
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in hhavanese puppies in toronto for sale (7)


It Happens (Sigh)

Both Fiona and Treasure are in heat. Well, Treasure is out in a few days and so is Fiona. Treasure is a dominant dog and with hormones going and all, she went after Fiona. You see, Fiona was getting cozy with Kat and Treasure was beside herself - sounds like a doggie soap opera. When the heat cycle is over, Fiona and Treasure play like the best of friends that they are. It's crazy - truly. It is amazing what hormones can do to us humans and canines alike. Each female dog acts different. Some sleep a whole lot. Some get cranky. Some get sucky. Some get way emotional. It sounds a lot like humans, doesn't it?

Is this another good reason to get your dog spayed or neutered? YEP! 

So what is the answer? Separate the breeding duo or if no one is being bred, Kat gets to stay out of the equation and voila - no issue. I can have any amount of males here during this time and no issues but throw a couple of gals in heat, and as long as Kat is going from one to the other, well Treasure doesn't want to share THAT. Out of sight, out of mind is bang on for harmony.

If you want to know how Fiona feels about it... well look at the photo with her hair things coming out. But right now Kat's in Nathan's office and the pair is snuggled up together with Ripley.

Well, Shanty gets her teeth done Wednesday. She has a couple of canines that need to be pulled as her adult teeth didn't push the baby juveniles out.

Tomorrow Ripley leaves (he gets a bath) and Daisy comes. Ripley has really fit in playing up a storm with Treasure and Shanty. It's been a delight. He will be missed. He lays and watches TV with me on my lap with his head on the recliner. He sleeps cuddled up to Nathan at night. He just came in, fit like a perfect glove and ate up a storm. hehehehe

Oh well, tomorrow brings another day.



Fiona & Katsura's Daughter at the Purina National

Fiona's Daughter Kit KatYesterday Talemaker N Aslans Kit Kat got reserve winner and today she got Best of Winners. This is her first show. She is a few days over six months old. We are very excited and so is her owner, Val Weston. Way, to go, Val and Kitzie (Val's pet name for her).

Gad that dawg just adores Val and that's how it should be.

Today Saki, Marlee and Jazmyn went home. Saki brought over her best crinkle hiding bag as a gift to the puppies. Thank you, Saki!

We will miss Marlee and Jazmyn. Marlee really played up a storm today. I was worried her hair would end up dirty but I would like to say it was her intentionally keeping clean but no - it was a MIRACLE. hehehe

Jazmyn has ended up being the very best snuggler. She's also feeling way comfie as she is playing and playing and when Coco Beans wanted the top of the couch, Jazmyn took a toy and shook it and Coco jumped down and Jazmyn took her spot. They are just so like kids, don't you think?

Scout is the funniest dog you ever did see. Between him and Towser, they were rolling all over the place and sometimes Towser was on top and other times Scout was. You have to see the size difference to appreciate it as Scout is just a wee puppy with the spirit called fun loving. Check out today's photos called Fun Lovin' Play to see what I mean.

Zack and Towser and Marlee were playing bigtime today but Nathan had the camera at the show.

Will it ever stop raining?

The two eight month old brothers, Chico and Jasper, were playing rather well but Saki, one of their sisters, was clearly the boss. She just told them what to do and they listened. Saki was like that when she was 8 weeks old so why would anything change? It was great to see them all together. Did they act like they knew each other? Absolutely and Wasabi was thrilled that they were here. I found that interesting.

Rufus was mixing it up with Treasure, Jasper and Chico today and sometimes Marlee. I caught it on video but don't ask me to convert it today. We had all but 3 hours of sleep. Our old lady Golden Retriever, 14 years young, had tummy problems and we had a puppy with an upset tummy and NO SLEEP. I may crawl into bed and take a nap.


New Visitors

Jasper & Chico Chico came to visit us and he happens to be Jasper's brother and then on Saturday, Saki their sister will be visiting. How cool is that?

We also have a couple of more visitors but we will fill you in as they come.

Things are starting to get back to normal. 5.5 hours of sleep vs. none or a couple. It feels good.

The weather is gorgeous and maybe starting tomorrow I wil go back to daily slide shows for you.

Marlee and Jazmyn are wonderful. Marlee falls all over Nathan and Jazmyn snuggles with me the best.

New moms are doing well. Life is unfolding and we are really enjoying the boarders, our crew and the puppies. More tomorrow. 


Sunsational Havanese Moments

Charlie in Air & Jasper Playing WE had a glorious amount of play today and I was able to catch some of it.

Check out Sunsational Moments on the Visitors & Boarders Photo page. The weather is good. The crew was in rare form running and playing like crazy.

Temps dropped with the 2 gals so I did extra early baths for those visitors going home tomorrow in case whelping gets in the way. This way I can just freshen up vs. spend a couple of hours on each dog. Usually I do it the morning of but we usually aren't whelping puppies either. This way it gives me time to just freshen them up vs. 2 hours each dog. It usually takes me so long as I brush as I am drying then line comb each dog everywhere making sure all knots are out. With 2 of thevisitors blowing coat, it is a huge job but I get then knot free daily. With baths its more work as you line comb them before and line comb them after drying vs. just grooming.

This ahead of schedule is not a usual but we have no idea how long it will take to whelp, if both gals will happen at the same time or one will go for 12 hours then the other begins. It happens.

The son is taking a nap and so is Nathan in case it's a long cycle and I may later on. We shall see.

But we have our visitors and the shifts all in place so everyone's needs are met. Today or tomorrow...who knows but time will tell.

While we are waiting, we will be doing games of retrieve, play and a new game - find the treat.

Till later...


Marlee & Jazmyn Arrives Today

Wasabi, Marlee & WeaverMarlee and Jazmyn are regular visitors and we really have fun with them. Marlee is this fun, pounce on the guys and play type and Jazmyn is this amazing cuddler. Each came in and owned the place as if they have been here many times before. It is nice to see.

Marlee is really enjoying the guys but Charlie goes home on Sunday and Jay and Weaver on Monday. That's okay. Jasper will be here and then Scout and Chico arrives.

To see a few of today's photo, check out the Boarders and Visitors section.

What have we done today? Grooming - always grooming daily. We watched some ninja movie. Well, the guys liked it. hehehe We played retrieve but have to be careful doing it outside as it is filled with ice. But temps are supposed to go up to 8c. Hooray.

Eating was a sight for sore eyes watching everyone eat together. Weaver still doesn't like his dental food but a dab of tripe will get him eating. We have tried to eat next meal but he holds out.

Everyone else is eating up a storm. Weaver does too when it is to his liking.

At this moment that I am typing, everyone is laying snoozing as we just came in from a play session.

Bedtime will be fun. We already took the gals upstairs and Marlee was running around like she just broke into a treat store. It was a riot and Jazmyn looked around to say -- ah...the sleep zone.

Will we have pups tomorrow...I am trying to wait till Monday night oh about 8pm all in a matter of an hour or so. hahahahahaha


Taking Photos of Havanese

Jasper  It can be a hit or miss depending on the players.

We always take photos after baths and Jasper well, was rolling and doing anything but pose. Our Wasabi does the same.

I have to laugh when they do such things. Nathan can either try or I do but the reality is you have to catch them in the moment.

You can't create the moment.

They are the artists here. They are not Havanese models doing just what you want... well some of them look like they are but you get the point.

But they make amazing subjects when they get into their groove and run and play. There's nothing like the movement in a Havanese.

We really enjoy them too. We laugh and laugh. There's always something each day that brings a smile and I rather like that. What would life be without a Havanese or two or three? I don't even want to imagine.

Just laughing

Nathan always seems to get down on the ground with the crew and they truly enjoy that he does.

Check out some of the photos from today to see what I mean.

Today I am almost better... the stuffiness won't go but the dawgs are ever so happy that I am back. Me too!

Now the puppies can come. How about Monday or Tuesday? Yeah, like we can plan such things.

Yeah Jazmyn and Marlee come tomorrow. Are we going to have fun or what!


Feeling Better Fun

Visitors & Risa & TreasureToday the crew had a lot of fun. I was feeling better. Not 100% but almost there. So, we had lots of time to play games while Nathan went out on errands now that I was mostly alive.

Check out today's photos.

We went inside and out and played and played. Jasper seems to be as much of a master at retrieve as Treasure is.

Jay is still smitten with Treasure but he is also enjoying boys week. With so many boys, Jasper, Weaver, and Charlie visiting, well Jay is finding fun with the guys and Weaver is starting to find fun with the gals as well.

Eating is a funny event where dawgs are doing twists of excitement. One has a dental food and he's not crazy about it but they stil all get excited that it's time to eat.

Grooming is a gathering all waiting their turn so they can get a treat. I get them all looking good and this melt has them looking ah interesting. But at least they don't have knots. I may be washing Jasper tomorrow as he is blowing his coat to keep his knots to a minimal.

Then on Friday we look forward to Jazmyn and Marlee returning. They always fit in so well. Then starting on Sunday, Charlie leaves us then Weaver and Jay. Lots of baths but Jasper will be with us for a bit.

Off to play a bit more and settle in to watching some TV together. Catch you tomorrow.