Ewww That Food

Oh my eyes - what are they doing NOW? This was Kat's look after trying to feed him this morning. He wasn't thrilled with the choice and decided later. Yes, he actually gives you a look when he doesn't like something. If you pay attention to your dogs, they have all sorts of expressions and body language stuff going on that will tell you how they are doing. The more you study them, the more you get to know what they are saying. They do talk - just with their bodies.
Sometimes your dog doesn't feel like eating what you put down a certain food but when he gets hungry, he will. Don't fret about it.
Well, Nathan is off to handling class with Miss Abs and Fiona did her best twirling and being all that so he took her. She's learned to love that one on one time. But it's Miss Abs turn and Fiona needs to learn to share and be patient. It's not a quality that she fully understands yet. So, these classes with Abs is good for her.
We may try a brace for the specialty but it may end up being a comedy of errors. It certainly will be a moment to remember. hehehehe These two = well they are a riot together. It makes you fall in love with puppies over and over again.
Ah - it's a dawg life at Talemakers - for sure!
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