
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in talemaker boarding toronto havanese (356)


Sunsational Havanese Moments

Charlie in Air & Jasper Playing WE had a glorious amount of play today and I was able to catch some of it.

Check out Sunsational Moments on the Visitors & Boarders Photo page. The weather is good. The crew was in rare form running and playing like crazy.

Temps dropped with the 2 gals so I did extra early baths for those visitors going home tomorrow in case whelping gets in the way. This way I can just freshen up vs. spend a couple of hours on each dog. Usually I do it the morning of but we usually aren't whelping puppies either. This way it gives me time to just freshen them up vs. 2 hours each dog. It usually takes me so long as I brush as I am drying then line comb each dog everywhere making sure all knots are out. With 2 of thevisitors blowing coat, it is a huge job but I get then knot free daily. With baths its more work as you line comb them before and line comb them after drying vs. just grooming.

This ahead of schedule is not a usual but we have no idea how long it will take to whelp, if both gals will happen at the same time or one will go for 12 hours then the other begins. It happens.

The son is taking a nap and so is Nathan in case it's a long cycle and I may later on. We shall see.

But we have our visitors and the shifts all in place so everyone's needs are met. Today or tomorrow...who knows but time will tell.

While we are waiting, we will be doing games of retrieve, play and a new game - find the treat.

Till later...


Marlee & Jazmyn Arrives Today

Wasabi, Marlee & WeaverMarlee and Jazmyn are regular visitors and we really have fun with them. Marlee is this fun, pounce on the guys and play type and Jazmyn is this amazing cuddler. Each came in and owned the place as if they have been here many times before. It is nice to see.

Marlee is really enjoying the guys but Charlie goes home on Sunday and Jay and Weaver on Monday. That's okay. Jasper will be here and then Scout and Chico arrives.

To see a few of today's photo, check out the Boarders and Visitors section.

What have we done today? Grooming - always grooming daily. We watched some ninja movie. Well, the guys liked it. hehehe We played retrieve but have to be careful doing it outside as it is filled with ice. But temps are supposed to go up to 8c. Hooray.

Eating was a sight for sore eyes watching everyone eat together. Weaver still doesn't like his dental food but a dab of tripe will get him eating. We have tried to eat next meal but he holds out.

Everyone else is eating up a storm. Weaver does too when it is to his liking.

At this moment that I am typing, everyone is laying snoozing as we just came in from a play session.

Bedtime will be fun. We already took the gals upstairs and Marlee was running around like she just broke into a treat store. It was a riot and Jazmyn looked around to say -- ah...the sleep zone.

Will we have pups tomorrow...I am trying to wait till Monday night oh about 8pm all in a matter of an hour or so. hahahahahaha


Feeling Better Fun

Visitors & Risa & TreasureToday the crew had a lot of fun. I was feeling better. Not 100% but almost there. So, we had lots of time to play games while Nathan went out on errands now that I was mostly alive.

Check out today's photos.

We went inside and out and played and played. Jasper seems to be as much of a master at retrieve as Treasure is.

Jay is still smitten with Treasure but he is also enjoying boys week. With so many boys, Jasper, Weaver, and Charlie visiting, well Jay is finding fun with the guys and Weaver is starting to find fun with the gals as well.

Eating is a funny event where dawgs are doing twists of excitement. One has a dental food and he's not crazy about it but they stil all get excited that it's time to eat.

Grooming is a gathering all waiting their turn so they can get a treat. I get them all looking good and this melt has them looking ah interesting. But at least they don't have knots. I may be washing Jasper tomorrow as he is blowing his coat to keep his knots to a minimal.

Then on Friday we look forward to Jazmyn and Marlee returning. They always fit in so well. Then starting on Sunday, Charlie leaves us then Weaver and Jay. Lots of baths but Jasper will be with us for a bit.

Off to play a bit more and settle in to watching some TV together. Catch you tomorrow.



Cold Outside

We are in a lull here. We do not have any visitors until Feb 5th when the Milo and Hugo comes to visit for the day. We can't wait.

We just hope Abigail gets over her morning sickness by then. Poor she is getting fed gourmet, hand fed and selected by Nathan and Wasabi is saying what is THAT about - hey I was bred too but she doesn't get morning sickness. She did her first time and this is Abs first time.

Two of our dawgs are going in for their cerf tests. We did a bunch in December and we spread them out so we are not doing an all day marathon.

It's still mighty cold outside but midweek we are supposed to see some warmer weather. The dirt and salt is mighty thick outside so I wish it would snow. The dawgs hate it between their feet. Who could blame them. Can you imagine salt and sandy grit stuck between your toes and no ability to get it out without human intervention or your mouth? heh

Now visualize THAT folks.


Havanese Roll in the...

There's nothing like a roll on your back to scratch it. I wonder if that would work for us?

Dogs do all sorts of silly things that you wonder if you duplicated their manner, if there is really something simply common sense about it.

I know - rather silly but sometimes my mind wonders such things. I must be so immersed in dogs that I am losing it but what a grand way to lose it, I say!

Today we had our usual grooming session. Emma, the golden that stayed with us went home. It was fun to have a golden stay with us. We had a visitor that wanted to introduce their dog to ours before it came to stay and Abigail still remains with an upset tummy.

It's cold and it's Sunday and Kat had a bath. What about YOU?


The Silliness of Dogs

Terra is our resident big dawg that loves - no adores the Havanese. She teaches them all sorts of funny games with the snow. Here she is trying to catch snowflakes and Treasure is wondering what planet she is on. hehehehe

Thanks to Terra the gang has learned how to flick snow back and forth with their snouts as if they are having a snowball fight doggie style.

The Havanese have taught Terra how to outrun her by quick, short turns and they all seem to relish a snow angel game or two by rolling in snow and spreading their limbs out.

See, there are so many snow games that dogs play if you simply pay attention. If you do, you will laugh and laugh.

They are such a creative lot and they do believe in fun. We all need to embrace fun!

Tonight we have a golden coming to visit till Sunday morning. It will be the first time Terra has a visitor her size that has come to stay for a day or two. It will also be a first for the Havanese - a big dawg convention of sorts. How fun!


Dirty Paws

All the dawgs went for a walk and our lovely cement walkways have that wonderful dirt and salt all over them.

Every so often I had to clean out between their pads so they could go a little further.

It used to be only the main streets were dirt strewn but now even ours is. We thought after the dusting that we would have a blanket of snow for a small window but we didn't. I think with less snow this year, they are keeping extra busy salting and sanding. I hate it. The dawgs hate it too.

So we came back and the crew ran around like banshees enjoying the salt free/dirt free environment. You can't win. Then we will complain about the rain. :-)

I rinsed feet and then just let them air dry then did afternoon grooming vs. morning.

Well, Abigail is feeling queasy these days so we are trying to feed her small meals throughout. If she is pregnant (she's showing signs she is) then this would be morning sickness. She has no fever - no other ailments. Our usual play monkey is playing much less. I miss the fun Abigail. Wasabi didn't have to deal with morning sickness last time so we await the ultrasound in February. Wasabi tends to always be more laid back unless she has puppies and then she plays up a storm with them. Life is a bunch of wait and sees, isn't it!

How are you dealing with salt and dirt or are you?


The Grooming Dance

The dance between when to clean and pickup can always be interesting.

We don't use crates unless owners ask us to. We respect what they want but unless requested, they have free reign, inside and outside though we are always there. I want to know things about bowels. I want to pick up. I want to take photos and I just believe in always supervising the crew just like we did our kids.

The Coco Beans and the Zack will be going home today. They will be sorely missed but we will see them soon.

It's supposed to rain today so it may get interesting keeping them clean.

They are freshly bathed and I intend on keeping them that way till their humans come to get them. It's why I ask what time they are being picked up. I usually do it just before to keep them fresh but in this instance, it was impossible. Nathan is out for a class and I will not bathe without the kid being up or Nathan being here.

One has to stay focused on the bathing dog(s) and that means the rest could get into trouble and we actively avoid trouble. :-)

I do manage to brush and comb out daily but I do it in the main room so I can watch.

So, we do a dance of keeping them clean. It's much work with the state of things outside and rain coming. But maybe the rain will stay away till later, I much prefer white wet snow. hehehe

Soon Rocky will be here. Val's TT is here till this afternoon and Monday evening we will be back to our own just in time for Terra's operation.


It's Time

When is it time to wash your dawg?

Today, it is Treasure's time and Kat's and Saki. It's Saki's as she is going home but between all the walks and sand - well the dawgs are feeling and looking dirty.

We are often asked how often should you wash your dawg?

For me, when they start knotting quickly, it is time. Dirty hair knots quickly. I prefer to bathe than to spend ours taking out knots. It may be different for you.

Here's Treasure in her after bath photo.

Some people think that all I do is bathe but not true. I groom daily and even have a chart that I click off to make sure I didn't miss anyone. I don't mind them being messy but I do mind them having knots. Knots hurt and I rather prefer the dawgs feeling wonderful each day without this ache out of my laziness. So, I groom daily. If you do it daily, it doesn't take long and you can do it watching TV.

I just spent a Grey's Anatomy moment with Coco brushing her out. Tomorrow a different show for her and Zack and up on the table for the rest except Saki who gets bathed in the morning for her people.

Today we have Coco and Zack coming for the weekend. Saki leaves tomorrow. We have a potential puppy people coming to visit. Then on Sunday Kit Kat is doing a handling class and Nathan is doing a stewarding class. Although he has stewarded before he is looking to hone his skills. Me, I stay at home, play and walk dawgs and relax a bit.

Today I also washed 2 goldens and Whitney, our old gal took the wind out of me. It is time where I think we need two people in the tub - 1 to wash and 1 to hold her up. The old lady is losing a ton of hair so that was interesting blowing them both out.

Good news, you can see the difference in Terra's and Abigail's coat with the addition of wild salmon oil to their diet. We are also using a product called Suzie's Tartar Remover and their breath smells so good from it. So far we are seeing nicer looking teeth but the verdict is out. We will let you know how we feel about it in a months time. So far we are happy and people do notice their sweet smelling breath.

Now off to wash dawgs.


Who Me? Couldn't Be

Teaching your dog to 'come' when he is called is the most important lesson you will ever teach them.

When a dog is running loose, he faces many dangers. Cars are the most obvious. Drivers cannot always stop if they see your dog running across the street and a massive metal object coming at high speeds is not going to do well when it impacts with your puppy.

Even the most behaved dawg may see a bird flying by while you have the door open and off and running your dawg may go not thinking about traffic. It's all about the bird.

This is when a loud 'come' could work to distract him from his focus, interrupt his goal and come back to you and safety.

You will be amazed at how small a space a dawg can get through when motivated. We practice, it's better safe than sorry.

Treasure, even though she is the youngest around here has an excellent 'recall'. This photo was taken today after I yelled, Treasure, come! and as you can see, she did. What you can't see is she did it immediately and I have stopped treating her for such but I give her praise, hugs and get way excited when she does come. I want 'come' to always be a fun thing for her.

Here at Talemaker we actually have a gate about 3 feet from the door to offer a separation from the door and the dawgs. This way if that bird flies by when you are answering the door, we have something that gets in the way.

Of course Wasabi can clear any gate in a single bound but it makes them think and gives you time to react.

We often join in on 'Total Recall' seminars held at Whos Walking Who even on those that have been through it before. It is always smart to reinforce and simply spend one on one time having fun with your dawg.

If you can't teach your dawg anything else, consider the important command of 'come'.


What an Amazing Time Filled With Fun

I am a little under the weather so Nathan got to entertain and I got some needed sleep to try to get rid of whatever has a hold on me.

We had Chico who went home tonight, Mia who goes home tomorrow, Saki who goes home the end of the week, Chewy who came to visit and Holly and Missy who boards with us - all came for a visit today or was here boarding.

Check out some of the photos from today.

Until I got sick, I was having a blast but sweating and sleeping and all that fun has to go, I tell you so I opted to do the right thing and just enjoy the moments via photos like you.

I also put up a video of a Havanese being groomed by Pure Paws and offered why I don't like portions of it. Check it out and see what I mean. The video is excellent - just don't agree with certain things for good reason.


Chico, Kat and Saki

Well, Chico is here overnight and then we have Mia staying overnight on Sunday. Are we going to have fun this weekend.

Kat has to have a bath and so does Fiona. I am playing a game of procrastination. Don't we all at various times? I tend to do a dog bath here and there till they all get done so I don't have to wash them in a blitz from morning till night.

Do you know what I have found? If you clean around the eyes and use corn starch - a dab where the eyes drain down, it absorbs the wetness and eventually gets rid of the staining. It's also very cheap vs. all the other products and bonus it helps with any fungal (yeast) conditions which is the usual with eyes drainage. (that's the smell) You have to dab it pretty thick - one good dab under each eye. It all goes away so don't worry about it looking silly but enough stays on to absorb. Those of you dealing with eye staining should give it a try. It takes time but I have found it helps this greatly. Daily use should give you a difference in a week or 2. You must do it daily though.


Jazzy Goes Home

Jazzy has been with us for 12 days and we truly enjoyed him.

This is a photo of him on my grooming table.

Jazzy fits in really well here playing mostly with Treasure but also with Abigail, Kat and Fiona. He was also very smitten with Wasabi.

But today he was playing up a storm with Saki. He also loves Kit Kat and thought she was quite fun.

Jazzy is a great boy and his human parents do an amazing job with him. He is quite lucky.

But when I washed Jazzy and had him perfect for his photo, he decided to mix his hair up, as you can see.

I just had to laugh and laugh. Anyone who hasn't had a Havanese, well you missed something as this is one of the moments of pure joy that you see a Havanese display.

They go from one thing to another rustling up their hair in grand Havanese style. I just LOVE it!!

Saki was really enjoying Jazzy and something about his smell after his bath got her playing and smelling and playing. It was a delight.

Tomorrow Chico comes for a weekend and the siblings get to play together. We can't wait to watch that!!


Visitors and Fun

Today we had Kit Kat and Hannah and Val over for a visit. She is a genuine friend and helped me clean up the pads of the dawgs and clean up Jazzy's hairdo. You can check out Jazzy in today's photos.

It was a joy to have Hannah and Kit Kat here and Jazzy well he is a dream dawg that was playing up a storm with the crew as you can see in this photo and in the slide show.

Well, we hear Twiggy is now fondly called Jazzy and how cool is that to know of two Jazzys now.
Check out today's photos.

If you haven't cleaned up the pads of your dawgs, do so now. It's painful to have snowballs stuck in their pads or slip and slide due to excess hair.

If you are anywhere near the downtown area of Toronto, well check Val's Dawg Salon out called 'Simply the Best' and you will be glad you did. You can find the info in the right hand column. Plus you will get to see Kit Kat - another Havanese. How fun will that be?

Well Saki is coming this week and Chico will be visiting at the same time as his sister. Now that is exciting. Can't wait to laugh with these two.

Jazzy will be going home and we will miss him greatly. I think he is smitten with Treasure...hehe


Sensing Your Emotions

Almost every Havanese owner has found out that when they are really sad, their dog acts differently toward them.

A Havanese may approach its disturbed owner with a concerned look and, quite out of character, hunker down next to them as if to provide some emotional support. It is as if they are saying, I know there's something wrong, I don't know what it is but I'm here for you, anyway.

Are there other explanations? Of course, there are, but none make as much sense. You could argue that your Havanese observes your posture and appearance as submissive and, almost reflexively, approaches to investigate or respond to the new situation. Perhaps, seeing you in a submissive posture, the dog feels it has to grovel to remain below you in rank. YEAH - RIGHT!

Most likely your Havanese is in tune to your emotions. The old line that your emotions follow down your lead appears to be correct. Anyone who is stressed out and shows their dawg will tell you that when they aren't together - neither is their dawg.

Pay attention to your mood when attempting training.

Well, here at Talemaker Havanese we have had a number of breedings with our Wasabi and Abigail. We are hoping to have fun with 2 litters at the same time. Seeing Abigail is my dawg, I guess Nathan gets Wasabi and I get Abigail. Let's see if I get away with that...nah - selfish me.

We are exciting counting the days in hopes of having pups come 2 months time. Nothing like puppies.


Let the Fun Never Stop

When it snows, the dawgs really find their sense of true play. It's fun to watch.

Today I took some of the dawgs for a walk and our son took the rest. While I was walking Shoshi and Risa, I watched them do snow dives - yes snow dives where they jump head first into the snow then they roll back and forth with great glee.

I remember when our kids was young I was caught in a blizzard with them at a hotel. I had the sense to get off the PA turnpike with all the kids in tow. Nathan was at home. I was being my more adventurous self visiting our daughter in Leesburg, Va. (She now lives in Toronto) where they never have blizzards...yeah right. We were stuck at the hotel for days and people were sleeping in the hallways. Well, we went out that first day and we did snow dives - yes even me. I taught the kids to do it and they laughed and laughed and so did I.

I didn't teach the Havanese. They do it naturally. It's that fun that we seem to lose as we get older but the Havanese allow us to relish their own sense of play and somehow remember when we played with our own abandonment. We either live through our Havanese and their sense of play or they allow us to capture it again. Who knows - I may do snow dives yet this year. Will you?

Jazzy is visiting us. He's an absolute delight and is enjoying a quieter house. We still had a number of dawgs yesterday and 3 more are supposed to go home today. Oreo went this morning. Benny's owners plane is delayed and so was Louis. We just heard Louis will be picked up tonight and the verdict is out with Benny. After Benny and Louis leave, we will have Cesar (nickname party guy) till the 7th and Jazzy till the 11th.

It's been a way busy holiday season but I have to say we absolutely loved having the dawgs even with all the walks and grooming. The snuggles and the cuddles made it a delight. Just imagine a sea of dawgs keeping you warm.

During this time Wasabi and Abigail was bred in hopes for pups to go home in spring pups. It's been a really exciting holiday and it starts again during March Break but usually not as busy as March break really is different for everyone - expanding from March to April. But people are booking already. If you need a fun time for your dawg while you laze away somewhere cold or warm, let us know. Your dawg deserves a holiday too. :-)

We really miss the activity and all the dawgs. It's almost quiet - well quieter.

Check out today's photos.


Such a Character Pup & Today's Events

Our good friends Yvonne and Alex have a puppy for sale available to a great home a week from Thursday.

They fondly call her Twiggy and she is 9 weeks old on Thursday. Born October 29/09 and she is getting her 1st shots & chip tomorrow and BAER on the 7th. Lola is the dam and Rowdy is the sire.

She's sold now and has a new name - Jazzy!

Well, today was way cold. It was hard to get good photos from today. Between me chattering, the dawgs were lifting up their paws so it was a quick out and in. The little puppy we have boarding - well we put her on the pad. It was that cold. brrrr...
This is a few photos from today.

It was a busy day today. Nathan took Terra in for rehab then took 4 dogs in for cerf this afternoon. Cerf is the eye exam. All passed.

Benny came to stay for a few days and Fred is going home tomorrow. We will miss him big time. Then Remy comes for a New Year's visit. Then on the 31st, we send a number of dogs home just in time to spend New Year's with their owners. By the 3rd, it will be downright quiet around here with only 2 visitors.

I tell you, there is nothing like snuggling with a bunch of Havanese. It's a little slice of heaven.

I am just hoping it warms up some as walks are for short stints and playtime outside is shortened. Here's to snow and warmer weather. Is that possible?


Sunday Fun at Talemaker Havanese

Well we are a full dawg house at the moment. There's never a dull moment.

The dawgs all got thoroughly groomed as usual but I did it in my office/family room so I got to watch TV while I did my marathon. They liked it too as they were able to look out the window.

Mia came for an overnight visit. Nathan's father and wife came over too. He must really think we went to the dawgs.

It's still mucky sandy so the dawgs undersides gets dirty. We had snow flurries but not enough to make a difference - for shame.
Per request, we had Joker, Holly and Cesar in crates all lined up against each other so they were close in the bedroom with me. Holly hardly slept a wink and has been trying to catch up during the day. I tried too with a couple of dawgs but that didn't work. Tonight's a new night and maybe we will get a full night set of zzzs.

Mia will be in bed with me and I am looking forward to that as she snuggles into my neck. Bailey no longer sleeps in her bed next to my head but instead up against my body. That's been going on for quite a few days now - nice.

Louis has been here so many times that he just settled right in on the top pillow and Risa just allowed. She is rather fond of Louis.

Nathan is in the other room. We do this during the times when we have a lot of visitors or gals are in heat. We prefer one bedroom but we do what works temporarily. He got Fred, Abigail, Kat and a few more while I got the rest. It all worked except Holly wasn't crazy about crate time.

Big tip - do not leave a SD photo card in your port in your computer with a puppy around. All it took was one quick bite and a 4 GB has bit the dust. It happens. Live and learn and I should know better.

Let's see - my observations today - Fred has become such a lovee. He listens really well. I tell him no and he stops. Way nice.

Zack, Cesar, Bailey and always some of ours tends to play up a storm. Cocoa gets into it when she wants. She is so much like Fiona before Fiona had pups. She plays hard when she wants and watches when she just wants to observe.

Missy had a grand amount of fun playing with Oreo today. She also is quite nice with her pack mate Holly - making sure she is okay.

Joker has fit in here nicely. He is a lovee to the max. He also lays on his back so nice letting you groom him.

Everyone played hard today despite it being too icy. We find that they are settling for running up paths where it isn't slippery when it comes to big play. The pool cover is a bear to get up and out of at the moment but they manage to without issue. I even found the deck slippery but they seem to be more sure footed than us.

As I type this the crew is all splayed out all over the place catching some zzzs after another round of going out. With all this outside time, I find I am also getting conditioned to this cold.

Snuggles - the dawgs are getting them - each and everyone a number of times a day. As someone who had a brother who thought his sisters (2 of us) got all the attention - well we make sure we distribute it equally.

Here's a few photos from today's fun.

Off to snuggle with a dawg or two or three or four. 6 fit on the recliner with me and the rest all over the couch while we watch TV and I rotate dawgs. It's a crazy way of living but fun!

Claire said...
who is on slide 55? the little black and white hav? reminds me so much of my Petey!
enjoyed the pics, as usual!
Wish we lived closer so our dogs could play!

December 27, 2009 9:21 PM
Darlah & Nathan Potechin said...
Claire - that is Joker from Paula who did so well in the ring. He's a small boy and he's getting mated to Wasabi. With both of their attributes, I am hoping for outstanding pups. We shall see.

Yes, wish we lived closer. It's always a crazy dawg house here and I am sure you would enjoy that! If we ever win the lottery, we will have to send you a ticket to come play with your dawgs.

December 28, 2009 10:28 AM


Boarding Alert!!

If a big snow hits like New England and you need to drop off your dog early, just let us know. Of course we charge accordingly but we wanted to put it out as an option in case getting here becomes a hardship. If you are local, we can do a pickup for a charge.

No, this is not about money. It's about offering you a way to not have to worry about one more thing.

They say a big one is coming Xmas eve but you know how the weather folks just never know.

While our visitors families are away for Xmas and/or the New Year, we at Talemaker are hoping for a ton of snow to do all sorts of fun videos with our visitors and our pack. Yep, we want snow not for your inconvenience so it can come after you are basking in the rays somewhere warm or skiing on a snow hill but just so we can have some delicious snow fun with the crew.

More later today about our crew. ... Stay warm and enjoy the winter holidays!


Mingle, Mingle, Mingle

"I know that my havanese needs to have doggie friends, but he is so small that I don't feel safe when we are at the dog park. There are huge dogs there that could hurt or kill him, and when the big dogs start to play, they are so rough that they might injure him even if they didn’t mean to.

We have all heard this mantra before and we do need to be aware what other dogs are saying or going to do without creating more anxiety in our dawgs than what already exists. It is important that dogs socialize. They need to get comfortable with other dogs especially safe ones.

You have to be careful not to flood a dog with too much. It's why we practice one on one and keep adding and even then a truly skittish dog will take some time to come around. We are aware of that and are proactive always helping things along to make sure a boarder or someone that comes for the day has a 'good' experience.

It takes time for a dog that is not used to having others to play with to find their play but we have an excellent pack and they are used to visitors.

Socializing is key to getting your dawg to be well rounded.

You can do it with boarding or daycare or obedience classes etc. Any SAFE environment where your well being of your dawg is important. Even a visit with your dawg to Pawsway can be a good experience.

We have bred dogs to be perpetual puppies. When in the company of other dogs, their natural inclination is to act like puppies, with playful games of chase or wrestling with that rough and tumble frenzy similar to what we see in human children of preschool age. This can produce bonds of friendship between dogs and can become a positive and friendly attitude toward all other canines.

However, in some cases, such forms of rough play can produce antagonistic relationships and attitudes. This is not uncommon when dogs have been allowed to run in an off-leash park area or have been placed in a doggie daycare where they interact with dogs of mixed sizes and temperaments in a generally unsupervised way. Under such circumstances, dogs may actually develop a general hostility or fear toward all unfamiliar dogs rather than acquiring canine friends.

You *can* create issues not intended. Be sure supervision is a part of the equation.

We go out with our dogs even when it is bitter cold. We use the time to play games, pick up poo, take photos and watch the dogs interacting. This way we can see what relationships are forming. It's important for us.

Socialization IS important but do it right.

Today we have Bailey and Cesar visiting. Nathan has done a marathon of walking today. Usually I do it with him but I had dawgs that are leaving and that means baths and brushing and we had our sons came in so we did a turkey.

Max and Missy just went home today and they will be missed. The pack is truly enjoying each other - visitors alike. We played retrieve and the dawgs had bones to gnaw on today. I swear they all looked like they were in pure bliss. It was nice!

What did you do with your dawgs today?