Fun Loving House Tonight!

Archie and Chewie were playing up a storm this morning. It was a riot.
It's still hot and until the night, we can't walk and we are only going outside for short periods of time. It's more of a quick in, do your duty, run if desired and then in. But then they come inside and that's a different story.
We had the run-like-hell game all over the place.
Then Hugo and Milo showed up and Hugo was chasing Kat all over the place. Hugo also all over Raylan saying - play, play, play. We heard Raylan's voice - oh my and it's a large one. Wait till he meets Daisy.
Then Oscar showed up and he went - wow I remember this place. He did his meet and greet and hanging out and snuggles and he was happy. I just adore snuggling with him. He rather likes Raylan.
Then DD and Tess came and this is their first time so we are slowly getting them socialized with the crew. We do this on purpose. We don't flood but instead condition and play and spend quality time getting them connected with one and then go from there. We do believe they are going to be more than okay.
We are hoping tomorrow it cools down. Off to finish the walks. It's finally cooled down.
Check out a few of today's photos. There's not much but I have to practice doing good indoor shots. This heat is forcing me to do so. We will have photos of DD & Tess tomorrow.