Let the Fun Never Stop

When it snows, the dawgs really find their sense of true play. It's fun to watch.
Today I took some of the dawgs for a walk and our son took the rest. While I was walking Shoshi and Risa, I watched them do snow dives - yes snow dives where they jump head first into the snow then they roll back and forth with great glee.
I remember when our kids was young I was caught in a blizzard with them at a hotel. I had the sense to get off the PA turnpike with all the kids in tow. Nathan was at home. I was being my more adventurous self visiting our daughter in Leesburg, Va. (She now lives in Toronto) where they never have blizzards...yeah right. We were stuck at the hotel for days and people were sleeping in the hallways. Well, we went out that first day and we did snow dives - yes even me. I taught the kids to do it and they laughed and laughed and so did I.
I didn't teach the Havanese. They do it naturally. It's that fun that we seem to lose as we get older but the Havanese allow us to relish their own sense of play and somehow remember when we played with our own abandonment. We either live through our Havanese and their sense of play or they allow us to capture it again. Who knows - I may do snow dives yet this year. Will you?
Jazzy is visiting us. He's an absolute delight and is enjoying a quieter house. We still had a number of dawgs yesterday and 3 more are supposed to go home today. Oreo went this morning. Benny's owners plane is delayed and so was Louis. We just heard Louis will be picked up tonight and the verdict is out with Benny. After Benny and Louis leave, we will have Cesar (nickname party guy) till the 7th and Jazzy till the 11th.
It's been a way busy holiday season but I have to say we absolutely loved having the dawgs even with all the walks and grooming. The snuggles and the cuddles made it a delight. Just imagine a sea of dawgs keeping you warm.
During this time Wasabi and Abigail was bred in hopes for pups to go home in spring pups. It's been a really exciting holiday and it starts again during March Break but usually not as busy as March break really is different for everyone - expanding from March to April. But people are booking already. If you need a fun time for your dawg while you laze away somewhere cold or warm, let us know. Your dawg deserves a holiday too. :-)
We really miss the activity and all the dawgs. It's almost quiet - well quieter.
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