The Silliness of Dogs

Terra is our resident big dawg that loves - no adores the Havanese. She teaches them all sorts of funny games with the snow. Here she is trying to catch snowflakes and Treasure is wondering what planet she is on. hehehehe
Thanks to Terra the gang has learned how to flick snow back and forth with their snouts as if they are having a snowball fight doggie style.
The Havanese have taught Terra how to outrun her by quick, short turns and they all seem to relish a snow angel game or two by rolling in snow and spreading their limbs out.
See, there are so many snow games that dogs play if you simply pay attention. If you do, you will laugh and laugh.
They are such a creative lot and they do believe in fun. We all need to embrace fun!
Tonight we have a golden coming to visit till Sunday morning. It will be the first time Terra has a visitor her size that has come to stay for a day or two. It will also be a first for the Havanese - a big dawg convention of sorts. How fun!