesting to watch night after night.

Oreo and Louis goes home tomorrow and Benny on the 4th.

Then Treasure will have to connect with her pack mates and us. heh

Watching our visitors and our pack reacts makes for interesting times. You learn so much and so do pups that come to visit. By the time Rufus and Oreo is heading home, they have learned to successfully play and interact in a pack. That's a good thing and then they too will be confident and excited about that next time.


Ewww That Food

Oh my eyes - what are they doing NOW? This was Kat's look after trying to feed him this morning. He wasn't thrilled with the choice and decided later. Yes, he actually gives you a look when he doesn't like something. If you pay attention to your dogs, they have all sorts of expressions and body language stuff going on that will tell you how they are doing. The more you study them, the more you get to know what they are saying. They do talk - just with their bodies.

Sometimes your dog doesn't feel like eating what you put down a certain food but when he gets hungry, he will. Don't fret about it.

Well, Nathan is off to handling class with Miss Abs and Fiona did her best twirling and being all that so he took her. She's learned to love that one on one time. But it's Miss Abs turn and Fiona needs to learn to share and be patient. It's not a quality that she fully understands yet. So, these classes with Abs is good for her.

We may try a brace for the specialty but it may end up being a comedy of errors. It certainly will be a moment to remember. hehehehe These two = well they are a riot together. It makes you fall in love with puppies over and over again.

Ah - it's a dawg life at Talemakers - for sure!


Be Still My Heart: Havanese Living & Enjoying Life

Hey guys, I am Risa - the black dog with white feet. That's why my champion name is Whitesox. I tend to manage the crew here but the humans here just won't stop till we are all having fun.

That human daddy was getting me going and at first the rest of the crew went - dare we play with the 'boss'? But play they did.

We just uploaded a video from the picnic hoping you will enjoy. What has become abundantly clear is we like to play no matter where we are. Maybe it's that Abs that won't stop or those humans or...but forgive us as we tend to be all over that video as we were the ones moving our ahems off and crashing on the way home.

Oh, there are plenty of the others human and canine alike but like we said - we are used to having CRAZY fun. Enjoy!

PS: Disregard the jerky nature. That human daddy is still learning. We all have to do that for the rest of our lives. HA!


Being a Puppy Vs. The Show Ring

I am in a bit of a quandary. Darlah and I are surrounded by contradictions and wondering how we can best satisfy all requirements. I know we are already quite forthcoming about the doings around our home. If any of you are following Darlah’s blog day to day you have a fairly good idea of our life. We hide nothing. We lay it all out for you to see. We believe in being open, in sharing our own experiences as we learn from others and from our dogs each day. But I digress.

On Friday we were unsuccessful in the show ring.

I know that Abigail is a beautiful, wonderful example of the breed. She exhibits the best features in the breed guidelines and has been complimented on her grooming, shown natural as the breed dictates, her “excellent” top line with which she was born thanks to the breeding lines of Beth Obrecht and Rockhurst Havanese, her perfectly straight legs and beautiful bouncing step.

But, in comparison to the other Havanese against which she competes, she has, for example, much less hair and she is not trained perfectly, yet. I can explain both and here-in lies our dilemma.

While we are a registered CKC Kennel, we do not have a kennel per se. Our dogs live in our home. They sleep on our bed or on the floor around us, they have free access to every part of the house and backyard and are encouraged to play, at all times. Now that the summer is maybe finally here we will be swimming almost daily and when I say we, I mean Darlah and I, and all of our dogs at one time or another. Besides that it is excellent exercise for everyone, most of them really enjoy it.

But this does not help us present a perfectly groomed dog in the show ring. Abigail went swimming on Thursday. She plays with Fiona off and on all day long. When they can, they get Kat to play with them. Then Shoshi joins in, Wasabi speeds around them and even Risa starts romping in excitement. They jump on and over and around each other like banshees and we love it. They are all so obviously having a great time with each other and with us. If you saw the video from the other day Kat’s excitement and enthusiasm comes through.

But this does not help us present a perfectly groomed puppy. Fiona nips at Abigail’s hair and vice versa. They all do the same with Kat. They aren’t hurting each other, they are playing. The solution is to isolate Abigail. I’m sure within a few weeks there would be a significant difference to the length of her coat but I am equally sure she would be miserable. So I search for the trade off, constantly. We do not want to sacrifice her pleasure as a pup for the fleeting glory of the show ring. The question is whether or not we can have it both ways and I’m sure we are not inventing the wheel here. I just don’t see many people discussing this aspect. (Darlah says: For her the solution is inbetween shows deep condition and leave it in as Fiona doesn't like the taste)

Of course it doesn’t help that I am not a professional handler. I just own and love my puppies. Abigail and I entered the ring together for our very first time. We are getting better every time we walk into the ring and we are diligently attending two different handling classes to get better in our technique. But I won’t take away her play time. I won’t. And so I ask you all to bear with us as we work to get Abigail’s championship. It will not be a quick win but in the end it will be a very satisfying one. Stay tuned for the ups and downs and please, do not hesitate to comment. Your posts are welcome here. Constructive criticism of any kind is welcome. Encouragement is especially welcome.

Yesterday, Abigail won Winner's Bitch for 2 more points. We are on our way to our Canadian championship.

Thanks for listening.
