Pool Closing - How Havanese Sad is THAT!

It's the last day of the year the pool is getting CLOSED now!
The crew was outside watching human Daddy take out the pool cleaner and clean up. No one was brushed just yet so just enjoy them in their natural stance especially the Shoshi who now that her haircut is growing out - well she has that electric, messy hair thang going on.
Even Abigail was trying to figure out what was going on but the pups are in for a HUGE treat.
When the safety cover goes on, they do that 'run-like-hell' game and the cover bounces like a trampoline and makes noise.
They ADORE it after the initial - what is this about?
All it takes is watching another do the game - and they are off and running as if it was always there.
Shoshi is looking at me as if to say - you are not taking a photo of me looking this THIS are you? Well, of course. That's the fun part - seeing them ungroomed and the way they are after a crazy play session. I find them artistically grand with hair swaying in all directions.
Tomorrow, if it's not rainy, we are supposed to have all of Yvonne's crew visiting and one of Lola's and Kat's boy. It will be wonderful to see how he is turning out.
More later as the day progresses. Yep - it's time to start cleaning that garage and bringing your stuff in. Do you think we can coerce the dogs into doing that for us?
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