What an Amazing Time Filled With Fun
Sunday, January 17, 2010 at 5:55PM
Darlah Potechin in bathing tips for havanese puppies, havanese Talemaker puppies, havanese puppies in toronto, small dog boarding toronto, talemaker boarding toronto havanese

I am a little under the weather so Nathan got to entertain and I got some needed sleep to try to get rid of whatever has a hold on me.

We had Chico who went home tonight, Mia who goes home tomorrow, Saki who goes home the end of the week, Chewy who came to visit and Holly and Missy who boards with us - all came for a visit today or was here boarding.

Check out some of the photos from today.

Until I got sick, I was having a blast but sweating and sleeping and all that fun has to go, I tell you so I opted to do the right thing and just enjoy the moments via photos like you.

I also put up a video of a Havanese being groomed by Pure Paws and offered why I don't like portions of it. Check it out and see what I mean. The video is excellent - just don't agree with certain things for good reason.

Article originally appeared on talemakerhavanese.com (http://www.talemakerhavanese.com/).
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