
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in talemaker boarding toronto havanese (356)


Bad Hair Day & Camera

Okay, this day started with Mommy taking a photo of me with Daddy's junkie camera. Daddy has her camera.

Well, it's one of THOSE mornings. Mommy didn't get to my hair yet. Without Daddy around she does one here - one there till she finishes us all.

I like it better as I can leisurely read the newspaper and have my coffee - NOT! Okay, use Mommy's Blackberry to play a Doggie game? You don't buy that?

Okay, okay - Mommy had the pups running around and they thought they could feed from me so Mommy put me up on the chair. This way I can look down at them and I look MUCH bigger than them. heh

Our visitor Fred really knows how to chill out in style.

The human Mommy got the pups back in their x-pen and we all went out to watch her clean up and pull a few weeds.

It's hopeless but maybe after the pups are in their forever home she can finally pull those weeds.

Now she has to clean sheets and all that junk she didn't get to as Daddy may be coming home very late tonight vs. tomorrow.

Will he undo all that night time sleeping coming in during the witching hour? We hope not!


Specialty & Hanging Out in Rain

Well, both days Treasure made the cut but didn't get anywhere, heh But I heard she showed beautiful and considering it's the first time at a US specialty for her - they did well to do that. We are pleased that they went and had a good time.

We thank everyone who said they like our site. It means the world.

We try to have fun with it and give you a glimpse of what goes on for us.

We miss Nathan and the Treasured one immensely and hope to see them home Sunday.

I know the pups miss the Treasure too.

But we hear she may be in heat so that part won't be fun as Daddy will be sleeping with his Treasured one or I will till she is done 3 weeks later.

Yikes and Kat will be back to going CRAZY - sigh.

It's life in the Talemaker house - what can I say.

We had a big storm come through last night and another hit this morning. W had chairs in the pool - our pop up umbrellas. It was interesting and we also had dirt and leaves and lots of cleanup. See what Daddy missed doing - cleanup. hehehehe

With all this bad weather we have been playing retrieve in the house. Even the adult Havanese have been using the pads when it was raining really bad. It's times like these with a storm like that when you realize it is good to have them familiar with the pads and the outside.

Is it Friday already?


Daddy Time & Socialization

Mommy always takes the photos - Mommy always updates the sites with an occasional collection of words from Daddy. It works. He looks good with the dawgs, mommy takes decent photos. hehehe

Well, today the heat is here. The dawgs even want to stay inside.

It can be a challenge keeping the puppies corralled as they tend to follow the larger dawgs and they don't always go where you want them to. When daddy is gone, human mommy will have an x-pen outside and she will take a couple out at the same time or throw everyone including herself in the pen allowing me to take photos.

Kat went to visit a pet store (Global) today. Even though your dog has had lots of socialization, you want to still get them out there seeing new places - old places and interacting with others.

It's soooooooooo important that they see something new at least once a month and if you continue with that intent, you will be amazed how comfie they are with most anything.

Too see more puppy news, visit us at Talemaker Puppy Life.


Looking Down at Pups

Treasure is going to Chicago to compete with hundreds of dawgs. So I greased her up - okay oiled her up and will have her ready by giving her another bath on Tuesday before she goes. This allows her hair to be in good shape before she goes to a show.

Right now she insists on playing like a banshee with visiting Lucy and Coco and Zack that we wonder if she will have any hair left but she can't help herself.

Tomorrow Zack and Coco go home and Fred comes to stay. We are really looking forward to the fun with another dawg in the mix.

Here Treasure is sitting looking down at the pups. She has such fun playing this game - you can't get me.

Gad they are sooooooooooooo sooooooooooooo silly!


Sense of Smell

The smelling receiver is made up of a mucous, a labyrinth of innumerable folds that could cover a surface of 130 m2 compared to the 3 m2 that humans have. The dog has 120 to 220 million cells next to man's 5 million cells. Its smell is so developed that it can detect the lightest environmental change.

As a matter of fact, the dog can detect the change of character of other dogs or humans that surround them, just by detecting the slight increase or decrease of their hormonal levels and their sweat. This has nothing to do with a sixth sense: the dog can just detect certain signals that go unnoticed by humans.

There have been anecdotal reports that 'man's best friend' can spot cancer in their owners, and this has been backed by scientific trials.

One study of 54 patients showed that dogs could pick up the scent of bladder cancer in a patient's urine.

Another showed that dogs could not only detect cancer, but they could tell the difference between people with breast and lung cancer, just from smelling their breath.

The latest findings were reported at a meeting of the American Physical Society in San Antonio, Texas.

Can you imagine the possibilities of your Havanese if you can tap into that sense of smell - learn how to use what they smell? I think about it all the time and would love to use it in some fashion.

I wonder if they could tell today was going to be a hot one.


Yvonne's Crew and Visitors

Yvonne's crew was hanging out at the pool today.

They came to swim and socialize the pups. They brought cookies and a pie - YUM!

Downsey even went swimming today and really did a wonderful job at going back and forth with Yvonne and Nathan.

She could learn to really enjoy this wet stuff. I can feel it in my bones. hehe

The crew thought it was a love fest with so many dogs. You do not want to know how many but really it was negotiable and fun.

Then we had guests over tonight that own Sebastian and they brought two of their neighbours over. So the pups got a lot of socializing with kids again.

This socializing is a good thing.

It was a crazy dawg house today and I have to get work done but I will be shocked if the pups do not sleep tonight. Keep them busy and they fall fast asleep.

Here's one of our guests loving up Missy - one of the gals.


Run, Run, Run...

Did you know the pups are already learning to run after me. Somehow they think I can feed them too. ARE THEY CRAZY?

That's okay. I can run faster then them.

Tomorrow I am going to get cut down short and Mommy is going to let me grow out from there. I have never been really short so it will be a new look for me.

Why is Mommy doing it? Well, my ends got fried from all that play and I am done showing so it's time to try something new but I suspect - Mommy will hate it and it will have to grow all the way back in again. hehehehehe

Fiona doesn't play as much as me so she gets to keep her long hair. We are not all alike, you know. Treasure is still getting shown so Mommy has to say - no bite but we do it anyway when she's not looking. At least she believes that. She looks at our hair and shakes her head but she is glad we are having fun and being dawgs.

It's only a bloody haircut you know. ROFL!


Storms and All That Scare

Last night we had a rip roaring storm - well storms come through and our old lady golden - well she doesn't do well with storms. She kept me up all night. I do not do well with a TV on while trying to sleep but on went the TV.

None of the Havs react to the storm except to say - you crazy - you want me to go out in THAT!

Well, reality is I don't. Kat goes out and in seconds and gets drenched but not many others will. Who can blame them. That's when it is good to have them trained to a pad as well. It also helps when you are showing a dog as there are times that it is mucky and dirty and wet outside. There are some storms that boots and jackets won't protect them and that was what it was like last night.

Risa is also one of those dogs that could care less about the storms but she also has a bladder of steel. She's been known to hold it for 14 hours - which is a record around here but she is an adult and likes sleep more than emptying her bladder.

Needless to say, last night was ruff. Our son - we think had guests over when we were sleeping and the dogs kept waking up to that.

Getting pups from A to Z is not as easy as some think. If you are doing it right it's a lot of work. You spend time extending their time to sleep. You get them going on the pad. You expose them to all sorts of elements. You clean and clean and cuddle and love and it's work but each day they improve and each day you get closer to your goal of having a pup comfie with a crate - sleeping the night and socializing them. This process does not allow much consistent sleep til the later stages. Throw in a storm and well you can be yawning as you type - like me.


Can We See Them Too?

We had a couple over to see the pups and the crew is not allowed to be around them when they are out and about loose.

Today we had Kat, Treasure and Abigail but always just 1 or 2 at a time.

The pups are too small and we wait to integrate them in with the full pack over a period of time to avoid any of them stepping on them inadvertently.

The crew was hanging outside saying - hey what about me?

But this couple brought a toy for them and they are STILL playing with it. It's a keeper!!! Marlee even stopped sniffing to join in the fun!


Casual Brace

Some people don't buy into the stuffiness of showing as you can see in this brace.

Usually people are dressed up - suits/dresses - etc. But not this guy. I have no idea who he was but I laughed and clapped and had to take a photo.

I am not sure he won any prize topless but he sure attracted attention.

At least he wasn't stuffy and hot!

Well, we have Louis and Teddy visiting and they played up a storm as soon as he hit the house.

Teddy makes himself at home immediately. Sorry mom - he really has a grand time.

We also have Marlee and Jazmyn and Jazmyn looked for Nathan - he's her fave next to Treasure but when he wasn't here - I was second best and Marlee slept with me right beside my head. They already figured out the treats at grooming time ESPECIALLY Jazmyn but they have been here before. Oh and I have to get a photo as Marlee leads the crowds with keeping the duck at bay from everyone where Jazmyn is satisfied to snuggle and play and snuggle and play.

Well, we have puppy people coming to visit so have to get off. More tomorrow...


Katsura Group 1 & Championship

Something told me I had to go to the show today. I wanted to relax - play with the pups and catch up with work. Tonight I am doing work - getting Treasure bathed and going crazy but in a good way. I got to see Kat in the ring the first time and I got to see a group 1 win and his championship.

Kat not only had wonderful puppies but now Daddy is a championship with a group 1 and group 2. What a way to get there and he only had 1 day that he was shown before this show.

I am sooooooooooo very proud of my men.

The way the puppies wagged their tails when they saw us...I think they are too!

Tomorrow we have 3 visitors coming. I can't wait but Nathan will be away til the evening at a show and me...carrying the load til he comes home and him carrying it out there but I am up for it. I may be tired but this cloud 9 stuff gets your adrenaline pumping!

More tomorrow....


Bracebridge Show Group 2

Usually I do not place a post up twice - only on special occasions but had to say congrats, Nathan and Kat and Judge Doug Windsor for recognizing the potential of this duo. Kat got Group 2 today.

We are truly excited. It was worth the wait of letting his hair grow back in after puppies gnawing on him and an unnamed dog chewing off his top knot giving him a Joe Dirt look for too long. But the hair is growing and Nathan is enjoying showing - well most days.

Two points away from making this our 4th championship with those that reside with us full time with Nathan on the lead and me bathing this year and this one was born in our home.

Thanks for letting us brag.

Can't wait till they get home. (I didn't get to see it - sigh but hope to see him in the ring maybe tomorrow). I am waiting for them to arrive so I can bathe Kat yet again...

PS: Fiona - well I lined combed her and have yet to wash. Maybe tomorrow. Sooooooooo unlike me. Lined comb everyone else too... and even combed all the puppies...who are delish!


Talemaker Havanese Kat Swimming 2009

Kat's swimming again another season. What a guy...

What's different? He's running in between and he has more in the peanut gallery lending their barking support. Even our visitor Louis gets into the supporting cast!

We do love his passion for the swim! Enjoy...


Havenese Silly Talk

Did you know baby talk that dog owners often use when speaking to the family pooch allows the animals to be "socially stimulated" -- just like kids.

So all you men who think us females are a tad crazy when we talk to our Havanese in that cutsie fashion ought to try it themselves. I do know for a fact that when you do talk that cute talk to your dogs and forget about what others think, your Havanese reacts in such a positive way that it makes it easier each time.

When we started showing dogs in the ring, it wasn't until Yvonne took one of the crew in and started talking silly talk to her that we saw a huge difference in the way the Havanese was receptive to what you wanted them to do. Suddenly the whole body was showing happiness and that tail wagged like no tomorrow.

They are each different but dogs do benefit from 'silly' talk and so do you whether you like to believe it or not. Just releasing your silliness allows laughter - lifts your mood and gets your Havanese looking forward to spending more silly times with you. The bond is like no other.

One day I was in an obedience class with a bunch of dogs and one of our Havanese and I did my silly talk - saying how great mine was for doing what I asked. My voice was different than normal. It was a different pitch and it was totally distracting to the dog next to us. He wanted to participate in this silliness. The owner, who is one of our puppy people recognized it.

So - don't discount silliness. Humans and Havanese both need it in their lives. Laughter extends our lives and allows us to put aside all the seriousness that life has to offer. Find your inner child and enjoy life. It's about time. Your dawg and your spouse or significant other will thank you for it!

Besides, men who are able to connect with their dogs this way - well us females find them highly attractive.

When Nathan steps into the ring - rain or shine these days, the dog that is with him knows he is enjoying, relaxing, being silly and enjoying the dance with it's Havanese at the moment. So, wouldn't you want to be in the ring if that was the dance partner you had - one that found it to be fun?


Grandmotherly Times & Pups

Little by little I have been taking the pups out and letting the other dogs sniff. Risa (the grandma to the pups) has a huge fascination and knows what the pups are about.

Treasure is in awe. Fiona - when one attempts to lick her jumps back. Abigail - well she thinks wow.
Today, it rained and rained and so instead we had quick times outside getting soaked and brushed and inside times getting acquainted with the pups. Its' so nice watching the reaction.
Are we going to have fun when they are 4+ weeks old. I can't wait and neither can the dogs here - waiting till they get old enough.


It's a Dawg Day

How do you teach patience? We are still trying to do so. When it comes to eating, Treasure does flips waiting for her food. The gal adores eating. She's never first getting her bowl. She's actually one of the last ones to get hers - on purpose.

That's okay. It works to our benefit in the ring.

Treasure has started noticing Kat these days and is busy trying to tear his hair out. That's a no no on a show dog so we practice 'no bark' and 'no bite' more than the usual. The thing about Treasure is she is a dog that tests you.

You say 'no bark' and she lets out one more bark. You say 'no bite' and she grabs one more time just to say she can. She's called our 'step over the line' dog. If you like this personality - it's a true joy. If you give her rules and boundaries - she thrives but she also tries to get her last bark in - so to speak. She heels perfectly. She shows beautifully. She makes you laugh till your sides ache at times but if you didn't tell her and remind her what the rules are..she may not be so cute.

Dogs thrive with a clear understanding of what the rules are. Letting them be in charge of the house is not a wise thing. But when we see dogs of size and they are doing cute things - it's easy to laugh and ignore but you shouldn't.

I call this the two c's. Consistency is a must and courage to ignore the cuteness factor. hehehe


Messy Havanese Times

Doesn't mom ever groom us? Okay, she groomed me oh 3 minutes ago and I can't help but try to not look groomed the 2nd she finishes. It's my job, you know.

What do you do if you have this type of a dog?

One that likes to shove her head into things and tunnels all to give her that 'do that's less than ah...combed?

Well, laugh about it. It's one of the many things that you will find delightful with the Havanese.

Today the crew was playing like crazy with Louis. He has this way about him. It's a chase me game and he is good at it. He does it inside and out. At times all you can hear is the pitter patter of feet all over the house. It's a riot then they do it outside - under decks, up and down walks - every which way. They do believe in having fun!


Tail End Havanese Daze

It's the Tail end of the day. Mom has been busy washing 2 dogs before they go home - doing my usual grooming of each dog. The Zack and Coco are gone and it's a quieter place around here with just Louis and our usual crew.

Pups are growing - getting cuter by the minute. The weather is lousy but next week heat stroke time - yeah right.

But next week - maybe by Sunday we will take the pups out. Now that will be the backyard of course but still new environments.

Shhh Treasure thinks she is all that. She told me. ROFL

Shoshi just lies down and sighs...the young whipper snapper - she thinks...


News, Grooming, Photo Taking & More

Louis says to Kat - did you hear Treasure took breed in her last show? Did you hear Downsey got more points today - exciting but Mommy had to stay with us and the pups. She had to do this crazy hair tie on my head - groom all the dogs, clean the pool, do the poop patrol - yuck, pull weeds and practice 'no bark.

We have recently had many dogs introduced to the neighbourhood and if caught early with a gruff voice, you can get them to not bark but they may test you each time they hear a dog from afar. Today I practiced it throughout the day that by afternoon they looked at me pointing a finger and stopped. I don't accomplish it by anything but a gruff voice and catching it early but most of all being consistent. When I reach a level where all I have to do is point, I need to practice it when the door bell rings. I suspect that will be a tad tougher.

Our issue is Wasabi has pups so when folks come over - new dogs come in etc. - Wasabi calls the pack to protect her. How do they? - barking. I get why they are doing it but its not agreeable, So - we are practicing. Are you?

This evening I fed 12 dogs all in the same room without anyone stealing. Oh, we had dogs that tried by looking innocent and stealing a morsel that fell on the floor but beyond that - they waited in hopes I went away. I don't. I just tell them to get back to their own bowl - and yes they listen. You too can do this if you have multiple dogs.

How? By being consistent. It's human nanture not to be - so it takes work...sigh.


Internet Down: The Havs Life

Well, someone attempted to send Nathan a HUGE file and it brought us down. No Internet all day. We are finally back up and collecting mail and responding as fast as we can.

But that's okay. We got pool time in - loving time with the dawgs and we are enjoying the puppy breath and the pups walking better and better as each day goes by. They are also growing leaps and bounds.

Tomorrow is a busy day. Louis is coming. We have Treasure getting washed for her show Saturday. Nathan packed for the trip. He's gone late Friday till late Saturday. Zack and Coco going home Sunday...sniff.

I looked out across the pool today and said that bag of weeds and clippings HAS to go. It's been sitting there for so long - well okay just this week but that's our priorities. Plus...shh I think it's rained so it may have to be rebagged.

Check out our slide show on Talemaker Puppy Life for the latest pix of the pups.

Kat's demeanor is now as if he has had the best massage in the world. He's relaxed. Nothing to worry about - no gals in heat. is back to normal...whatever normal is.